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This is frankly beautiful, and anyone who says differently is wrong. I don't care if it's an opinion or not, they are wrong. Not that anyone has made that claim here, but I'm just getting that little fact out of the way before I continue.

On a technical level, I think this is about equivelent, or maybe a little more complex than his "Tale in Piano" for FFIV. However, I think that the source material for this peice is more emotional and powerful than Tale in Lute (which Tale in Piano was based off of) which gives a direct advantage to this peice.

As far as comparing this to "Town Life in Piano", another chrono trigger work, this is worlds away in terms of quality. Quite frankly... I found Town Life to be a little... bland. Dull. Technically high quality, but without much soul.

This has soul. This has PLENTY of soul. If I were to have a complaint about it, that complaint would be that it's only three minutes long. I mean, other piano works (not by klutz) have been eight minutes long! This could have been extended that far, and I'll bet still maintained the beauty, but... heck. How can I complain? This is three minutes of bliss!

I congratulate you man. This is awesome work. Good job.


Another kLuTz supreme!!! Really good music in a really good mood and the piano solo is very well played!

I loved it and my ears did as well!!!

Good thing kLuTzl, keep up the good work!



ReMix by: kLuTz

Original Composer(s): Nobuo Uematsu, Noriko Matsueda, Yasunori Mitsuda

Posted: 2003-09-17 Copyright: Squaresoft

Year: 1995

System: SNES


So, I thought Klutz was capable of far better than this. This song, though as good as usual, could have been much better. 3 minutes is rather lazy, and the song lacked in arrangement. It was basically a 'standard piano remix' of the CT theme and it could have been more.


Nooooooooooooo!I was the frist one to dl this song but i had to go to some class'es so i missed out on posting a review. Ack!!! I could have been the frist one on this review list!!!

Oh well. This song is pretty good although i have to loop it like it never ends to get my fix. Longer!!!

Also with respect to the song being a all out piano remix, it could of used some strings. There was soooo meny spots that would have been beautiful with strings.

Here's an exsample of what i'm talking about.http://www.ocremix.org/detailmix.php?mixid=OCR00130

That would have made it a 15 out of 10 if it did did something like that.



I don't get why length is an issue here. I find that if a song goes on for too long, you stop listening to it after a while. This is particularly true of Spekkosaurus's wonderful "Trial in Concert". It's a beautiful piece of music, yes, but the sheer length of the piece means that it often gets pushed aside for other songs.

I love everything about this song - good length, very beautiful. It's good stuff to relax to, and is a little bit better overall then "Town Life in Piano", due to it holding the interest more. I've actually had this song on my computer for a while, I'm not sure where I got the old one that I had :?:

Still, always great to see high quality stuff getting posted :)


Very true, Out-Trigger.

I've had this song downloaded since probably almost a year ago, from Klutz' site. I knew it would show up here eventually, as it's another fantastic arrangement by Klutz. :)

Personally, I prefer some of his other works, like his FFVII Overworld arrangement and his original composition "The Quest," but this song shows some different styles from Klutz, and is definitely a welcome addition to OC Remix.

Excellent stuff. :)


ReMix by: kLuTz

Original Composer(s): Nobuo Uematsu, Noriko Matsueda, Yasunori Mitsuda

Posted: 2003-09-17 Copyright: Squaresoft

Year: 1995

System: SNES


So, I thought Klutz was capable of far better than this. This song, though as good as usual, could have been much better. 3 minutes is rather lazy, and the song lacked in arrangement. It was basically a 'standard piano remix' of the CT theme and it could have been more.

oddly enough, i am sort of in agreement with prot here.

this is the 4th piano song klutz has done that follows the exact same structure/format. it sounds great, yes, but i'd like to see more variety. experiment around with different ways of playing the piano besides arpeggio-based playing like this. also, i think i remember hearing some piano+orchestra pieces by him a while back and it would be nice to get a remix like that instead of just more solo piano that follows the same format every time.


Have to say, I'm going to disagree with quite a few posts here... while this is a good sounding arrangement overall, it's very much lacking. It.. sounds like it's half improv, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it also means in this case that the harmony is very bland, as well as the accompaniment structure. It's just more of the same, to the point where one wonders whether Klutz is capable of doing much more than this. The short length does beg the question... did Klutz simply run out of ideas?

There was also this... uneasiness about the introduction that I didn't like, like he was having trouble controlling the notes, and resulting in a few oddly accented notes. That said, I do like CT arrangements because it's excellent music to begin with, and this is better than a lot of stuff out there. The overall performance and recording quality is very good, but I guess you'd expect that from an electric piano. I also appreciate that this recording is very old... Klutz has most likely improved since.


Real, beautiful, passionate. I haven't heard klutz's other stuff, so I can't speak to the whole "it's the same as the other ones" argument. All I know is that he's given this theme a wonderful pair of hands to flow through.

I've listened to the original recently -- this adds in a nice, sad touch to it. Almost like nostalgia for 600 AD. I listened to this on loop for a good half hour: this is my new brooding song.

There's immense talent here. Generic style or not, this guy has IMMENSE talent. Hope he keeps it up.


I'd like to take this moment to agree with Rayagon and review this remix without comparing it to anything else. The moment I pressed the play button in Winamp and heard the first few notes, I knew this would great. And I was right. I may just be a sucker for piano, but this made me feel like I died and went to Heaven. I don't think it's fair to compare this to the other works of kLuTz and say they're the same, or whatever other criticism. On its own, this is an excellent piece of work. While some might call it short, I personally don't think of three minutes as short. Not every remix can be an eight minute masterpiece.


the question comes through, would we want 8 minutes of this?

What this song does, it does well. It is a short, concise, deliberate, straightforward rendition of the world map theme (a type of theme, that in videogames isnt always known for the best compostion or emotion). What this song lacks in imagination and time, it makes up for in strength. This is a strong peice that uses the existing material in a manner that needs no additions. Klutz could have gone crazy and done a solo, or mixed in a second theme, or even added more instruments or some other gimmick all together. Instead we see this one song, without any frills or tricks, stripped to the bones, and built back up in a simple and beautiful manner. Props to klutz for this one. it is a remix to remember.


kLuTz I love all of your remixes, but I have a question.

The FFVII song- A World of Piano that you did was by far my favorite and i was wondering if you have a copy of the sheet music, i dont know how you do your remixes if you write the sheet music down or just remember it but if you do have the sheet music for a world of piano, could i please have a copy of it. Im doing a project in my music class in college and i would love to play your piece.

Thank you


I remember this being in the WIP forum ages ago...so now I have two...the WIP and the official :D ...Keep your excellent piano skills coming our way, kLuTz!

heh, same here... that was... what *thinks* at least 3 months ago, maybe even 6 months ago if I remember correctly.

Great stuff here Klutz, its one of my favorite pieces from Chrono Trigger, a very simple yet emotional piece.



...:sniff:....Oh, kLuTz....

:joyous wailing ensues:

:floor drenched in tears:

...You've made me such a happy man. Ever so blissfully happy.

You see, this is my favorite song from the game, and I have practiced my own version of it on the piano. So hearing this is like hearing a tribute to my life's works and efforts. I've always wanted to hear the song this way, kLuTz, ever since I first heard it. After hearing this, my body and mind have melded into one keenly observed air of flutteryness or some such. It's like you're living my dream. But I enjoy it, because I could never do it anywhere near this well. And because I can't submit ReMixes in the first place.

kLuTz, you have given me new MEANING by submitting this. This is the greatest thing to ever touch my ears. I'm lost in a trance of bliss, and I don't want it to end. I AM *HIGH* on this song.

Alright, now I'll try to get over my happiness of body and mind for just a few minutes to comment on your arrangement.

This arrangment is so good, I think I'd like to have my ears arrange it all over again, or some such. You know what I mean. I love how well it follows the original tune while still being great. I'm not exactly sure how you pulled that off, because there were serious flaws in the original. But anyway, I enjoy particularly the extra notes and chords you threw in. They add so much without adding too much. Do you know what I mean?

Coming form another perspective, the ending is great too. I very much enjoy how it goes so high and clean. It makes an incredibly fitting end to the song. My only problem is that it's so short, but I suppose this was incredibly hard to do, and it's no issue when the song is 'en loop. I suppose I'll just be positive. So, instead of thinking of it as "three minutes short" I'll think of it as "three minutes long". It works much better. Besides, the length is no real issue.

To sum up all I've said, your arrangment, performance, and ability are unequaled except maybe by Beethoven himself. And since he is dead, that puts you in first place. You are the greatest piano-man alive, and I admire you so much for what you have done. kLuTz, you are my hero.

With undying passion for music, art, and anything from kLuTz, esp. this,

~Ex-Mage, the oddly named music critique~

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