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Diablo 2 1.13 Patch possibly as soon as next week! Join us!

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I refuse to play Diablo 2 again... at least, not the standard version. Too much meph/baal running ruined my life for too many months.

On the hand of things, there's a friggin' awesome mod called Median XL that just makes the game heavenly. It says its compatibility is with 1.10-1.12, but it does work with 1.13.


Best. Mod. Ever.

Also, what's tppk'd? I probably know it, but it's been too long since I've played the original to know what that is.


Wow, normally I don't like to complain about a patch to an old game, but for something that was built up as a sweeping change patch really looks disappointing in patch notes.

There's a couple of nice changes in there, but really? I was figuring this would be a full on revision of abilities, similar to 1.1. Guess I was wrong there. Well, whatever. Still probably won't be picking up DII again and I'll just wait for DIII.

  • 2 weeks later...
I refuse to play Diablo 2 again... at least, not the standard version. Too much meph/baal running ruined my life for too many months.

On the hand of things, there's a friggin' awesome mod called Median XL that just makes the game heavenly. It says its compatibility is with 1.10-1.12, but it does work with 1.13.


Best. Mod. Ever.

Also, what's tppk'd? I probably know it, but it's been too long since I've played the original to know what that is.

+1 on this. Though at the moment there's this sort of awkward limbo since Median XL v1.E9 is being released to coincide with 1.13...but 1.13 isn't official yet, etc etc.

Median has still been a blast. I still play Zy-El from time to time for the heck of it (only in act2 normal), but i'd recommend Median XL over it.

  • 1 month later...

Well, it HAS changed a little bit (no more TPPK'ing, by the looks of it, and another new quest, woot), but it's still a relatively small update. Still, I think I'll download it and try it out.

I'm itching to play again (especially since my Hell/Act 5 Druid has been eaten by my hard drive :( ), so I guess this is the best time to start again.

You didn't look very hard, did you :/

This is new, like today new, may not be a huge difference from the one released in December, but it shows blizzard is working on something other then WOW.


wait wait wait.... DIABLO II????

i smash on zombies and demonspawn like empty beer cans in DII.... i've easily invested about a year or two of my life (as in man hours) into that game at one point or another.

true story: just about a week ago, i found my collector's edition and leapt with joy! then i tried installing it on win7 and failed and cries. so i rented dante's inferno and gagged.

sadness overcomes me cuz i want to plllaaaaayyyyy diablo 2 and can't wait for diablo 3. my necromancer Ra was more cruel than all 3 demon brothers!


D3 kinda feels like Blizzard is short changing everyone on character classes, it's like the 4 classes won't really cover everything properly. And yes Brycepops, no paladin makes me unhappy ಥ_ಥ

  • 3 weeks later...

From the Battle.net D2 forums...

We will be resetting the Diablo II ladder on March 23 with the release of patch 1.13. We anticipate all Diablo II realms to be down for approximately six hours during the reset. More specific information on realm availability on the day of the reset will be posted in the Battle.net Status forum. When the ladder is reset, all existing ladder characters will be converted to non-ladder. All characters and items being converted to non-ladder will remain intact, but once converted these characters will no longer have access to ladder content such as creating ladder-only rune words. For more information on ladder characters please visit the Arreat Summit Realm Character Types page at http://classic.battle.net/diablo2exp/basics/charactertypes.shtml
Originally posted by TehDonut one year almost...anyone still on board with the whole lets play together and climb the ladder plan?

I'm always ready. Just say when and I'm there - although I normally play on West, I'll change over to East, for this ;-). March 23 fo sho'? Channel OCR? Let's crank this shiznat up, while listening to DKC2: SMB...

Even after all this crap, I'm always ready for another go on D2, sadly.


Oh man would I listen to SMB while playing.

Well, as you can, I'm up for a game; all that matters is seeing how my new computer and windows 7 accepts D2; and finding the right date to play on. On another note, I'm considering switching to bowazon, but it depends on what everyone else takes.

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