EC2151 Posted September 23, 2010 Posted September 23, 2010 Every game that's on the Wii gets a particular bashing from Yahtzee since he hates nintendo. On the other end you have Game Overthinker, who thinks FPSes are so terrible and that Nintendo can do no wrong. In other words, a chode. Quote
RDX Posted September 23, 2010 Posted September 23, 2010 Obviously you can't understand sentences, as my post outlines how many videos I've watched and the extent of my criticism. you gotta be kidding me. have you only watched wii game reviews? yahtzee hates everything, that's the whole point. tencharacters Quote
The Author Posted September 23, 2010 Posted September 23, 2010 Again, you fail at understanding how Zero Punctuation works: He doesn't hate everything, he criticizes harshly videogames, but will admit to a game's good point when appropriate. He has a huge hardon for God of War for example. The problem is, as soon as he touches upon a Nintendo game, he moves to unmitigated hatred even if the game has positive aspects, sometimes resorting to cheap theatrics such as blaming the Mario franchise for being "stale" in a review for NSMW or Galaxy. There is never a counter balancing point that he often makes for every other game on the 360 and PS3. He has a bias against Nintendo, and I'm not the only one who says it. Do you really think that MOM had no redeeming factors at all and that it was pure shit of the highest level, such as Kane and Lynch? There really was no part of that game that was enjoyable? Because in many reviews Yahtzee will acknowledge enjoyment derived from games even if he hates the technical aspects. As soon as you hit a nintendo review however, its manure all around. Quote
Brushfire Posted September 23, 2010 Posted September 23, 2010 I once saw a comic where Samus was having sex with Ridley. That is some character development that I could get behind. On the subject of ZP's hatred for the Wii, his job is to entertain, and sometimes cheapshots are the easiest way to do that. Quote
RDX Posted September 23, 2010 Posted September 23, 2010 I once saw a comic where Samus was having sex with Ridley. That was a fanfic, actually. Though I wouldn't be surprised if someone has made it into a fan comic by now. As for Zero Punctuation, I doubt Yahtzee tries that hard to single out the're looking way too far into this. Maybe he's a little biased, I dunno. But I do remember him tearing apart God of War 3. Quote
Scufo Posted September 23, 2010 Posted September 23, 2010 There's a pretty good one of her going through a "ganguro" phase and everything that entails it. Some nice text dialogue to go with the image as well.But since I can't post that I'll show something kid friendly... [image] "Why are they shaking with their left ha- OOHHHHH" was my thought process Quote
Gollgagh Posted September 23, 2010 Posted September 23, 2010 "Why are they shaking with their left ha- OOHHHHH"was my thought process why does the doctor person look like a cross between colonel sanders and gendo Quote
The Author Posted September 23, 2010 Posted September 23, 2010 I rewatched it to make sure I wasn't unfair towards yahtzee, and well,he's kinda playing dumb. The whole "deleter" plot is not forgotten like he claims, it is resolved and if you pay attention to the plot you know who the deleter is and when he died. But that implies paying attention to the game. Quote
Cerrax Posted September 23, 2010 Posted September 23, 2010 It could be that the Wii gargles balls compared to other systems. Let's be completely honest, if Other M was released without Metroid in the title on XBox Live Arcade, it would fade into obscurity for the rest of human history. Standard definition, last generation graphics, with ancient controls, and incredibly sappy japanese storytelling to boot? There are $8 XBLA games that have better production value than Other M. Other M sells completely on the fact that it's Metroid and Team Ninja. Nothing about it is terribly new or extraordinary. And while it is a well done Wii game, it's still limited by the fact that it is a Wii game. How come no one goes on and on about Red Alarm, an above average shooter from the Virtual Boy? Oh that's right, because Virtual Boy SUCKED.Yahtzee simply knows a poor investment when he sees one. And the Wii is a very sorry investment. A technologically inferior system with massive amounts of shovelware. Nintendo, for all it's innovation and expansion of the gaming world, neglects to further the medium as an art and are simply more content selling it as a toy. Name one Nintendo title in the last decade that has presented video games as a valid art form. Quote
BardicKnowledge Posted September 23, 2010 Posted September 23, 2010 It could be that the Wii gargles balls compared to other systems. Let's be completely honest, if Other M was released without Metroid in the title on XBox Live Arcade, it would fade into obscurity for the rest of human history. Standard definition, last generation graphics, with ancient controls, and incredibly sappy japanese storytelling to boot? There are $8 XBLA games that have better production value than Other M.Other M sells completely on the fact that it's Metroid and Team Ninja. Nothing about it is terribly new or extraordinary. And while it is a well done Wii game, it's still limited by the fact that it is a Wii game. How come no one goes on and on about Red Alarm, an above average shooter from the Virtual Boy? Oh that's right, because Virtual Boy SUCKED.Yahtzee simply knows a poor investment when he sees one. And the Wii is a very sorry investment. A technologically inferior system with massive amounts of shovelware. Nintendo, for all it's innovation and expansion of the gaming world, neglects to further the medium as an art and are simply more content selling it as a toy. Name one Nintendo title in the last decade that has presented video games as a valid art form. Cerrax, "production values" (by which you mean HD graphics) aside, you're not going to find a better platformer than Galaxy 2 on the 360 or PS3. You're not going to find an adventure game better designed than Zelda or Okami on them either (note: Okami was on PS2 first). If you want HD graphics, go play your 360. Great gameplay innovations (pushing the medium forward!!) have always been the realm of Nintendo. If you're really that set on graphics, look at Muramasa or Kirby (when it comes out) -- great art styles and great graphics, just not in HD. Now, I have a 360 and use it a bunch more than my Wii. That being said, there simply aren't any $8 (or $10) games on XBLA with production values approaching Other M. There are only two or three XBLA titles that can even come close. I'm surprised you didn't mention Shadow Complex specifically, as it is essentially a re-skinned Super Metroid sequel with ridiculous production values at $15, and the best value to gameplay ratio (imo) for any game of this entire generation. (edit: and yes, it's better than Other M by miles. Go play it!) As far as Other M being "well done", I think it looks great and you'd be hard pressed to convince me otherwise (though Galaxy 2, Prime 3, and Muramasa are still the best looking games). Story wise it falls flat more often than not. But let's talk about problems, not things you're making into problems. If you're just in this thread to bash on the Wii, you're going to have to come up with better arguments than "my HD FPS games are better lol". That being said, if we really want to talk about "art" games, I think the PS3 is the place to be for now -- Heavy Rain, Flower, Journey (soon) are all amazing experiences. But if you don't think that Galaxy (2) is a work of art, you don't like video games. Oh, and people actually still talk about Mario Clash for Virtual Boy, and how awesome it would be on the 3DS. Red Alarm wasn't "above average", it was "Star Fox 1 in all red". Did you actually play the system? Quote
Rozovian Posted September 23, 2010 Posted September 23, 2010 I kind'a liked the controls. Yes, the missile thing was terrible and the first person view has never worked for me with the wiimote. Also moving so slow was annoying. But the minimalist controls made it more immersive imo. That's something MOM did better than any previous Metroid game I've played. Haven't played on GBA tho. Quote
The Author Posted September 23, 2010 Posted September 23, 2010 Metroid: Other M. I say that as a soon to be M.A. in literature. The plot is complex, but still easy to get, the narrative elements are well done, and the flashbacks, although sometimes long, all add to the current state of mind of Samus. From a feminist perspective, the game is great in showing Samus as a strong female protagonist that becomes strong on her own terms rather than the patriarchy's terms, and that keeps her identity. You want more? Without going in the whole post modern view of culture, I have to ask this: what is a valid art form? If you take painting, isn't anything on the canvas representative of a valid art form? Does a painting require a certain level of "greatness" to be seen as art? In fact, what is art? Can you answer this? Games that are entertaining and aesthetically pleasing are art. Hell, they don't even have to be pleasing. Many people don't like cubism, or Picassos, or modern art, but they would be hard pressed to say that it isn't art. So what is your justification to claiming that Nintendo's games are less artistic than another company? (Also, in 2000, so in the last decade, Nintendo released a little diddy known as Majora's Mask. Even if you ignore the fact that you cannot claim clearly what is or isn't art, you have to realize that Majora's Mask is a very artistic endeavor.) Quote
Overflow Posted September 23, 2010 Posted September 23, 2010 I'm just going to say that I hate the controls in Super Metroid. I do NOT like having run be it's own button, or having to select my weapon with, well, select. The GBA metroid games have WAY better controls. Of all the metroid games, Super is the only one where I'm consciously thinking about the controller in my hand, which is never a good thing. I actually got really good at controlling Other M (Protip: you can dodge attacks in FPS view) and the cool dodges and finishing moves make me feel like a pro. It's a nice trick to make the player think they're playing really well. Quote
Cerrax Posted September 23, 2010 Posted September 23, 2010 I'm simply very disappointed with Nintendo in general. I have not enjoyed any of their games in a long, long time. They haven't done a game I truly enjoyed since N64. And I only own two games for the Wii. The amount of use my Wii gets is on par with my old XBox. That is not a good thing. I admit I'm bitter with Nintendo. Please disregard my last post. But do not label me as some XBox fanboy FPS player. I simply hold games to a high standard (maybe too high). The argument isn't HD graphics, it's that Wii games get held to a different standard than other games, and that's not right. Shadow Complex was fucking genius. A fresh spin on the Metroidvania formula with excellent production value. I want a sequel so fucking bad. Quote
BardicKnowledge Posted September 23, 2010 Posted September 23, 2010 I'm just going to say that I hate the controls in Super Metroid. I do NOT like having run be it's own button, or having to select my weapon with, well, select. The GBA metroid games have WAY better controls. Of all the metroid games, Super is the only one where I'm consciously thinking about the controller in my hand, which is never a good thing. I agree about controls definitely, as having the run button causes weird artifacts (e.g. walking a step THEN running builds up speed faster than just running). Super has the best physics engine though I think. I really dislike how midair morphs in the GBA games kill your upward velocity, making it impossible to jump into a ball-passage (unless you grip the ledge, which is admittedly an awesome addition). I'm simply very disappointed with Nintendo in general. I have not enjoyed any of their games in a long, long time. They haven't done a game I truly enjoyed since N64. And I only own two games for the Wii. The amount of use my Wii gets is on par with my old XBox. That is not a good thing.I admit I'm bitter with Nintendo. Please disregard my last post. But do not label me as some XBox fanboy FPS player. I simply hold games to a high standard (maybe too high). The argument isn't HD graphics, it's that Wii games get held to a different standard than other games, and that's not right. Shadow Complex was fucking genius. A fresh spin on the Metroidvania formula with excellent production value. I want a sequel so fucking bad. ^That's much more fair than the last post. Have you tried Prime Trilogy, Muramasa, or Lost Winds (downloadable)? They are the high points for the system right now, I think (not counting the Mario games which you will either love or hate before playing them). My big problem with Nintendo isn't the presentation -- to me, they've proven they can deliver a quality experience. But give me some online support! Tatsunoko vs Capcom is so much fun...and I never play it because the online play blows so badly. Similarly, Brawl+ (homebrew ftw!) is extremely well done, and playing it online is just a waste of time. I chose not to buy Monster Hunter 3 because I felt that the online would suck. Hopefully the 3DS rectifies some of these problems. Edit: And yes, get me a Shadow Complex sequel NOW. I'd happily pay $50 for games of that quality. Quote
Thalzon Posted September 23, 2010 Posted September 23, 2010 Monster Hunter 3 actually has excellent online play. Anyway, I'll start Metroid once I'm done Arc Rise Fantasia. Currently I have no opinion but it does sound like a huge fuss is being made over nothing. Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted September 24, 2010 Posted September 24, 2010 Monster Hunter 3 actually has excellent online play.Anyway, I'll start Metroid once I'm done Arc Rise Fantasia. Currently I have no opinion but it does sound like a huge fuss is being made over nothing. That's because it is a huge fuss being made over nothing. I've just finished my second playthrough, and the game is still great(hard mode ho!). Most people who are complaining about the game were against giving the game a chance since its announcement last year, so you can pretty much disregard most of the complaints. Fact is, if you want Ninja Gaiden action in a Metroid setting, then this is your fix. Quote
The Mutericator Posted September 24, 2010 Posted September 24, 2010 That's because it is a huge fuss being made over nothing. I've just finished my second playthrough, and the game is still great(hard mode ho!).Most people who are complaining about the game were against giving the game a chance since its announcement last year, so you can pretty much disregard most of the complaints. Fact is, if you want Ninja Gaiden action in a Metroid setting, then this is your fix. What? What are you talking about? I was incredibly excited for a Team Ninja Metroid game, and remained pumped until the hands-on articles started coming out in February or so, which pointed out how story-heavy the game was. It just got worse and worse the more I learned, and the game itself was just as bad as I was worried it would be. Don't make shit up. Quote
Calpis Posted September 24, 2010 Posted September 24, 2010 Most people who are complaining about the game were against giving the game a chance since its announcement last year, so you can pretty much disregard most of the complaints. reading comprehension Quote
liquid wind Posted September 24, 2010 Posted September 24, 2010 that's a blind assumption anyway, it doesn't matter. and I had pretty high hopes for the game until a few days before it's release and I watched a livestream of someone playing it for a few hours + the reviews Quote
The Mutericator Posted September 24, 2010 Posted September 24, 2010 reading comprehension Made-up bullshit, you mean. Quote
Thalzon Posted September 24, 2010 Posted September 24, 2010 Generally, when I hear complaints about games that are still scoring around 80 in reviews that call the game "bad" I get the impression people have never really played a bad game, or at least not in a very long time. Maybe the complainers don't like the game, which is something I can understand. I try playing a GTA or Halo or Metal Gear Solid and I don't like it. I don't really have the gall to call them bad games, though. Nor do I try to argue with people regarding why I don't like them. Maybe it's different with a Nintendo franchise though, since almost everyone invariably plays those around here. But I think people should try playing some ACTUAL bad games to gain some perspective on the difference between a game like Other M and a game like, say, Far Cry Vengeance. Quote
atmuh Posted September 24, 2010 Posted September 24, 2010 i just read some stuff from this thread for the first time this is a fun thread please keep it up everyone Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted September 24, 2010 Posted September 24, 2010 I'm sorry for not realizing that you spoke for everyone else' opinion, Mutericator. You're absolutely right and I apologize. Heaven forbid that there's enough evidence all around the grapevine to show that my point is indeed the case. No. If Mutericator doesn't fall into that category, than nobody else does, and thus my case is bullshit. Quote
The Mutericator Posted September 24, 2010 Posted September 24, 2010 I'm sorry for not realizing that you spoke for everyone else' opinion, Mutericator. You're absolutely right and I apologize. Heaven forbid that there's enough evidence all around the grapevine to show that my point is indeed the case. No. If Mutericator doesn't fall into that category, than nobody else does, and thus my case is bullshit. Until you cite a source that actually proves the point that YOU brought up, yes, it is bullshit. Generally, when I hear complaints about games that are still scoring around 80 in reviews that call the game "bad" I get the impression people have never really played a bad game, or at least not in a very long time.Maybe the complainers don't like the game, which is something I can understand. I try playing a GTA or Halo or Metal Gear Solid and I don't like it. I don't really have the gall to call them bad games, though. Nor do I try to argue with people regarding why I don't like them. Maybe it's different with a Nintendo franchise though, since almost everyone invariably plays those around here. But I think people should try playing some ACTUAL bad games to gain some perspective on the difference between a game like Other M and a game like, say, Far Cry Vengeance. I hate to say it, but I expect there was a degree of trying to avoid the "Twilight Princess 8.8" scenario happening again. The "game from the future" bit on Kotaku felt particularly like bullshit. Quote
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