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Everything about this game just feels bigger, better, and much more badass than Left 4 Dead. I can't find anything other than the still retarded survivor A.I. to bitch about. From the weapon to the level design, this game is probably the best of this year hands down.

I must say one thing though. From what it feels like, L4D2 is to L4D like Super Street Fighter IV is to SFIV, that is, this is the game for those serious about a good, challenging time. I can't even think about playing this game with anyone who I don't have a total sense of synergy with. Casual L4D fans need not apply here.

Worth every goddamn penny spent.


I'm mostly disappointed by the fact that the survivorbots are still absolutely retarded, and that valve is still too afraid to let their characters drop the F-bomb (the lack of which kinda takes off a layer of immersion for me).

and that valve is still too afraid to let their characters drop the F-bomb (the lack of which kinda takes off a layer of immersion for me).

funny because on the other side i like the game a lot more without that

oh and from gabe himself



Grrrr, my achievements have been reset AGAIN. Four times now! Four times!

I'm not bothering with this game until they fucking fix it. They add these little extra challenges, and they're fun trying to get. But where's the fun when you have to do them over and over again, only to see your accomplishments disappear every two days?

Fuck this. Playing the game is fun, but getting those little extra bits is also fun. When a significant part of the fun disappears all the time, it's not a game, it's a fucking chore.

Grrrr, my achievements have been reset AGAIN. Four times now! Four times!

I'm not bothering with this game until they fucking fix it. They add these little extra challenges, and they're fun trying to get. But where's the fun when you have to do them over and over again, only to see your accomplishments disappear every two days?

Fuck this. Playing the game is fun, but getting those little extra bits is also fun. When a significant part of the fun disappears all the time, it's not a game, it's a fucking chore.

yeah im pretty angry too like not pretty angry more like really really angry


No, it's like having a three layer cake. Now take one of the layers away. That's what it's like. You're missing part of the whole thing, and it's lesser than what you would like.

And I swear, if one of you even begins to say anything about cakes and lies, I'm going to firebomb your house(s).


Achievements are going to kill gaming. : /

Playing the game is fun, but getting those little extra bits is also fun

So once you have them...what then? Is the game no longer fun?

Most of these so-called 'achievements' you should do every time you play anyway, so. I don't know what the big effin' deal is about this.


its because some of them are incredibly difficult and the first time getting its fun but after that its just annoying (i know some people who got the real deal and then it got wiped)

its because some of them are incredibly difficult and the first time getting its fun but after that its just annoying (i know some people who got the real deal and then it got wiped)

Why do you 'need' those achievements?


because it makes you feel good that you accomplished something challenging, especially if your friends are also trying to accomplish them too

no recognition for something that is supposed to get recognition (an achievement) is frustrating


So why do you need the achievement? Shouldn't just accomplishing the hard thing be enough?

Did you ever do something 'hard' in a game before this whole achievement bullshit came out and be proud of yourself for doing it? Hopefully the answer is yes, because you should be doing the same thing here. Be proud you did it, and don't make a big deal over the 'achievement' still being locked or reset or whatever.

because it makes you feel good that you accomplished something challenging, especially if your friends are also trying to accomplish them too

no recognition for something that is supposed to get recognition (an achievement) is frustrating

I agree with this.


You don't "need" an achievement - they're nice as a more tangible form of accomplishment, but the only negative thing about achievements is if you have a negative attitude with them. I'll go for them up to a point, but I don't necessarily have to complete them (I still have 2 TF2 achievements left for example, but I don't really think about them).



So if they're not needed, why do people make such a big deal over them? I mean, quite a few people are here in this thread raging because they're being reset.

If you do not need them, why are you getting mad? That's what I don't understand. you're making a big deal over things you admittedly do NOT need.


So if they're not needed, why do people make such a big deal over them? I mean, quite a few people are here in this thread raging because they're being reset.

Because that's just how some people are. Can't you just accept that and move on? :/

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