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OCR01096 - DuckTales "Moondust"


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Happy new year.

And;it has been a while since I spotted a new remix which immediately made me think "I simply have to check this one out".

And Ducktales is one of those gems that simply does not get too much attention (not to mention it´s sequel).

It´s kind of sad that it´s the moon song that gets remixed the most (which is obvious,since it leaves a notable track) but regardless of all that,this is a great piece of work.Granted that it is not too brave in interpretation but a beautiful take on an old classic.

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This is very good. I LIKE IT.

The overall mood really serves the excellent melody well. With a melody like that, there´s always the risk to spoil it somehow. But this piece does justice to it. The sounds are great, and the calm mood is excellent. The "soundscenery" is very well built. Everything supports everything else. (That´s a nice way to put it :D)

The "C" part or transition or whatever starting at 1:43 is just B-E-A-T-I-F-U-L. Nice pizzicatos and everything. Great part. If a music video would be made for this song, the camera would go above the clouds in this part, or maybe through a beautiful valley.. Something ûber-romantic like that.. Gotta love it!

Anyway, a great and an original version of a great, classic song.

It´s gonna stay on my hard-drive. FOREVER... Muhahahahahahaaahhaahh.. (evil laughter) :twisted:


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K now see, that tune just isn't meant to be remade that way. Even if you would have made it exact the same but better qual or better drums or whatever, it's just not made to be like that. The arrangement is almost paradoxal. Anyways, good look with your next remix.

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i'm going to be honest here... the beginning totally threw me off. i didn't like it. the organ seemed forced, the drums seem like they should be in the back ground and the synth should be in the fore. but at 145...jeez. those strings are amazing. i really wish that texx focused mor ont he strings than anything else. this would be a great song for him to remix in a classical feel. the string plucks and the violin make for a great feeling. it hits you and makes you stop and say "wow - this is different." then the organ comes back and makes you think "aw man - whered my strings go??"

what was said before was partly true - it does sound like muzak. but parts of it are simply beautiful. focus more on those strings, and less on the organs and synth drums. this sounds like it could be a great lullabye with a bit of work.

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  • 1 year later...

This is the slow version of the Moon theme. Certainly this material is something nostalgic. But I appreciate the violin and the pizzicato in 01:40. I think that this work would go to be better with the correct melody. This needs improvements in the arrangement. It would very go to be good substituting what it arrives in 00:32 for a piano. But good work.

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  • 1 month later...

I liked this song. I'm using video game music from when I was little to study for my music theory. Don't get me wrong, it's awesome. The theme hear is from one of my fav songs of all time. You havn't heard "The Moon" until you played it yourself on guitar. Hhe. Maybe one day I'll do one of The Moon like how JAXX did for The Starlight Zone. Omg, LightningStar for Sonic 2 rocks. Anyways. This is overall a good song.....at least I think so.... (O_0)

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  • 5 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Very nice and sweet synth for this one, but I liked the synth that came at 2:36 even more. A very trippy and calm mix, doesn´t happen very much but this song is of the moon, and not much happens there either. This could be the number 3 track to OCRemix Love collection, because it does sounds like a movie where a man and woman just stands and looks inside their eyes for the next hour under the moon. Boring, I know, but alot of feel.

Niiiice texxdude. 8)

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  • 1 year later...

For a moment, I thought the song was actually gonna kick ass.

The countermelody could have been in a better synth. Started liking the rhythm and the quietness of it all. However, I HATED the new chord progression. Puts the original progression to shame. Nothing wrong with trying out a new progression, but the new one just SUCKED. I really let down.

Nice usage of the tremolo organ in the middle. The original chords were kept then... guess makes up for it...

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  • 2 years later...

In this mix, the sound quality is lacking in some areas, but there are so many great surprises in it, with a ton of new chords- It gives the impression of a new song, and I think the new chord progressions work really well with the existing melody. The rhodes is great, and the solo violin is actually pretty good as well. Though it doesn't progress a ton, there is a lot of ground covered in this one, and if it would have had the production to back up the arrangement, this would have been a stand out classic.

As is, it's still more than worth your time to check out.

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  • 8 months later...

Ahh, nice chilled EP to start off. This is an interesting mix of some laid-back jazz and basic synths. Nothing really stands out as spectacular, but it works effectively as a relaxing backing track. Some of the instruments were stronger than others - I particularly didn't care for the violin lead. It came off as thin and a bit fakey, but all in all not a huge deal. I think thing song especially benefits from a very strong source, so it's hard to go wrong in that regard.

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