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Intro sounds much like the game... which had a pretty specific bad choir synth sound that worked well in the game, but probably won't fly on ocr.

Everything sounds like foreground stuff, you'll probably have to position the parts more front-back. The detuned piano in the background is well placed, but sounds kind'a exposed anyway. A bit of reverb could probably fix that.

You're using the lead melody as something of a chorus, but it's gotta be bigger, stronger, more intense that it currently is. The sample/synth you're using for the lead e-piano is kind'a thin, or it's simply not loud enough. The whole mix sounds kinda quiet. More strength for the "chorus" part.

The Prime 1 lead is rhythmically rewritten from it's 6/4 source, and it sounds random. Needs a better rhythm, more pauses.

The arrangement is ok to me, just needs to have the melodies more directed, and more dynamics, especially around the "chorus" parts. Production needs a bit of work, but production is easier to fix and can be fixed at any time. You're getting better.


i agree with Rozo, yes you are definitely getting better but the production does needs a lil more work. and to me the some of your sounds...kinda sound midi ish ..what i mean by that they sound fake like the choir in the intro it sounds fake meaning try to find a better quality sample to replace it or master it with some good FX's to make it shine also i cant really feel nor hear your bass boost some of the low end but dont make it too much you dont want to over power your mix. that plucked sound that plays in the intro with the chior and thats layered with your piano ...sounds good layered (im assuming its a sitar or some sorth of indian instrument) but i wouldnt play it by its sefl not like that because that instrument sounds a tad fake also. but over this is better than your last wip jus keep at it eventually you'll get it.


Hmmm... I am not familiar with all of your sources enough to know what is from the game and what is not, so I can't help you with the arrangement quality.

Actually, there isn't much that I can say that hasn't ben said already - the instruments and such sound a bit low quality, and the texture is relatively invariant throughout. It's not a bad mix, but there isn't anything that makes it stand out, either. Unlike your last remix (which I felt had a lot of character and personality behind it) this one seems rather mundane...

It's not bad, but not spectacular, you know what I mean?

Intro sounds much like the game... which had a pretty specific bad choir synth sound that worked well in the game, but probably won't fly on ocr.

Everything sounds like foreground stuff, you'll probably have to position the parts more front-back. The detuned piano in the background is well placed, but sounds kind'a exposed anyway. A bit of reverb could probably fix that.

You're using the lead melody as something of a chorus, but it's gotta be bigger, stronger, more intense that it currently is. The sample/synth you're using for the lead e-piano is kind'a thin, or it's simply not loud enough. The whole mix sounds kinda quiet. More strength for the "chorus" part.

The Prime 1 lead is rhythmically rewritten from it's 6/4 source, and it sounds random. Needs a better rhythm, more pauses.

The arrangement is ok to me, just needs to have the melodies more directed, and more dynamics, especially around the "chorus" parts. Production needs a bit of work, but production is easier to fix and can be fixed at any time. You're getting better.

I actually have no problem with the choir, and the lead melody. I agree with you on the Prime 1 theme, when I went to the source I immediately recognized it as a 6/8 so I said "I'm gonna have to change this." what's there is currently a placeholder, it could sound VERY nice if changed to 4/4 I just need to do it, that's all. XD

I agree on everything else though, If I use a pitch bend I can make the choir sound more realistic (if my Fruityloops doesn't work with me and decides to produce a totally bad sound I'll just leave the choir alone)

And on the Prime 1 melody when I first heard what I put down it sounded like something at a ballroom or something! (XD Way too cheerful for this remix) or perhaps I'll keep it in 6/8... I'm not sure what I should do. XD

Hmmm... I am not familiar with all of your sources enough to know what is from the game and what is not, so I can't help you with the arrangement quality.

Actually, there isn't much that I can say that hasn't ben said already - the instruments and such sound a bit low quality, and the texture is relatively invariant throughout. It's not a bad mix, but there isn't anything that makes it stand out, either. Unlike your last remix (which I felt had a lot of character and personality behind it) this one seems rather mundane...

It's not bad, but not spectacular, you know what I mean?

Shariq actually liked this one better because the "rhythm" locks.

Pay attention, the drumbeat is hand in hand with the melody.

And the first melody is from Prime 2 then it's Prime 3, then 2, then 1 (I have to change one because one sounds like something from a ballroom.) They're all from the game there's nothing original here (my drumbeat is original and I also played with the choir intro a little to make it sound interesting. I used the hammered dulcimer for the guitar-ish sound. Almost like the intro for his Yellow Valkyrie mix)

I'm actually surprised you like "Rain Dancing At The Spirit Temple" better. Maybe when I'm done with this I'll give Rain Dancing another look, and perhaps maybe even restart it (everything is composed of separate parts I didn't make everything "lock together".) But seeing how everything is pretty much the same, maybe I'll just have to mess around with the drum beats with that one. But enough about that one! I have a WIP thread for that one, just scroll down.


i agree with Rozo, yes you are definitely getting better but the production does needs a lil more work. and to me the some of your sounds...kinda sound midi ish ..what i mean by that they sound fake like the choir in the intro it sounds fake meaning try to find a better quality sample to replace it or master it with some good FX's to make it shine also i cant really feel nor hear your bass boost some of the low end but dont make it too much you dont want to over power your mix. that plucked sound that plays in the intro with the chior and thats layered with your piano ...sounds good layered (im assuming its a sitar or some sorth of indian instrument) but i wouldnt play it by its sefl not like that because that instrument sounds a tad fake also. but over this is better than your last wip jus keep at it eventually you'll get it.

Seeing as how Shariq used it alone in Yellow Valkyrie's intro I don't think OCR would mind.


Bumpity! Also if anyone wants to suggest a name for this remix, please feel free to do so!

And some people say that this remix sounds "empty". Any suggestions?

And also as of now I don't know the chords of this song (There is only ever one note being played at a time within a single instrument, no chord progression at all) If someone could tell me the chords of this song or tell me how to find the right chords for a melody, that would be great. (This arrangement is in D Key by the way. Whether it's major or minor, I can't help you there. XD I don't have a good ear for that stuff. It sounds happy, which my music teachers tell me means major. XD)


I'm hearing D mostly, with some shifts down to C and up to F for the main progression. I'm not positive but I think there's a shift into an A for the mellow bridge like thing. It seems to generally be in D natural minor.

Shariq actually liked this one better because the "rhythm" locks.
Actually, that's exactly why I don't like this one as much - the rhythm is a bit too cliche, whereas your other mix had a lot of personality and uniqueness in it's rhythms... so I've gotta say I disagree with DS on that opinion :).
Does it sound like too much reverb?

Not really, I think the wet sound suits it fine.

And also as of now I don't know the chords of this song (There is only ever one note being played at a time within a single instrument, no chord progression at all) If someone could tell me the chords of this song or tell me how to find the right chords for a melody, that would be great.
It's in D, eh? The chord progression is i (dm) - VII (CM) - v (am) - i (dm), throughout most of it, with little change up. When listening for a chord progression listen to the bass - that holds the most significant note harmonically (not always the root, but it sets the harmonic mood). You can often discern the qualities of the chords by looking at the melodies and textures of the chords (in this case you actually can't tell the quality by that alone - but the outlining of a minor progression lead me to the conclusions that I have). Because the harmonies don't change very often through the mix it tends to get stale, after a while - try using different harmonizations with the thematic material your using, it'll make it more interesting. Hope that helps.

As for the empty sound, I think its the relatively constant use of your instruments - the texture of the music is rather static, as is. Change it up :).

The music isn't bad - it just gets a little repetitive after a point. Change it up more often and you should be in good shape. Keep at it!

Actually, that's exactly why I don't like this one as much - the rhythm is a bit too cliche, whereas your other mix had a lot of personality and uniqueness in it's rhythms... so I've gotta say I disagree with DS on that opinion :).

Not really, I think the wet sound suits it fine.

It's in D, eh? The chord progression is i (dm) - VII (CM) - v (am) - i (dm), throughout most of it, with little change up. When listening for a chord progression listen to the bass - that holds the most significant note harmonically (not always the root, but it sets the harmonic mood). You can often discern the qualities of the chords by looking at the melodies and textures of the chords (in this case you actually can't tell the quality by that alone - but the outlining of a minor progression lead me to the conclusions that I have). Because the harmonies don't change very often through the mix it tends to get stale, after a while - try using different harmonizations with the thematic material your using, it'll make it more interesting. Hope that helps.

As for the empty sound, I think its the relatively constant use of your instruments - the texture of the music is rather static, as is. Change it up :).

The music isn't bad - it just gets a little repetitive after a point. Change it up more often and you should be in good shape. Keep at it!

REVOLUTIOOOO- *ahem* Actually I'ma go with Shariq on this one. It makes a lot of sense that the patterns should work together in rhythm, not be separate parts put together. Okay, I see what you're saying about the chords. Now that I know the chords I can write more original stuff. I don't know where you got the idea of a-minor chord, it doesn't really fit. :/ I think it's just Dm CM Dm, played like the bass and background choir. (Oops never mind I just checked again I didn't place the A-minor chord in the right place it does fit)

I won't put the chord progression in the song, I'll just use it as a guideline for writing new stuff.

I'm in the middle a of adding in a trancy synth to do the chord progression as an arpeggiated background section to make the song not sound empty.

definition of cliche: Something, most often a phrase or expression, that is overused and has thus lost its original impact; a trite saying; a platitude

:/ The only one who's done Metroid Prime Rearrangements is Shariq and he has not used this rhythm. I don't understand how you can overuse something for the first time that's never been used. XD

definition of cliche: Something, most often a phrase or expression, that is overused and has thus lost its original impact; a trite saying; a platitude
Yeah, I've seen that drum pattern in many, many songs before (not necessarily yours, per se), and when I hear it I think 'Man, that pattern again?' - hence, my use of the term 'cliche'. It's not really your fault, as it's functional in the music, as is - it's just used too often by composers, so the effect has been overused before you even used it :?.


Yeah - I've seen that drum pattern in many, many songs before (not necessarily yours, per se), and when I hear it I think 'Man, that pattern again?' - hence, my use of the term 'cliche'. It's not really your fault, as it's functional in the music, as is - it's just used too often by composers, so the effect has been overused before you even used it :?.


This is heartbreaking... this is SADNESS!!!

...Sadness? ...THIS. IS. SPARTA!!!!!!!!!!! *DO A BARREL ROLL*

It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what patterns I use, it matters how I use them. They just happen to be in perfect rhythm with Metroid Prime 2 theme. XD


Oh and the update's done. Have fun.

I'm hearing D mostly, with some shifts down to C and up to F for the main progression. I'm not positive but I think there's a shift into an A for the mellow bridge like thing. It seems to generally be in D natural minor.

Ack sorry I didn't see you! Me and Gario already established it's Dm CM Am Dm. xD


This is nice, it has a reminiscent feeling of watching Samus fly around in her spaceship, explore danger filled worlds, and then kicking back and relaxing as she shoots down several pirates in a cutscene.

Which is what I get when listening to it, watching several cutscenes like in the opening of the game when it shows you little pieces of gameplay at a time.

Because of that! I pitch the name "A Wayward Hunter's Memories" =w=

That's all the advice I can give. It's kinda quiet at points in the song.


Hah, thanks! But, I would use something like "A Hunter's Beginning". But thanks anyway, your insight helped me in the name decision! The cutscenes in the opening of the game, "A Hunter's Beginning" fits because like you said it's the cutscenes in the beginning (plus the songs I used are played in the very beginning of the game)

Also, I'm thinking of subbing once I get a few itty bitty problems fixed...


Wow... After seeing some of the incredibly detailed advice already given, my input seems pretty flat by comparison. These guys really seem to know a lot about music. Regardless, here's what I think.

It sounds good, but flat. I'm not sure how to describe it, but it feels artificial and two-dimensional. I like the rhythm, though simplistic, and I like the sound of the chorus in it. However, the instruments sound a bit midi-ish. It feels like it doesn't have much strength behind it. I think if souped-up and strengthened, this could sound really good. As it is, OCRemix only has one published Metroid Prime remix and that makes me sad, since the music in the games was just so pretty.

As for the title, even though it's the themes from the main screens of the games, I don't think "A Hunter's Beginning" sounds quite right. That invokes thoughts of the actual beginning of Samus, not the start of a new journey. I think "A Hunter's Journey", or if necessary, "The Beginning of a Hunter's Journey" sounds better.

First post 'round these parts. Sorry if it sucks.


Dynamics weren't too bad, you had distinguishable quiet and loud sections... and velocities did seem to be modified.

Make it louder. It's hardly a fair fight, but at the same volume level that I played your mix, jenova celestial was blasting. Somewhat more comparably, Red Waltz is also louder.

Wow... After seeing some of the incredibly detailed advice already given, my input seems pretty flat by comparison. These guys really seem to know a lot about music. Regardless, here's what I think.

It sounds good, but flat. I'm not sure how to describe it, but it feels artificial and two-dimensional. I like the rhythm, though simplistic, and I like the sound of the chorus in it. However, the instruments sound a bit midi-ish. It feels like it doesn't have much strength behind it. I think if souped-up and strengthened, this could sound really good. As it is, OCRemix only has one published Metroid Prime remix and that makes me sad, since the music in the games was just so pretty.

As for the title, even though it's the themes from the main screens of the games, I don't think "A Hunter's Beginning" sounds quite right. That invokes thoughts of the actual beginning of Samus, not the start of a new journey. I think "A Hunter's Journey", or if necessary, "The Beginning of a Hunter's Journey" sounds better.

First post 'round these parts. Sorry if it sucks.

Actually we have three Metroid Prime Remixes, and all of them by my brother (you can see why I want to do one as well)

And as for the name, how about "A Hunter's Journey" because it is the themes of all three Metroid Prime games which is her entire journey (as for as Metroid Prime goes) Or how about "Hit The Start Button You Moron..."

And don't feel like your knowledge is inferior, it only took me like... three months to learn the basics? XD

Dynamics weren't too bad, you had distinguishable quiet and loud sections... and velocities did seem to be modified.

Make it louder. It's hardly a fair fight, but at the same volume level that I played your mix, jenova celestial was blasting. Somewhat more comparably, Red Waltz is also louder.

There's my standard "quiet" problem again. XD I have that problem a lot... whether it be remixing, socializing, or answering questions. XD

I dunno how I can make it louder, it's at normal FL project level and I just added two Stereo Enhancers to the master track, see if that's any better...



well, I'm not going to really say much because you have more than enough comments to get you to where you needed to go. Just wanted to say, that I like how this song sounds. Nice jam, good beat, good feel to it and everything and overall is pretty pleasant to listen to.

Sounds like you've improved quite a bit just in the short time since I heard your Megaman 3 remix.

Good job dude.

well, I'm not going to really say much because you have more than enough comments to get you to where you needed to go. Just wanted to say, that I like how this song sounds. Nice jam, good beat, good feel to it and everything and overall is pretty pleasant to listen to.

Sounds like you've improved quite a bit just in the short time since I heard your Megaman 3 remix.

Good job dude.

*ahem* Megaman "7". XD So do you think I should sub it?

Metroid Prime: Beats_the Crap_Out_of_all_of_DS's_MP_Mixes_Combined.

You can help people and give them suggestions without taking potshots at me or anyone else. Don't use the excuse that you're joking; in light of your past comments and behavior, you've lost any kind of leeway to joke around about people.

Oo oo I have a suggestion!!

Metroid Prime: Beats_the Crap_Out_of_all_of_DS's_MP_Mixes_Combined.

Or Metroid Prime Ribs :<

Seriously, that's not even funny.

I can't believe you think I don't respect MY OWN BROTHER'S MUSIC enough to know that I'm not as good as him. He's like, 25 with about ten years of experience. I'm like 13 with zero years of experience. xD

IT"S PHYSICS... or just common sense. XD


I dunno, Metroid Prime Ribs is mildly amusing.

I'd say not to give a name that directly links it to the game at all, honestly. The way this site is organized, folks will already know what game it's linked to. Or something linked, but in another language. Musica Optimus just turns into Prime Music in Latin.

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