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If that were the case, I would expect they would increase the actual damage of the goo to keep people from just hopping to avoid damage. Besides, I initially had that same thought, but then decided that the whole point of the spitter was to basically cause a temporary "DO NOT OCCUPY THIS SPACE OR YOU WILL TAKE DAMAGE" area specifically to break up corner/closet campers and scatter tight packs.

Another general thing I've noticed, and I'm curious to hear you guys speculate on this, but most of the people who are not hyped about L4D2 or prefer L4D1 are usually the people who prefer campaign/single player to versus. I really don't think I know of anyone who's really into versus mode who is NOT excited about L4D2. I of course speculate that many of these new additions were implemented specifically after getting feedback about certain issues in versus. Stuff like the corner camping, or lack of range damage infected, or not being able to revive dead survivors. Or the whole concept of separating a survivor (or more) from the group in general.

Versus mode is what I usually play when playing L4D1. It seems like I haven't been playing L4D that much recently.

Then again, Valve has actually been doing stuff with TF2, plus L4D2 is only a week away...


Well, I can see both sides. Single player means no jackass teammates or grievers, but you're missing out on a lot of the team work mechanics that make the game fun (not to mention that in single player, when your character dies, that's it; restart the map regardless of who else was still alive).

Campaign is fun the same paragraph, but reverse it a bit so it's about teamwork, but has assholes.

Versus is like... Versus is difficult, sometimes. I don't mean, "It's hard", I mean that it's a rather different mindset to get into. You can play the campaigns or single player and get a really good idea of when, where and how the zombies will attack. Versus, however, removes that knowledge because suddenly, you have Special Infected that will not only hold back and plan, but do so with all kinds of different tricks. I've never seen a Hunter claw swipe someone and incap them in campaign, but you damn well bet it happens a lot in Versus.

And then you have the tactics used for playing as Infected. Very different. Coordinated strikes, waiting for the Survivors to come out of their hiding spot... it's a different mindset.

So, yeah, tl;dr version: Versus and Campaign are very different kinds of games.

Versus is like... Versus is difficult, sometimes. I don't mean, "It's hard", I mean that it's a rather different mindset to get into. You can play the campaigns or single player and get a really good idea of when, where and how the zombies will attack. Versus, however, removes that knowledge because suddenly, you have Special Infected that will not only hold back and plan, but do so with all kinds of different tricks. I've never seen a Hunter claw swipe someone and incap them in campaign, but you damn well bet it happens a lot in Versus.

And then you have the tactics used for playing as Infected. Very different. Coordinated strikes, waiting for the Survivors to come out of their hiding spot... it's a different mindset.

So, yeah, tl;dr version: Versus and Campaign are very different kinds of games.

What I'm looking forward to the most in L4D2 is Versus-mode in which I don't spawn as Hunter 10 times in a row*.

I'm terrible at jumping on people as Hunter, thus it's my worst infected.

* This is not an exaggeration. I actually spawned as Hunter 10 times in a row in Death Toll map 1. I started keeping count once it happened four times in a row. The map ending is the only thing that stopped this.

Versus and Campaign are very different kinds of games.

This. Just this. I like Left 4 Dead a lot, but I typically only play Campaign Mode co-op with friends. To me, this is where I have the most fun. My biggest complaint about the original was that unless you were playing on Expert, the game was fairly easy and pretty predictable. That said, I'm psyched about L4D2's new Special Infected and Realism Mode to make the game a greater challenge for even seasoned Campaign players.

And even though I didn't much care for Versus in the original, I'll probably be willing to give it another go in L4D2. I think I just found playing Infected too frustrating in the first game. Unless you played it enough to know every in-and-out of every map, your strategies in many cases were limited. I think L4D2 will do a lot for opening up the Infected game and allow some more cunning plans and devious traps.

So, yeah, tl;dr version: Versus and Campaign are very different kinds of games.

Right, although what I was getting at specifically is that the people who aren't all that in favor of L4D2 seem to favor campaign mode in L4D1 as opposed to versus.

I mean, that's fine. Personally, I guess the campaigns got old after a while once you started being able to predict where the AI would spawn, and what tactics they use. And it got pretty easy to beat. For instance, crouching behind a doorway waiting for a hunter to peak through so you can melee it/shoot it in the face. Because the AI isn't smart enough to tell that hunter he has a pathetic chance of doing any real damage to you or the team by attacking that way. In versus, it's all about predicting the ambush, and successfully defending/thwarting it. Or, if you're playing infected, working as a team or picking that critical place in the map where the survivors are going to be most vulnerable to you.

That's why the new infected and items are so exciting to me. Just being able to play through the new maps and make mental notes like "hmm, that's a good place for a charger to eff up the survivors..." etc etc etc.

Right, although what I was getting at specifically is that the people who aren't all that in favor of L4D2 seem to favor campaign mode in L4D1 as opposed to versus.

Yes. This is the point I was trying to make however many pages ago about you (the plural you, not just BGC) and I playing different games.


i prefer campaign mode over versus, but i'm stoked for l4d2???? am i just the odd egg? (or maybe the community and valve BOTH completely failed when it came to custom content. 96% of community maps are survival mode, which is a ballsack on the eyes, and valve hasn't made a real full-figure campaign in ever.)

i prefer campaign mode over versus, but i'm stoked for l4d2???? am i just the odd egg? (or maybe the community and valve BOTH completely failed when it came to custom content. 96% of community maps are survival mode, which is a ballsack on the eyes, and valve hasn't made a real full-figure campaign in ever.)

Well, no, I wasn't saying that if you like Campaign mode more than vs that you're not really in favor of L4D2. I'm simply saying that the people who AREN'T in favor of L4D2 seem to be folks that prefer campaign mode.

i prefer campaign mode over versus, but i'm stoked for l4d2???? am i just the odd egg? (or maybe the community and valve BOTH completely failed when it came to custom content. 96% of community maps are survival mode, which is a ballsack on the eyes, and valve hasn't made a real full-figure campaign in ever.)

There are a few community maps over on l4dmaps that my friends and I have played.

Seems like the one one we liked was Death Abroad, though.

I also mirrored some campaigns on my website because L4dmaps mirrors suck.

Well, no, I wasn't saying that if you like Campaign mode more than vs that you're not really in favor of L4D2. I'm simply saying that the people who AREN'T in favor of L4D2 seem to be folks that prefer campaign mode.

ahhh ok, i just misinterpreted what you were saying. i def like the idea of vs mode, but after playing a couple of l4d1 games competetively i really hated it because it really lacked any sense of balance. rushing and autoshots typically prevailed against halfway decent infected teams, and a really good infected team could take out the survivors by setting up a smoker and three hunters spawn :?

also yeah death aboard or abroad or whatever was pretty good when i had a beta of it on my server. i'm just kinda griping because everyone seems to make survival mode maps or gimmicky maps, and there aren't many well developed campaigns... or at least there weren't 5 months ago when i still cared to play l4d1 :V

rushing and autoshots typically prevailed against halfway decent infected teams

Yeah, definitely a valid gripe. Which is why I'm so happy about the tweaks to the AI director, how a pipebomb or boomer attack or panic event won't completely clear out a level of all horde.

In general, rushing seems MUCH harder for anyone to pull off, let alone an entire team.

It's because they're playing the demo on Advance or Expert. Yeah, it's more fun, but the Spitter acid does a lot more damage per second. Even the few seconds it takes to get out of the pool can take off a lot of health.

Mind you, you can hear the damn thing from miles away, and most of the guns will take her down long before she gets into range, so...

Significant addendum: You know the top of the scaffolding at the end of teh second level on the demo? The framework on the outside, specifically. On a game just a while ago, I was standing on the framework, not the deck, and a Spitter shot at me. The goo hit the deck, and I was surrounded by the acid. But I took no damage from it, because that slight height increase was enough to keep me out of it.

So there may be some instances where a very slight ledge or other height difference will negate any Spitter attack. Watch for corners and walls with small ledges in future games.

Two hours? I figured it was being released at 3AM EST. What with valve being on the west coast and all.

A Slight Clarification...

posted by Shawn @ 08:41PM on November 13, 2009

Due to an ongoing debate in the office and online as to whether "12 AM" means noon or midnight (we're still sticking with midnight), it's been more challenging than we realized to tell people when exactly our game will be available. Factor in the Earth rotating around the sun, daylight savings time, some of our fans insisting on using the Mayan calendar, and we're just going to try and make this as specific as possible:

When L4D2 will go live:

  • Monday, November 16th, 9:00 PM Pacific Standard Time
  • Monday, November 16th, 10:00 PM Mountain Standard Time
  • Monday, November 16th, 11:00 PM Central Standard Time
  • Tuesday, November 17th, 12:00 AM (midnight) Eastern Standard Time
  • Tuesday, November 17th, 5:00 AM Greenwich Mean Time
  • Tuesday, November 17th, 8:00 AM Moscow Time
  • Tuesday, November 17th, 2:00 PM Japan Standard Time


Wish I could afford it. :( Stupid bills and lack of 'extra' money.

Ah well.

Played the demo, it seemed a lot better than the first, especially with the additional SI and SI changes. Hopefully I'll be able to afford it some day. Until then, have fun playin' it guys. :o

Early dismissal from work to go play L4D2. Yeah.

Life is good for me.

I will see ya'll @0330 EDT.

You mean...

Brushfire: "Can I leave early?"

Brushfire's Boss: "Why?"

Brushfire: "There's this new game that's coming out tonight, and..."

Brushfire's Boss: "Sure, go ahead."


Best boss ever.

no seriously what part of valve time do people not understand

When L4D2 will go live:

[*]Monday, November 16th, 9:00 PM Pacific Standard Time

[*]Monday, November 16th, 10:00 PM Mountain Standard Time

[*]Monday, November 16th, 11:00 PM Central Standard Time

[*]Tuesday, November 17th, 12:00 AM (midnight) Eastern Standard Time

[*]Tuesday, November 17th, 5:00 AM Greenwich Mean Time

[*]Tuesday, November 17th, 8:00 AM Moscow Time

[*]Tuesday, November 17th, 2:00 PM Japan Standard Time

well they really should not put this kind of thing up if they have no means of sticking to it..

I know what you mean but its just going to piss people off.. .. people who will soon forget the second its available.. ha.

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