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Been waiting all week for this album; finally found a copy this morning. Did not disappoint.

btw, to whoever's interested in this ilk, I've been updating my c79 touhou album post.

lol you seriously had me RAAAAAAAGING for a second there bro

so congrats you successfully trolled me

high five o/

im not kidding all of your work is chronirithhtihththtihtic in my library


dude I'll kill you

I'll kill you

the name ben briggs means nothing to me


but i did like you and halc's band thingy on facebook it is your one chance to reveal my true identity and face me in mortal combat

Listening to the Sonic Unleashed OST. Not exactly that great of a game, but I loveee the music.

That can be said for all sonic games (the music part, not the level of greatness of the game itself.) Sonic is one of the few franchises that has a soundtrack that you can listen to outside of the game and enjoy for a prolonged period of time. Best VGM in the VGM kingdom, other than TRON: Evolution in a few select cases.


Endless Possibilities from Sonic Unleashed

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