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Transformers 2: Or how I can't believe no one thought of this for Soundwave

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the movie has soundwave - +5 points

the movie doesn't have shockwave - -5 points

To be fair I can't see how anyone can legitimately claim a giant massive freaking ray gun of doom can be adequately disguised as something else

To be fair I can't see how anyone can legitimately claim a giant massive freaking ray gun of doom can be adequately disguised as something else

he doesn't really have to be disguised because he's too busy blowing shit the fuck up

Yet. Just remember. It will be a trilogy.

third movie will probably have unicron

and if they are at all interested in paying homage to The Unicron Trilogy than they'll probably have Sideways as some kind of triple-agent Unicron envoy


third movie will probably have unicron

and if they are at all interested in paying homage to The Unicron Trilogy than they'll probably have Sideways as some kind of triple-agent Unicron envoy

Yes. This. And they better not pull a Fantastic Four and castrate unicron.

Well, if I recall correctly, in the original cartoon all the Transformers could fly when they were in robot form.

And is it just me or does the architecture of Cybertron look somewhat similar to Bombman's stage? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJ16d-qpBEE&feature=fvw

No, only Decepticons could fly.

I really didn't like the first live-action movie, yet I see myself having to go see the second...just because it's called Transformers :(.

Who knows, maybe they could at least try to make each robot look slightly different (or perhaps actually cool-looking) this time! And maybe no fight scenes focusing on a robot's knee at extreme-close-up with awkward camera movements...and better dialog...and good acting...and no stupid retractable mouth cover for Prime - he shouldn't have lips!


It's just a movie man.

Go in expecting too much and you'll just be disappointed. Just enjoy the ride.

Transformers 1 had it's issues (mostly ham acting and a few useless human characters), but I definitely think Optimus Prime's mouth was not chief among them :roll:


I know transformers are very closely related to cars and whatnot but hey let's do that thing where we keep this thread about transformers and not boring crap about nearly identical cars

Who becomes Rodimus Prime.
which is when the series started to fall apart. Galvatron my ass. I remember watching it regularly until about the time that crap started happening.
which is when the series started to fall apart. Galvatron my ass.

galvatron was one of the few good things about the later chunk of the series

and mostly because he was basically megatron


I'm itching to see the new movie. I know it's going to be a big action little substance film, as people knock Michael Bay for. But I loved the first one, and I've been keeping myself from watching anymore previews till I see the movie, I want my jaw to drop just as much as it did from some of the first film's awesome effects shots.

I'm such a geek. :tomatoface:

Soundwave = Spy Satellite




I hope Michael Bay drowns.

I will personally not support this franchise after the disaster of the first Broken Glassformers movie. I mean, "Megatron wants what's inside my mind" ? REALLY?!

Fuck this movie. Raping my childhood.


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