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OCR01098 - Doom "demonik electronik"


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Somehow I picked up Mustafa. (along with Asmodeus and Diablos...)

THIS HERE IS THE SHIT. Right here in electronic music form, this is THE SHIT. I'm sorry, I normally don't do this but this song deserves it. It's THAT GOOD. analoq keeps getting better and better, and I thought this work deserved to be highlighted. With a fantastically killer bassline, deadly synths and evil names, put together with professional, uh, professionalism, you can't go wrong. THIS IS THE SHIT. DOWNLOAD IT. NOW.

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Wow, I am impressed. This brand of 'elektronica' not being something I'd go and seek out, I'm none-the-less incapable of denying the professional slickness of the entire piece. And being it a Doom mix, there's just an inherent backbone to the music that stands up on its own merit. Certainly Rammstein-esque, at least, Rammstein on one of their more quiet tangents. I thought the vocals a perfect fit to the ambience of the piece. They also serve to establish analoq as being one of those Remixers definately pushing the edges of this hobby into something definitely professional-grade. Definitely worth a download. Definitely worth multiple listenings. Good freaking job.

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Pretty cool. I didn't like how it became 8-bit sounding just after 2:00, but that went away. I didn't want the drums to go loud, to be honest, because that would have ruined the song (in my opinion). This is a very cool piece.

The tune is excessively cool. The 'lyric' part of it would work if they were just a TAD more audible, I think, but it's still very cool.

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Very nice. It's sounds really clean, which is cool - but I gotta admit, I like mixes that are sort of dirty sounding a little more... as they seem to have more lower frequency content that can draw some more - i don't know the word - heh. The intruments and sequencing is really good, they are! THEY ARE!!! Ok, I just wanted to make sure I got that point across - lol. I really dig the synth bass that comes on at 0:13 (and how it shifts and slides as it's going through the different sections), as with alot of the other effects like the choirs, xylophes at 1:47, rammstein style talking, new bass at 0:54, and those pads that are really hiding in the background at 3:26 (with the slices of left panned guitarish-ness).

Man, about the section Hax was talking about - I like it too, but for an entirely different reason. This may sound VERY strange, but you might find this as fascinating as I did. There is a interesting connection with the 2:08+ section and Mazedude's "Norfair Deathmarch" mix; which is close to impossible to notice, because they are both on opposite ends of the spectrum of a 4 generation family of remixes. The second one of the string is doomed.mid... which can be found here; and the third is Braving the Flames.mp3. Try them out and see for yourself! Isn't that fuckin' hilarious? I certainly thought so... :)

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For anyone deciding whether to download -- check this one out, it's quite excellent.

There are some things about VG remixers I may never understand. Among them are an underground but persistent fixation with lounge jazz, the frequent posting of signatures too disgusting for words, and the desire to remix music from Doom games. My impression of the game's music is that it was repetitious, annoying, and forgettable. I normally jump at a new Mazedude remix, but if it's from Doom I kinda cringe.

I have to admit, this mix makes me understand a little better :P I actually DO recognize that groove, and while it's not a terribly fond recognition, analoq did a great job with it. The voice-overs are superb and incredibly appropriate. The mixing is deliciously clean. Despite being from a repetitious original, it doesn't get boring.

This is great stuff. Considering most people don't have the same issue with the Doom soundtrack I do, I'm sure everyone will love it even more than I did. Which is to say I loved it quite a good bit.

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This has a very distinct German Techno sound to it. It's wonderful. Very clear.

The synth after 2:20 is great. The only problem I have with this is it's just not very heavy, needs something more in the background, that's how I love my doom mixes.

But that's just personal preference, excellent work this is.


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i know 99.9% of you don't need to hear this, but just for the record...

this ReMix is in no way an advocation of philosopher Anton Lavey or the Church of Satan. so don't bug me about it (:

anyways, thanks to my fellow judges for accepting this and thanks to djp and the rest of you for your kind comments. i may have more to say about this mix later but for right now i need some sleep.


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Dammit analoq, I love you.

Er, review, yeaaaah...

This fucking rocks my socks off. It's like a big Doom crossover of Frontline Assembly with Crystal Method. The drums aren't BIG, but they're groovy, choppy, and excellent. The synths are humongous, well chosen/programmed, and all around kick butt. The pitch-shifted ride (at least, that's what it SOUNDS like) adds a crapload rhythmically, and all of the other percussive odds and ends were sweet. Ending was... well... awesome.

God dammit, this is the kind of thing I hate. The song is too good for me to be able to review it all long and drawn out and crap, so all I can say is "DOWNLOAD IT NOW or meet your demise..."

EDIT: 1:35 totally kicks it into high gear as far as the synths go. The big churning pad that comes in is just so sweet...

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Two updates in two days, one from Quinn Fox and one from analoq - what a treat!

analoq's 'Thin Glow' and 'Wanda Phanta' are two of my favourite remixes from the site, and I'm always eager to hear anything new from him. I'm not familiar with the music from Doom, but this has such a superb sound. Absolutely well worth the download :D

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This has excellent musical production. The ending is well done, but I don't know what the big deal is, as that's what any good ending should sound like anyways. The source material ("Donna to the Rescue") isn't exactly one of my favorite Doom songs either. Overall, I still don't understand why this is getting such hype. The overall sound is good, but nothing grabbed my attention to makes this song special in any way. Worth a listen, but don't hold your breath expecting something momentus. Just another remix that lives up to the analoq quality standard.

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this is some great stuff man, rammstein rocks, the kicking in never was there, but other than that man... awesome 9/10 go kill some guys or something! ROCK HARD, IT ROCKS HARD.

Yeah, I do wish it had some sort of rock kicking in, however, the way it stands makes it sound more like Doom and less like Rammstein. Probably for the better. :)

Any other ReMixes like this (other than River City Rammstein) that you guys know of?

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