xamgis Posted November 30, 2003 Posted November 30, 2003 This is awesome! I'm not a particularly big fan of long intros but this one trully makes the piece. It didn't feel like an intro to me...and I was so into the music I didn't even reallize the rain had stopped until later... The rest of the song was great...and the ending was just right for it... Nice work! Quote
FlankingLine Posted December 7, 2003 Posted December 7, 2003 The reviews thus far seem rather mixed, even DJP's, but this may very well be my favorite remix on this site thus far. I listened to it on headphones and havn't noticed a volume problem compared to other remixes. What can I say? I really liked the orchestral intro. I liked the devlopment from 1:50 to 3:11. I enjoyed the trance part of the piece immensly (and trance is generally not my favortie genre). And the ending did its job well. Although each part of the song seperatly is not the absolute best within its own genre, the flow, momentum, beauty, and power of the remix makes it one of my favorites. 97/100 Oh, and isn't the title of this remix "Emotions Lost in Time"? The site has it simply as "Lost in Time". Quote
Corporal Eschebone Posted December 22, 2003 Posted December 22, 2003 I never owned Tales of Phantasia. I came across this mix on ormgas. I heard it, and a minute through, I KNEW I had to have it. A great addition to my newly formatted hard drive... .... *sob* Quote
krale Posted January 6, 2004 Posted January 6, 2004 The slow part at the beginning is pretty darned good but I have a few criticisms.. 1: Drop the "Sound Blaster Live" thunder opening. It's really corny. 2: Hack out the techno-trance half. The orchestrations are much more.. beautiful than repetive trance that everybody and their brother have done. I know I can come off very negative... forgive me about that. I tend to aim for the neck. Still, good job. Quote
Metsubo Posted March 10, 2004 Posted March 10, 2004 This has become my new favorite OC Remix. The entire song is powerful, and meshes very well from orchestral intro to trance body. It's been a while since I heard a song I didn't want to stop, and this is one of those songs. Great song... Quote
InfinitysEnd Posted April 10, 2004 Posted April 10, 2004 Well the reviews on this song are very mixed. So I'll break it down into a few quick sentences. You need to like two very distinct styles to enjoy this piece. 1.) mellow, melancholy, and dramatic piano and 2.) hard kick ass, in-your-face techno/trance. I happen to like both, and this dude pulled it off very well. The piece has a very distinct A-B-A structure, but I think it works well with it. I can blast this song every time it comes up on my playlist and I never tire of it. The climax of the song is around 4:18, and god, it is just wonderful. I hope that gives anyone who reads this a better view of the piece. Also, if you like this one, I would wholeheartedly recommend Breath of Fire's "Sad Melody" by FFMusicDJ. Quote
F'lar Posted August 1, 2004 Posted August 1, 2004 I'll keep it short and sweet: I have a new favorite song Quote
eyefragment Posted August 26, 2004 Posted August 26, 2004 I've never taken a music theory class, and I don't listen to mainstream music. My musical background is simply that I'm a mediocre trumpet player. That's it, so I'm not going to go into any major detail. I know what I like. This is it. From beginning to end, the entire song was amazing. The flute solo at the start carries a lot of emotion with it; once I heard that, I knew the song would become a permanent member of my playlist. Once the transition to trance came around, well, I was blown away. Some people say that there are a lot of parts to this song that need to be improved (including GLL himself). To that, I reply, this song has so many layers that it is inevitable will be many "mistakes." It would be difficult for a single person to go through this 7 minute long song without finding something they don't like. Still, I'm amazed that people can dislike it, even with the errors. These errors can be seen as adding more more, not making the song worse. For example, I noticed the muffled pillow aspect that people were talking about, but it didn't bother me much, because the entire song was made up of so many short, moving layers that it just felt like another level of complexity rather than a sound error. As a side note, a friend had been bugging me to play this game (Tales of Phantasia), but I didn't want to bother. This song made me play it. I was quite surprised when the source material came up some five minutes into the game. I was thinking two things the entire time. One, that the sound on that game is amazing by SNES standards (as are the graphics. They had shadows that change length/direction with respect to light, non-tile based movement, wow!). Secondly, I was wishing that I was listening to GLL's rendition. The source is a very sad song. Nonetheless, the remix's opening would have done a better job expressing the emotions of the main character in that scene. Quote
Gant Posted September 20, 2004 Posted September 20, 2004 This song's beginning is more than good enough to be it's own mix by itself, but when the beat get going, I listned to it 4 or 5 times in a row and still didn't tire of it. It has a sad yet dark feel to it, great for those who use music to express there moods. So far, my favorite remix of any game out there. Quote
WingsOfFire Posted September 20, 2004 Posted September 20, 2004 I downloaded this mix a while back...and being that I've played Tales of Phantasia (and own the soundtrack,) I immediately loved this track. Even with the mistakes, this has been my favourite mix off of this website for quite some time. Being as this part in the game is depressing, I think the mood is just right (it's also good for roleplaying, if you like that sory of thing ) GLL, if you do remaster this mix, know that I'll download it the minute I see it on the front page of OCR, 'cause it will always remain my favourite. Quote
The Mutericator Posted November 1, 2004 Posted November 1, 2004 This is one of my top three mixes, along with 'Triforce Majeure' and 'When All Hope Has Faded'. The smooth transition from sad, quiet background music to powerful techno trance definately caught my ear, and this remix has emotional value to me, because I distinctly remember the parts in ToP where 'Be Absentminded' played. Is it 'Lost in Time' or 'Emotions Lost in Time'? 'Cuz the file says emotions, but the title on the site says lost. Quote
BlueMage Posted February 15, 2005 Posted February 15, 2005 Probably one of the saddest, angstiest songs I've heard in a game soundtrack (and even more impressive, given the hardware it originally ran on) and yet, something like this came out of it....I got this sudden urge to play ToP again after hearing this. And given the sort of criticisms being leveled at this remix, I'm now very glad I have no aptitude whatsoever for making remixes, because it means I can appreciate the music without picking it apart. I think that's something the judges ocassionally forget too. Quote
krale Posted April 16, 2005 Posted April 16, 2005 This song is really pretty good, except for the LAUGHABLE sample of the thunder at the beginning. It's the Thunder sound that the install of the drivers/software from a Sound Blaster Live. That sample, for me, ruins the song. Quote
Mr. Halloween Posted April 25, 2005 Posted April 25, 2005 I like it. Then again I like alot of classical like music. But still it was soothing. Quote
Syko 2 Posted April 27, 2005 Posted April 27, 2005 Although I enjoy the soft soothing parts of remixes, I think the beginning of this remix is just so simple, it comes close to boring. But I definitely go for the techno section of this remix. It's been on my favorites list for some time now. Quote
Petara Posted April 27, 2005 Posted April 27, 2005 What a great remix. I loved it the first time I heard it. Sure, the opening is a little drawn out, but once it gets down to the happy hardcoreness it's one of the most enjoyable remixes I've heard. It's a shame I've never played the game...I'd probably enjoy this song even more. Quote
razor's edge Posted April 30, 2005 Posted April 30, 2005 Heh. I had no clue this was a trance mix until the intro ended. I love how it starts out with the sad stormy undertone, breaks into the main trance part while retaining the feel of theme. Also, at the end, instead of just trailing off or breaking off, it slows back down to finish off the song with an ending. A great work all around. Quote
Sibelius Posted September 12, 2005 Posted September 12, 2005 The way this piece behaves... I love it. (The techno part is like. wow! (Not in the World of Warcraft way)) I love the way this song "glides" over from slow emotional music, to the more trance-like part Only one bad thing. my listening skills seem to stop after 4.5 minutes or something, as i dont remember anything from that time to the end, maybe it gets too repetive. Im not really into deep-analyzing this song. After all, it a great tune worth a listen. Quote
RimFrost the Tourianist Posted October 25, 2005 Posted October 25, 2005 A little melancholy here and there is good for you. Some very powerful techno/trance beats follows a looong and sweet piano and string section. This old remix still stands up strong and brave today. +1 to that Quote
marational Posted January 18, 2006 Posted January 18, 2006 Wow! It just blew me out of my mind! I loved this remix so much. Definitely my favourite. The trance part is so awesome. Totally representative of an awesome game.Awesomely remixed. Quote
Frictional Antidote Posted September 12, 2006 Posted September 12, 2006 My cousin was the one who introduced me to the techno genre. While I like this particular mix, something about it could use a change. I feel like somewhere near the mid point of the song it could use a change up. Perhaps change over the choice of sounds. Don't know what it is, but it feels like it needs to evolve more for the genre being presented. However GLL has always turned out quality work. It's good, just not my favorite from him. Quote
BIGSTEVE Posted September 12, 2006 Posted September 12, 2006 This remix is really smooth. It starts out all slow and quiet, and gradually steps out into a sort of rave party track. It's really unique in my opinion. Quote
Fraggy Posted September 13, 2006 Posted September 13, 2006 Fragment The Famous here. So... well... the whole idea of a slow start and a build-up isn't really unique. At all. Infact it's been in music for centuries. But I think you made the slow build-up last way to long. It wasn't 'till pretty much half way that it actually reached the release. I think the techno part is kind of... cliche. It's not much different then any other techno beat. This isn't that well done. I think you could have done better. 7 out of 10 Quote
SideCut Posted January 2, 2007 Posted January 2, 2007 So far, my favourite remix heard on Overclocked, tied with Zebesian Midnight from Vigilante (different styles, so can't make a choice) I love trance, and furthermore, I love the original track too, and of all the trance remixes I've heard here, this song has the best build-up ; the synth line progressively releasing the low-cut filter starting at 2:44 is so good !!!!!!!!! Of course, we can criticize the "microsoft thunder" sample, or the volume of the rain. Of course, global sound quality is not perfect, but it's good enough for me to not care about it. The structure is very well organised, and there are enough layers to feel immersed. In the end, melody is the greatest force, otherwise how would have we been able to appreciate and remember more than 15 years later songs like the ones in Journey to Silius, Castlevania 1, or Captain Tsubasa 3 with such rotten sounds ? In my opinion, perfect sound quality has always only been an added bonus. Go on GLL, hope to hear new remixes from you soon ! Quote
Lord Zero Posted February 19, 2007 Posted February 19, 2007 I personally felt really overwhelmed by this ReMix. In a good way, I felt it growing up around me, making me feel a little down with the start and build up, then I just kinda drifted away with it. When the Trance part starts crashing, then you realize that all the time (three minutes!?) you heard that soft melody is just to prepare you to get up and listen to a smooth cloud of emotions that keep on the nostalgic and sad theme but pushing you to get up and move up. I'm not saying it's the best I've heard, but it certainly ranks up there on the manipulation part. It's amazing how this piece moves you through it all. 9/10 and it doesn't gets a 10 due to a few technical errors, and the fact that unless you really feel the music, the start will seems like forever for you. I, for one, love it. Quote
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