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Should Larry bring back VGF as OCR's podcast?  

235 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Larry bring back VGF as OCR's podcast?

    • Yes
    • [b][size=7]YES[/size][/b]
    • Larry's merely part of the establishment now (i.e. yes)
    • Yes, as this promotes affirmative action

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This is your one time opportunity to hear some random fag from the west coast ramble about video game nonsense. DONT MISS OUT
Hang up the phone after the first thirty seconds of ROFL would be my advice.

And the funniest part is that based on BOTH of them, I can't tell which one of them would have changed the thread title from "Protricity" to "FGT"! :lol:


I finally get to go to sleep soon. While I get my ZzZs, head on over to https://webdrive.service.emory.edu/users/loji and snag the lastest AIM chat transcript courtesy of OverCoat. I'll be temporarily hosting the 107MB high quality, 96kbps-stereo version of VGF #21 over there as well until Binnie gets a hold of it and helps me out by mirroring it. Thanks a lot to Coma for helping me out there. I'm assuming by the time I wake up, it'll be mirrored, and at that point I'll host the 36MB lower quality, 32kbps-mono version, which actually sounds fairly good nonetheless, especially if you're used to listening to the archives Species helps me with when he's recording the show from our cruddy RealPlayer stream.

Species will still be my backup for show recordings, especially since you KNOW I'll F one of them at some point down the line. :-) Besides, I won't always necessarily have the time or access to just chill in the studio and encode my show right after I'm done, especially on substitution/mid-week shows. Also, take note, when you hear VGF through the RealPlayer stream or Species' recordings, I have to compensate for the deficiencies in the stream system by diminishing the bass and upping the treble to equalize the sound. So, when I record directly from the soundboard instead, those stream deficiencies are a non-factor and thus you get very low bass and dominant treble. The tracks all sound great nonetheless, so please, no complaints in those regards. Besides, with the information in the ID3 tag, you have all the info you need to pick up a track that your enjoyed for yourself.

Thanks a lot to Prot for calling in and giving a quality insightful interview on a shitload of topics. I know Coma and DarkeSword were saying that they prefer when interviews are more informal and off-the-cuff, but I feel that everyone should have at least one interview that's a more focused and informative. Once you get 1 interview out of the way, then, as DarkeSword can attest to because he calls so often, it's a lot easier to shoot the shit and not be as tied down to some sort of structure. I think VGF #19 from two weeks ago, where we had five impromptu interviews, was a great example of that. So if and when Ari calls again, yeah, it'll be a lot looser interview. Pr0t covered everything I wanted to tackle and then some, so I'm glad he stopped by.

Thanks to our mystery callers too, cuz I have no idea who they were of course. Also, again, I'd like to thank all of the new listeners and visitors to the AIM chat room, including LastUnicron, Black Hand, Zeality, k-wix & djpretzel, as well as the people who hung out in the chat room after the regular show was over for the afterparty featuring voting on the tracks from CompoST 6, as well stuff from Unknown, MC & Bloomer, WIPs from Sadorf & Hemophiliac and random OC mixes. I'm always glad more and more people are checking out the show and enjoying the layout, so I hope you guys keep coming back when you can. Now, let's get to the playlist, so I can go to bed:

Larry Oji - WMRE (Emory University Student Radio; Atlanta, GA)

"VG Frequency" - Saturday, March 13, 2004 / 10:05 PM - 12:35 AM

1. Jared Hudson - VG Frequency "Break Loose" Bumper

2. Mark Vera - Star Control 2 "Property of the Crimson Corporation" [OC Remix #1136]

3. zircon - "I Can't Feel My Legs" [CompoST 2]

4. OverCoat - "Honey Bunches of DUNGEON" [CompoST 2]

5. analoq - Doom 1 "demonik elektronik" [OC ReMix #1098]

6. Dave Wise - "Forest Interlude" [Donkey Kong Country 2 OST]

7. Protricity - Donkey Kong Country 2 "Forest Birdcussion" [OC ReMix #1138]

8. Protricity - Super Metroid "Premonition of Fell Purpose" [Relics of the Chozo]

9. Protricity joins in to go over why he remixes Donkey Kong Country 2 so extensively, the inspiration for remixing in different genres, the original plans for "Forest Birdcussion" including vocals from Star Salzman, his increased focus on sound quality for his music vs. the "need" for quality samples, the impetus for tackling Birdcussion in an ambient style, his mission to remix the entire DKC2 soundtrack, the reason for remixing from other games including the need to have an emotional attachment to those games, his overview of the quality, selectivity & voting habits of the OCR judges' panel, the validity of outspoken criticisms of the judges' standards and their mix rejections (Judge-hate!), how there's no good reason to feel overly insulted by impersonal talk on an internet message board, clearing up assumptions and giving the specifics of his dislike of Jeremy Soule's FF6 mix "Squaresoft Variation" including djpretzel's writeup for it, the negative externalities of professional composers submitting material to OCR, the effort involved in creating the Super Metroid collaboration album "Relics of the Chozo" including disappointment in the lack of participation from the mixing community and how he'd like to see the idea of collab projects thrive within OCR, his dislike of commercialization in the remixing scene, whether there was any difficulty in creating well-varied mixes for his large portion of Relics, how the Astyanax mix "Danger in Remlia" feels like his only personally unsatisfying work as a remixer, his satisfaction on how the Relics project ultimately ended up, various computer projects he's done including "Tank Fight" (beat the game on Hard mode, he dares you!), what aspiring mixers can do to get into the game without prior instrumental or music theory experience, what's potentially next for him on the music/remixing front, and his deep-seated personal hatred of zyko ;-) [http://www.public.asu.edu/~arasulin]

10. Protricity & zyko - Super Metroid "Perceived by Cold Intelligence" [Relics of the Chozo]

11. Protricity - Final Fantasy 6 "Enchanted Esper" [OC ReMix #744]

12. Protricity - Final Fantasy 5 "Cursed Pirates of the Sea" [OC ReMix #552 / VGMix1 #309]

13. Protricity - Donkey Kong Country 2 "Brambles in the Breeze" [OC ReMix #494]

14. Protricity - Astyanax "Danger in Remlia" [OC ReMix #529]

15. Protricity - "Traveling in Rain" [http://www.public.asu.edu/~arasulin]

14. mightcould - Tetris "CBAtris" [VGMix2 #1050]

15. Rayza - VG Frequency "Sonic Retard" Bumper

16. Mark Vera - Wizardry 1 "Medieval Magic" [OC ReMix #855]

17. "Jim Holland" of OC ReMix (amazing how I've never heard of him...ever) decries Protricity with EXTREME PREJUDICE; Who could that have been? WHO could that have been?

18. Noir - Final Fantasy 6 "Battle Theme (Ivory Metal Mix)" [OC ReMix #1135]

19. The Crystal Method f/bLiNd - "Keep Hope Alive (bLiNd's Promised Land Dub)" [http://www.thebrailroom.com]

20. Red Omen - VG Frequency "Brings Us Together" Bumper

21. Star Salzman - "Angry Jew" [CompoST 3]

22. Adhesive Boy - "The Mad Flutist" [CompoST 3]

23. Unknown - "Disquieting Deathmonger" [CompoST 3]

24. smh - "Impending Doom" [CompoST 4]

25. "David Lloyd" (a.k.a. djnutzel) brings a feminine touch to the show and let's us know that "video games, they're just video games", that he's "really gay", and "by the way, I'm David Lloyd" before Larry punts him off the air

26. Crazy Crakaz All-Starz (joecam, po!, mp, Roggah, DirectorFlik, Æ & Shael Riley) - River City Ransom "River City Rap" [River City Rumble OST / VGMix2 #1082]

27. DCT - Sonic & Knuckles & Sonic the Hedgehog 3 "Iced Out Nine Twenty Two" [http://www.thebigshot.com]

28. 50 Cent f/DCT - "In Da Club (Dark Sword Mix)" [http://www.thebigshot.com]

29. zyko & mellogear - Super Metroid "Samus vs. the Monster, FRENCH!" [VGMix2 #1103]

30. Kenji Yamamoto - "Brinstar Red Soil Swampy Area" [super Metroid OST]

31. BliziHiZaKe - VG Frequency "Cure For What Ails Ya" Bumper

32. analoq - "evil antiks" [CompoST 4]

33. Rellik - "A Boss Situation" [CompoST 4]

34. zircon - "Gnashing" [CompoST 4]

35. Unknown - "The End of the Road - And All Has Faded" [CompoST 4]

36. Quinn Fox - Phantasy Star Online "Unexplored Contact" [VGMix1 #1503]

37. MythosLogos - Shadow of the Beast 1 "Tribal Journey" [AMIGAremix #32]

38. Nobuo Uematsu - "Chocobo ~ Chocobo" [Final Fantasy IV OST]

39. OverCoat - VG Frequency "You're A Freq" Bumper

40. bLiNd - Extreme-G "G-Storm" [OC ReMix #1137]

41. Infamous - Fury of the Furries "European Fury" [AMIGAremix #56]

42. Rellik - Chrono Trigger "Deep Under the Shadow" [VGMix2 #1098]

43. Unknown - "They Who Walk Alone" [CompoST 5]

44. analoq - "all things heroik" [CompoST 5]

45. Nobuo Uematsu - "Chocobo Forest" [Final Fantasy IV OST]

46. Kenji Yamamoto - "Samus Aran's Appearance Fanfare" [super Metroid OST]

Hope to see all of you next week. When the low quality MP3 is available from me, I'll be sure to let you know.

Ha! I hate Jim Holland!

I don't have the HQ version of last Saturday's show mirrored yet, but if anyone wants the 36MB lower-quality version (it's still a good listen), please PM or contact me when I'm signed onto AIM and I'll find a way to get it to you.

Jim Holland is the man.

Jim Holland is almost as inspiring as fowl jive. I hope Jim Holland becomes a regular on the show. :wink:

Eh, I liked djp's surprise call better. I really wouldn't guess dave lloyd sounded like that. I thought he was 24 or something. Kinda strange how things can be...

I also expected a little more seriousness out of the creator of oc.


Thanks for the requests, bros. This week, I've been trying to focus primarily on playing artists who haven't been featured as often on the show. I've done AE's "Soap and Water" before as well as Beej's "Fragments of Gold," but I will definitely be doing Alexander Prievert's "Broken Mirror Reflection" as well as "LightSpeed" by Sir Nuts with Mae. I was actually gonna play Overheating tonight, but luckily I checked the thread out and saw your request Nuts, so thanks for the support, and I'll be playing Overheating next week. Fiz, if you wanna hit me up with another request you'd like, hit me up on AIM, and I'll see what else you may be looking for. If you know of anything by Beej that's good too, lemme know.

Aight everyone, we're almost ready for another episode of VG Frequency, and we've got some good stuff on board. The latest tracks from OC by Bloomer, Dan Baranowsky & Will Buck will be pimped out, as well as new VGMix releases from Kevin Stephens, goat (!), Icy Guy & GrayLightning. Carbunk1e recently brought AnimeRemix back into the game and we'll be having his latest track there covering X TV. We've also got the winning tracks of SoundTempest.net's CompoST 6 (analoq & Moose585) and CompoST 7 (Rellik & smh) on hand, as well as the top entries in reelmojo's People's Remix Competition 11 (ArseAssassin, DarkeSword, TO, muchi & Emporer) tackling Kirby's Block Ball.

Hmm...what else is there? Well, for fans of CastleVania 4, LastUnicron's got a fresh remix just released a few days ago that you'll really be feeling. For those of you only familiar with his Alisia Dragoon remix "Halls of Abandonment", Unicron works this mix in a completely different style you'll wanna check out.

JigginJonT's got a remastered version of the fan-favorite F-Zero mix "Silent Progression" in the judges' panel we'll be checking out, while Alexander Prievert, k-wix & Israfel keep things classic with some older OC tracks.

Always be sure to lurk around the WIP and WIP:O forums here to find out about interesting works, old and new, going on within the community. On the game remix front, we'll also be having stuff from Dr. Fruitcake, Norrin Radd, freshmaker and Shael Riley, while on the originals side, Destiny, djcubez, Ork Estral, Abram McCalment & Jared Hudson all bring their diverse styles to the table.

I always love making the playlists for these shows, since I think these represent good cross-sections of the community we're all a part of. If you watch my sig throughout today, you'll notice me playing tonight's tracks while I figure out what tonight's playlist order is. With all of that said, you better be there with me and the VG Frequency regulars tonight from 10PM-12AM EST. The AIM chat room can be reached by opening AIM and copying the link in my signature into you web browser, or just IM me. You also have less than a day or so left to snag last week's 107MB episode featuring Protricity over at https://webdrive.service.emory.edu/users/loji, so don't be left out of that one either. Hope to see you around tonight. And to DCT, our thoughts continue to be with you. Get better bro.

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