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I do.

How many Metroid games do we have now where you're dropped somewhere all by yourself to explore giant planet/space ship/whatever with no real narrative to go by?

Too many.

The Metroid universe is giant; vast. There has to be more to it. There are so many STORIES to be explored, it's insane.

I say Metroid games don't NEED a driving narrative and should be very personal, isolated experiences. If it were me, I'd take a dozen more exploring giant planet/spaceship games that have plot without having a progression driven by it. I feel like in a Metroid game, exploration should drive the progression, and unlike Zelda, no matter how often it's repeated that kind of Metroid game never loses its magic for me. I AM definitely down for games at least referencing Samus' backstory if not focusing on it (because it's all supposed to have happened, but we've never even seen any of it ingame before!) - just not as much a linear plotline. I think there's a sense of realism in Metroid games that comes from the player having to figure out what's going on, because the characters wouldn't naturally expose that kind of thing to the player - that's the beauty of the scan visor and lore.

That said, I'll buy this and play the hell out of it because it DOES look really fun, action-packed and well-made. It's just sad to sacrifice the atmosphere and the amazing style of the Prime games for this anime style, linear plot, and frequently talking Samus, none of which I feel fit Metroid very well. But the action DOES, and if all those scenes in the trailer with a hud are ingame footage, I'm prepared to be blown away. And no matter what it is, it's new Metroid, and I can't wait. This name is really confusing me though. To me, "Other M" really sounds like a development title and not the final name of the game - maybe it will change somewhere down the line?


I'm bored, so I captured some moments of interest.

Part during Super Metroid where Mother Brain kills the infant Metroid.


Someone of interest, or random soldier?


What exactly IS a living body arms lab?


And of course, there's this woman.



You know, having watched the trailer a few times, I would like to say I hope they don't use false melodrama in telling the story. You know what I'm talking about. The kind of "We're under attack! Samus is our only hope!" kind of stuff. I'd rather see something that appears really thought out, and not just flashy CG and overblown voices.

I know its only been talked about for a few days and I don't want to come across as a naysayer, but I've seen how Team Ninja handles its storytelling with the Ninja Gaiden series and...let's just say Gaiden doesn't win any awards for its narrative. I guess I hope Nintendo takes the reigns with the storytelling and leaves the visuals/combat to Ninja.

'Course I'm but a wii (punzz) consumer so I won't know what to think until more info's released. Still looks fantastic in many ways.


I dunno, I always thought it'd be pretty cool to have a game where Samus' history with the federation was shown a bit. I know it's kind of the opposite of the classic games' vague atmosphere but you know...it's been done. Maybe they'll handle it alright, Ryu wasn't exactly the most emotionally explosive and talkative character either despite all the cut scenes.

What's cool about the third person perspective is we'll get to have the hyper dash, traditional screw attack, and other things possibly come back as well as new ways of using her equipment. Get to show off Samus' more dynamic movements in full glory again. I hope it'll still have a good deal of utterly lost exploration mixed in though.


Am I the only one who'd rather see a new, typical 2-D metroid with fantastic sprites or 2.5-D graphics?

Eh, whatever. I'll like this game anyway, Metroid's awesome...


If I rebuy the Wii, it will mark the first time in history that I've bought a system for myself twice. I didn't think any game could make me consider that, but... fuckin' hell... a Metroid game set during Samus' past? We know that it's her past because that's Adam-what's-his-face from Fusion, the guy who calls her Lady. The guy who's dead by the time the main series commences. And a mother brain re-emergence... ah, that would be awesome.

Other M will probably reference something in the story.

Never said it didn't - I meant that's one of the things I do like about it.

Also those screens are nice...that scene with Mother Brain looked amazing. I wonder if it's actually in the game somewhere as an FMV or if it was just put together for the trailer.


In watching the trailer over and over, there appear to be a lot of scenes and areas that look like they could be from past games. The forested area where she's fighting what appear to be Arachnus looks like it could be the surface of SR-388 as shown in the intro to Fusion. There's also the place where that giant multi-eyed creature leaps out from the lava which looks a whole lot like Magmoor Caverns (and possibly a magmoor) from Prime. There's the part where she's grappling with a Space Pirate, however, the design of the Pirate is very close to the X-parasite ones. Then there are the bits with Adam and Samus' past as well as the scene from Super Metroid. With so many seemingly different time periods and locations, I feel like the game either deals with actual time travel, or a lot of flashbacks. At any rate, there seem to be quite a few connections to Fusion here. Actually, now that I think about it, this could all just be some kind of "Umbrella Chronicles" for the Metroid series.

Incidentally, the dead soldier could very well be Adam and the Living Body Arms Development Lab has something to do with them making an AI out of him. Why he's dead right outside the lab is kind of odd, and of course that would mean that Samus should have known about it prior to Fusion seeing as how she's kinda standing there while that other lady is logging on, so that theory's pretty much debunked already. Could also be that guy that either we or Samus is supposed to remember. I also thought it was interesting that, during the fight with the giant, purple squid-thing, there are a bunch of Federation Troopers providing cover fire for Samus.


They were providing cover fire? Thing's so fast I could hardly keep track. But in the screen where they appear for the first time, it looks like she locks onto them with her targeting computer. Of course, that could just be how she avoids hitting them if they are friendly...

There's also the place where that giant multi-eyed creature leaps out from the lava which looks a whole lot like Magmoor Caverns (and possibly a magmoor) from Prime.
There's also the place where that giant multi-eyed creature leaps out from the lava



Am I the only one who'd rather see a new, typical 2-D metroid with fantastic sprites or 2.5-D graphics?

You know, if Nintendo teamed with Vanillaware (odin sphere, muramasa), I think a 2-D look could actually trump anything 3-D in my opinion. Then again, I think said developer definitely has their own style and I don't think it would fit well with a decidedly dark kind of look that Metroid is known for. In any case, the quality of said sprite work though would certainly be there.

Am I the only one who'd rather see a new, typical 2-D metroid with fantastic sprites or 2.5-D graphics?

Eh, whatever. I'll like this game anyway, Metroid's awesome...

Trust me, there's nothing I want more than a 2-D Metroid.

I believe this says it all.



No. If it looked like Crocomire, I would have mentioned it looked like Crocomire. Actually, it looks more like some magma-dwelling Queen Metroid offshoot...






Fair enough. You're putting way more effort into analyzing this than I am, honestly, so I'll assume you're the master in this field. I think I'll sit back and wait for another trailer and some screens before I start speculating.


i remember playing Super Metroid and loving every second. The end when the Metroid dies protecting you actually mad me very upset. Seeing that trailer brought back memories.


Could that lava multi-eyed thing be a scene from Metroid II? You know, where she fought and (supposedly, obviously not, according to later games) wiped out all of the metroids?


That's exciting if they interpreted it right, but it seems like they might be jumping to conclusions - I don't think he acknowledged it's real, he just said someday you may see a game called that in stores, but Other M isn't it - and that he's very familiar with the name, but I mean he would be, given how much the name has circulated online. But this is PROMISING!

And maaaaaaan if it's true...

New sidescrolling Metroid would probably be even more exciting to me than Other M, and that's saying something. Either way, I'm sure we wouldn't see this, if it exists, until after 2010.

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