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Wow, beautiful. Too bad I haven't heard the original so its hard for me to say anything videogamemusicwise. But just plain good ol' musicwise: great stuff. The overall feel is very beautiful and the emotional vocals are top notch. This track definitely needs them, and with them, it DELIVERS. Once again: it was absolutely beautiful and the overall dreamy vibe is quite powerful. I like.



Man, this is awesome, a rare gem that stands above the others in originality and quality.

You can hear bits and snippets of the original melody here and there, but then right after the middle section there it is.

Awesome stuff, you two!



I'm sad.

You've been sharing your arrangement of this from early on and I liked a lot of the earlier demos and where they were going. I think this version is really good (except, what's up with the guiro? - really took me out of the experience) but I remember liking some stuff I heard before.

But glad you got it done and out so I can hear it.

And good job, Starla. Would have liked some awesome vocal stutters on the vox!

...but I remember liking some stuff I heard before.

If you're talking about all the stutter edits and the high-pass filtering, yeah, I was sad to see those go. Once I mixed the vocals they just didn't fit.

Would have liked some awesome vocal stutters on the vox!

I added some vocal stutters in a later demo, but didn't use them since I thought they were a bit distracting. They did sound pretty cool, though.

Thanks for all the comments everyone! :grin:


Wow. I cannot stop listening to this song. I've had in on repeat throughout the day; I'll probably have it on repeat throughout tomorrow, too. (There are perhaps only 2 or 3 other songs on OCR that've had a similar effect on me.) This is my favorite theme from the DKC soundtrack, and I have a particular bias towards vocal remixes. So I expected to like it, but, I didn't expect it to be this utterly amazing.

On the arrangement, I like how the main theme is still pretty strong throughout the melody, yet it softened up the heavy industrial sound of the original to fit with the mood and lyrics. Speaking of which, the lyrics were really well-written at that--with the metaphor of the factory giving the arrangement a sense of purpose. Oh, and Injury's singing... I already liked her voice in some of the older remixes (like Blue Reflection), but this is at another level entirely. The chorus is perhaps my favorite part of the song, and I keep humming those four lines to myself ("Reality is by this factory / Prescribing what is not in need ...").

The guiro was an interesting touch; not sure how I feel about it yet--it probably could have been removed without losing anything (oddly enough, I heard it clearly in WinAmp, but didn't notice it so much on my MP3 player--maybe I need new headphones? [EDIT: Figured it out--it was a balance issue on my settings]). I agree that the guitar coming in around 3:05 isn't really up to par with the rest of the piece--mostly because it sounds 'average' when everything around it is leagues ahead. After that (about 3:45) it feels like it's drawing to a close, but then picks up momentum--not really bad, just unexpected.

Anyway, those are all really, really minor issues. Above all, it's an amazing remix. I'm glad to hear some new vocals by Injury, and I really hope we see more stuff by Nicole in the future. But, how are you gonna follow this one up? KF


I really like this song. I downloaded it when it was first posted, but didn't listen to it until earlier today. I had forgotten in the write-up that there were lyrics, so I was taken back when I had heard them. They fit really well. I especially like how its a new song on it's own, but at the same time you can recognise the different parts of the original song. A few of my co-workers did a double-take when I had this playing on lunch. "Wait, this is set to that factory song from Donkey Kong!"

I'm not a fan of the chorus, though. The lyrics are fine, but it's the singing that bothers me. I don't know how to describe what I don't like about the singing, other than it sounds too different from the verses. I think the best I can describe it is as having a processed sound to it.

The lyric before the chorus, "I cannot feel, I cannot breathe freely" also sounds kind of forced. In particular, "I cannot feel" with the sudden change in pitch.


Thanks for mentioning this:

...with the metaphor of the factory giving the arrangement a sense of purpose.

...and this:

I especially like how its a new song on it's own, but at the same time you can recognise the different parts of the original song.
[record scratch]


I'm totally cool with this. PM me if any of you want the vocal files.


This song is addictive! I woke up with it in my head the day after I first heard it and had to listen again (and again!).

Starla's voice is wonderful and the lyrics are beautifully original. I really like the change in intensity throughout the mix and subtle additions like the echo at the end.

Great debut, Ms. Adams!


I have had this sitting around in my "want to listen to this but don't have time" folder and finally got around to giving it a good listen. I'm VERY glad I did. There aren't many vocal mixes on the site and it's a treat when a new one comes around.

I hope to hear more vocal mixes of this sort! :)


Amazing. When I first listened to this, I thought "this is as close as you can get to professional production and singing." After repeated listening, I do hear some of the problems that have been mentioned in this thread (guitar etc), but damn if I care. At all.

I hope to see both of you on the front page again soon.

Maybe I'm crazy, but I'm getting a "Kingdom Hearts" vibe out of this.

Great song!


Yeah, to say the least this is really unique. Truly amazing, high quality stuff, and a pleasure to listen to! :) I'm not a big fan of vocals all the time because they often conflict with the soundscape, but this is a huge exception. This song reeks sophistication seriously! Great stuff both of you!

So I think it stands to reason that this is, in fact, one of the best releases of late. Between Nicole's fantastic beats, glitchy n' all, and injury's silky smooth vocals, I must say, I really, really love this track. This remix is put together very, very well. You want high quality remixing? You just got it.

Well done ladies, well done indeed.

This man has said all I would say.


well i wanted to review this sooner, but i forgot on the day it was posted and havent had internet till now.

I have heard demo after demo of this awesome song. it was great before the vocals were there, and even more kick ass after they were put in. There is nothing about this song i dislike in any way...except for the removal of some studder stuff or whatever you wanna call it..but that is what older demos are for :razz:

i sure hope that you two do more collabs like this in the future if the results are gonna be like this.



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