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Evidently this is what gives my life its most meaning, so I intend to seek it out a little further. I already have Wrath of the Ninja, the Iria series, The Street Fighter II movie, Akira and Shinesmen, and this is, apparently the anime era I'm most interested in.

I'm doing a huge trade thing at McKays in Knoxville and they usually have a lot of stuff from around this era. Any recommendations? I'm not really looking to indulge in a long series (anything that has more than 4 videos or volumes to it) but I have some time on my hands and I would appreciate any ideas.


Limiting yourself to OVAs and movies really narrows the quality pool. You should post what genres you're into as well. There's also a ton of OVAs that are part of a larger story.

Just as an example, fitting your criteria would be both Gundam 0080 "War in the Pocket" and Gundam 0083 "Stardust Memory", though they're both from the Universal Century (UC) timeline. The UC timeline starts back with the original Mobile Suit Gundam (1979), the classic Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam (1985) ZZ Gundam (86-87). Victory Gundam in 1991 ends what there is for UC Gundam I can name merely offhand, the movie Char's Counterattack (1998-9) is a good movie but is enhanced by knowing a few of the relationships and terms, as it is the end of early-mid UC. I haven't personally seen Gundam F91, but I heard it felt very rushed so I can't recommend it.

8th MS Team is 1994, and is very good for standing its story alone in the UC timeline.

As for what you're looking for, Gunbuster (1988) is 6 episodes from a brand new studio we now know as Gainax, which is probably some of the most concentrated goodness in 6 episodes thats really hard to match, a bit of fun, and bit of awesome. I wholly can't recommend that enough.

Yoroiden Samurai Troopers and Dancouga I'd also recommend, they have OVAs, they're both late 80's, but they're both 36-ish and 50-ish episodes a peice.

I can't think of more right now, but I'll surely be back. 13 episode shows were rarer back then.


Anything Miyazaki, really. Tenkû no shiro Rapyuta {1986} [Castle in the Sky], Tonari no Totoro {1988} [My Neighbor Totoro], Majo no takkyûbin {1989} [Kiki's Delivery Service]... those are just the ones in your year range. I know they're rather mainstream now, but they're really good films.


I would also add BAOH to that list as well. Riding Bean, Gunsmith Cats, Record of Loddoss War (the original series).

These are a few that I can think of off hand right now. If I think of anymore, I'll definitely post them up.

Limiting yourself to OVAs and movies really narrows the quality pool. You should post what genres you're into as well. There's also a ton of OVAs that are part of a larger story.

Understandable, but I just don't have as much time as I used to, and it would be very hard to try and get into another large series. I barely even care much about stories either, I can just wiki that stuff.

As far as genres are concerned.... I really don't know what I'm looking for. I know I get the most positive response when I see certain character designs like beautiful, multi colored villians with large cloaks and horns, combinations of fantasy and space elements, stilted animation, ridiculous fight scenes and energy beams and such... I'm not really into mech animes or realistic animes or anything.

Mostly I just want to really rediscover that feeling I got when I started getting into JRPGs back in the early 90s and very, very trace elements of anime, whenever it was available.

I would also add BAOH to that list as well. Riding Bean, Gunsmith Cats, Record of Loddoss War (the original series).

These are a few that I can think of off hand right now. If I think of anymore, I'll definitely post them up.

Oh! I have Gunsmith Cats somewhere and completely forgot about it. Thanks!

The only reason you might watch it is for the comedic value of the dub.

Yeah good idea that I forgot to mention, get the dub. It's actually a great dub considering the subject material of the show. Unlike most people though I genuinely enjoyed Mad Bull 34, because I watched it for what it was :3

Seconding Bubblegum Crisis also. Cyberpunk for the win. There's also good cyberpunk detective adventure game by Konami from around that time too, look for Snatcher for the Sega CD [you can emulate it with Gens fine]. You even have a little robot companion named Metal Gear <3

Also, look around for Project A-ko, Dominion Tank Police, Gall Force, and since you liked Akira I really recommend Roujin Z, a really good self-parody :)

Wiki tells me there are 109 episodes in that series. A good recommendation, as I had forgotten that name for a long time, but its a bit long for me. The OVAs look more interesting. Which one should I look for?

That's only the first part. There's 152 episodes total. As for the OVAs...watch them ALL ._. If you're going to get into Hokuto no Ken, you better not skimp on anything.

Also, lolbleckgotbannedagain.


This is my favourite era for anime too. People I know wonder why I watch "that old shit", but it's so full of charm, and the music is usually awesome as well. Big sucker for cyberpunk stuff, too. And, like-wise, I tend to stick to movies, OVAs and short series. The only big series I've watched to completion is Ranma.

Some faves of mine: Bio Booster Armour Guyver, Appleseed OVA, Battle Angel Alita (1993, close enough, the american dub sucks so get the mangavideo dub if you can), Robot Carnival, and Ranma too. AD Police, Tank Police, Cybercity Oedo 808 and Project A-Ko stuff is all good fun too.

Of course any Miyazaki stuff is great to watch as well. They're showing Howl's Moving Castle here over xmas, and I haven't seen that yet. Funtimes.

Of course any Miyazaki stuff is great to watch as well. They're showing Howl's Moving Castle here over xmas, and I haven't seen that yet. Funtimes.

Howl's Moving Castle is one of my favorites, actually. I still can't believe that they pulled in Jean Simmons (not of KISS fame) to voice Old Sophie in the English dub. Pretty cool.

Evidently this is what gives my life its most meaning, so I intend to seek it out a little further. I already have Wrath of the Ninja, the Iria series, The Street Fighter II movie, Akira and Shinesmen, and this is, apparently the anime era I'm most interested in.

I was going to suggest Iria, but you already beat me to it. Iria was my starter anime (Saturday Anime on Sci-fi back in 1997), and thankfully it has stood the test of time and I still find it good.

How about Teknoman?

Seconded, I got the full series of Teknoman (also known as Star Knight Tekkaman Blade) a while ago, since it was the first anime I ever saw when I was a kid. It hadn't aged quite as well as I'd hoped, but it was still a lot of fun to watch.

Also, it's a couple of years earlier than you're looking for, but the Captain Herlock film The Arcadia of My Youth and the slightly earlier series are fun space opera that I still enjoy.

What about Nausicaa? It's 1984, which is a year early but it's not a bad film...

Are you expecting me to go "NO! Can't you fucking read!? Its 1985-1992!! Not any of this 1984 shit!!!"? :P

Its cool, 1985-1992 are just numbers I put in for that general era. Nausicaa sounds familiar anyway, I'm going to look it up.


Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, though I didn't get the backstory at the time, was enjoyable to watch from its action and especially suspense. It was one of the first anime series I acquired before using the net became popular, through borrowing videotapes from a fan.


I'm going to step a little bit out of bounds here too..haha.

I can't possibly recommend Giant Robo (7 episode OVA series, the last of which was delayed for a long time) enough. It has some quirks, but the music has inspired me to no end, and it's one of the most dramatic..anythings I've ever had the pleasure of viewing multiple times.

It's quite vulgar, but I'm a *huge* fan of Ninja Scroll (film), as well as Wicked City. The Gunsmith Cats OVA series springs readily to mind, Bubblegum Crisis for the *fantastic* music (I'm honestly not a huge fan of the anime itself), and ditto for Macross II (not a big fan of the anime, as the art and animation are..a bit odd for me, but the soundtrack is simply unreal). If you like to go old-school OVA, then Outlanders and Iczer-One are both ones I found really fun when I was younger. Naturally, I'm a huge fan of the original Vampire Hunter D OVA, but I find it doesn't go over as well as the more recent film with most people. Also, though it again has its quirks, Record of Lodoss War OVA = a big yes from me.

Macross Plus (4-episode OVA series) is..I can't even come up with words to adequately describe it.

I'm also really fond of 8Man After, anything Dirty Pair, and 3x3 Eyes.

I could spend forever listing things, because this is the era I grew up watching and just generally being obsessed with. Good luck in your hunt.

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