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Level 99....me and you son 3 o' clock after school! :-)

You sure you got the EXP, STR, and DEX to take on Mr. Level 99? I BUILT THIS CITY ON MAXING MY STATS!...moving on... :nicework:

i know level 99 hasn't seen it yet, but he'll flip a shit when he does. i'm sure he'd house you, and he only lives an hour or two from the con site. aeroz knows level 99 very personally, if you know what i mean.

While Brad may have confusions surrounding my sexual ambiguity, I most definitely have flipped over two amazing Sweds possibly coming to the states (again? I know AeroZ has been before, me and Brad introduced him to the American Hamburger, and he didn't tame it all before giving up on it, but is this your first visit, anso?). I'd have to check with my housemate/landlord about it, but I believe it should be okay. Don't book a flight til I confirm the okay-ability though! We'll have to make a list of all the things you need to try when you're here, including Five Guys.

It's always preferable if AeroZ is the one that has to do the sex to get a room for once. Good info!

AeroZ may be good, but my appetite has grown larger, and isn't satiable as easily anymore...

But for serious, as long as my housemates are cool with it, let's do this thing. The original ride plan to MAG may be ditched cause we wouldn't all fit in one car at that point, but I have no problem driving. Funny how that works out: I'm cute and I have a car and lots of kindness. And video games, lots and lots of video games. And muffins.


Finances are a bit tight, so I'm hoping to hitch a ride with someone.

I'm in Columbus, Ohio, and I'll happily chip in gas and other supplies, as well share driving if needed.

FireSlash may also function as a mechanic, computer repair tool, or a flotation device in emergency situations

Finances are a bit tight, so I'm hoping to hitch a ride with someone.

I'm in Columbus, Ohio, and I'll happily chip in gas and other supplies, as well share driving if needed.

FireSlash may also function as a mechanic, computer repair tool, or a flotation device in emergency situations

We will be passing by Columbus - talk to Newt on IRC though, since I don't know how many people are going with us right now.


So I'm in the process of buying an all-around train ticket for approx 250$ CAN. which should leave me with plenty of money for the whole thing. I'll leave on the 30th and arrive in NY state (I think Penn.?) at 9-10pm before getting on the next train to Alexandria at 3am the 31st. I'll arrive in the morning at the hotel, and I've planned to stick around until the 9th where I'll have to take a similar trip back (5h wait or so in NY) before I get back home in Beaver-maple-moose-poutine-land.

Oh, by the way, I'll try bringing all-dressed chips again this year. Just make sure you're quicker than Larry, last time he ate half the bag by himself (and claimed he doesn't even like chips).


I am likely to stay over at Brush's unless I happen to bring more people with me. I don't want to impose him at all. Chances are I'll be there the afternoon of the 31st and we'll see what we'll be doing then.


Can someone start up a list of folks going to MAG? (Broken in the first post, maybe? Or someone could start a new thread if that'd be clearer.)

Anyway, I'm going to MAG, definitely. It's, like, 5 minutes away so I don't have much of an excuse not to.

I suppose I could give rides from Reagan National (DCA) if folks need it, but... there's a free airport shuttle from there anyway, if I'm not mistaken, so I'm not sure how necessary it'd be. KF


you forgot me, mate. post where they're coming from, too - that'd make it easier to find rides and all that. again, i'm driving from central ny to at least baltimore, probably all the way. so, buffalo to syracuse is a total possibility if you're looking to get a ride.

what's that WiFi-enabled train, again? if there's a decent ticket from nyc to baltimore, i might just drive there and take the train the rest of the way. i'm only 3, 3.5 hours from nyc.

you forgot me, mate. post where they're coming from, too - that'd make it easier to find rides and all that. again, i'm driving from central ny to at least baltimore, probably all the way. so, buffalo to syracuse is a total possibility if you're looking to get a ride.

what's that WiFi-enabled train, again? if there's a decent ticket from nyc to baltimore, i might just drive there and take the train the rest of the way. i'm ony 3, 3.5 hours from nyc.

Amtrak is expensive - you don't want to do it, it can cost $200+ for roundtrip just from those cities.

I'll edit attendees into my first post. I might need some people to just tell me again if they are going or not.

Thanks! Can you add my name to the list, please?

I haven't pre-regged yet. Still deciding if I should go for the supporter badge or not. KF


Just stopping by to remind everyone there is both a room sharing and ride sharing thingy on the MAGFest site. Please let it help you as it has helped others in the past:



If you want to be on it, just register an account / log in on the MAGFest site and then go to your profile. When you edit it, there's a "rides and rooms" section that you can specify information in.

Before someone mentions it, I already know OCR folks would probably prefer to ride or room with OCR folks and all, but hey, if there's no better option for you, you could always give it a shot.

JMR, I don't know if they're driving or flying or what, but I do know some folks from NB that attend yearly if you would like some advice on how they do it.

Lastly, so great to see everyone trying to make plans so early. Warms my heart. <3

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