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Wow...Fire vs. Ice month. That was such a cool compo. I remember how huge it was back then. Can't remember this remix in particular, though. Either way, excellent job in re-working it for OCR. One of the coolest tunes in DKC2, indeed. Loving the energy. Loving the guitars.

We need more tunes submitted from Fire vs. Ice month. Norg's "Black Ice" Chill Penguin remix would be great for OCR!


Doesn't sound as tight as other Scaredsim remixes, and the arrangement gets a little repetitive within each section, but with a lot of different sections that's not much of a problem. The tone is also a little repetitive, which some more synth use could have fixed, but the synths I did hear were all great, wish there was more of that. Highly enjoyable, probably one of those tracks that really grows on you. Great guitar remix of a great source.


I'm not really sure if I like the mix or not,I just think it was a little to repetitive. Just a personal preferance, more bass and a bad ass drum beat. That's all I'm saying for that


This mix is really lacking a heavier bass section, which is really wierd. I would have to say that the production here seems really wierd. I hear the bass, it's doing its thing, the drums are going, but the guitar sections sound so out of place here. They have a nice live element to them, but I don't feel that in the rest of this.

Still though, nice take on the theme. Enjoyable, but sadly not memorable. I would have to say that looking at the production would definitely be my best advice for the future. That guitar stands out too much, and not in a good way. It just doesn't sound like it belongs, and I'm sorry I can't give any better critique than that.


I like this one. Guitar takes of Donkey Kong music always appeal to me because I imagine Diddy himself rocking out on his guitar from DK64. This is definitely a good one - I do think it could've been improved by making the rhythm guitar louder - there's an unbalance in the sound. The drums are nice though.


Nice work, but there are some issues with this. As has been already pointed out, it is a bit repetitive. Maybe fleshing out the breakdown around 1:50 would have helped; leaving out the guitars completely and focusing on the synths. Some of the pace-changes are a bit weird, too, e.g. the one at 4:04.


I have to say this is a strong mix that really has some awesome guitar playing. How you manage to get a good tone with your strange setup is really cool I think.

awesome work on that snare sound, it is really powerful. I love the big and boomy snares you create.

When it comes to Scaredsim and Battlerager, they really make a good team on this track, and though it does go on for a bit too long, it's really solid and enjoyable. You guys should check this one out. :-)

  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 6 months later...

This mix is really good. I really think that this is a bit of an improvement over the original, because the original was great, but being surrounded by lava normally brings on heavier music instead of "bop", right? Well, a rock verison with multiple guitars and some sweet drum work seem take it to that level. Nice work.

  • 2 years later...

I really like this one. It's a little repetitive, but it's definitely a solid take on two of the best tracks in DKC2. The transition to Arctic Abyss was pretty well done, too. No one's mentioned that yet,it should probably be listed in the source section. But, yeah. Good work.

  • 4 months later...

I remember hearing the DoD version of this track a while ago - this track could use more instrumentation to help fill out the sound more I feel, but otherwise is a solid rock take on the source that evokes a bit of punk influence to me. I definitely enjoy listening to this track every now and then.

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR01791 - Donkey Kong Country 2 "Lava Dead Beat"

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