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I actually won one of the 3-disc album sets they were giving away at the OCR panel at Otakon this past weekend. I'm halfway through disc 3, and I can't find the words to describe how amazingly well-done it is. Props to everyone who worked on this incredible remix album.

Great job on the panel, too. :3


Simply, a great selection of tracks from a great selection of artists. As for the arrangement critiques (applied to my track by way of sweeping generalizations), it would have been very easy to just plug a midi into a sequencer and update the sounds. Where's the enjoyment in that? The artists here did a fantastic job of balancing each source with a fresh new feel.

Let's do it all again sometime.:tomatoface:


So a lot of people know that I love various tracks, and continually find more to appreciate with each listen of the project.

However, I want to take this post to compliment Lisa Bela (Genesis of Destruction) & Nutritious (the two bonus tracks with him for Genesis of Destruction) for their voices - great job you two, and I hope to hear more of both of you in the future!


Very cool album! A big thanks goes out to everyone involved in creating it!

Out of the whole thing, there were really only a few tracks I didn't care for, two of which are simply because I don't like the original versions of those specific tracks to begin with. However, putting aside the few flaws I had issue with, this has been a very enjoyable album to listen to, and has been almost the only thing I've listened to for the past couple days.

It always seemed that FF4 was one of the forgotten Final Fantasy games, as it was quickly overshadowed by later games in the series. One key issue was that the graphics and sounds became quickly outdated soon after FF4, and although I enjoyed that game, I always wanted to hear a different take on the music.

Awesome job, congratulations to every person who worked on this project ! Every ReMix is great ! :nicework:

EVERY? c'mon one shouldn't be on there, it's an embarassment to the site and the project. It cheapens and lessens everybody's contributions, it's shameful even it's on there.

I demand a photoshopped Cecil nwg. Now.


Now that that's out of the way, I just have to say that this was an amazing album. With the exception of a few tracks, I had a smile on my face from start to finish. I was pleased to hear the uniqueness of the arrangements, not only in relation to the original soundtrack, but from track to track. I honestly believe that everybody can find something to like on the album, even if they're not a fan of Final Fantasy.

I don't feel it necessary to comment on the tracks I didn't like since it's a matter of personal taste, and I wouldn't say the tracks I didn't like were badly done*, just not my style.

*Except for one. What the hell is up with "Zeromus the Serialist"? It sounds like someone took a MIDI file that was intended for a variety of instruments and then set every channel to piano, including the drum track, resulting in a horrible chaotic mess. And it's touted as a "bonus" track. I thought a bonus was supposed to be a good thing. That's like loading up a DVD and going through the bonus features only to have it shoot pepper spray at you.


That photoshop just killed me... haha.

Okay, I didn't write up anything immediately afterwards, because I wanted some time to absorb the album so when I wrote about it it wouldn't be a big fapfest. Well, it still is, for the most part, but I do give some honest criticism. :x

So yeah, I wrote up a very informal TL;DR "review" of the album on one of my blogs that no one ever really reads. Figured more exposure couldn't hurt? I didn't review each and every track, though. But yeah, here it is!


The gist of it is that you guys totally rock and are awesomesauce!


*Except for one. What the hell is up with "Zeromus the Serialist"? It sounds like someone took a MIDI file that was intended for a variety of instruments and then set every channel to piano, including the drum track, resulting in a horrible chaotic mess. And it's touted as a "bonus" track. I thought a bonus was supposed to be a good thing. That's like loading up a DVD and going through the bonus features only to have it shoot pepper spray at you.


i totally feel elated that i did my job with that track :P ha

and yes you are completely right about the delivery and presentation - it's not a serious track - and i actually would have preferred not including it on the torrent - i hope you made it out alive


About the rap song, may I remind that it's just my opinion I shared. I care for very little rap in general so, naturally, I wouldn't care for this.

The fact that you have an apparent genre bias does not in any way make this particular ReMix 'disrespectful'.

-++I enjoyed the tracks titled "Bridge to Eternity (Within the Giant)" and "Facing (Epilogue)."

Probably beacuase I took no risks whatsoever with my arrangement while I was rushing to meet the deadlines :P.

I have no problem with changing up tracks radically, as long as you can still clearly hear the original. I think its fair to say sometimes OCR likes to blur that line a bit, but its not usually as bad as people say it is. They just want to hear the original so uh... listening to the original?

So yeah, I wrote up a very informal TL;DR "review" of the album on one of my blogs that no one ever really reads. Figured more exposure couldn't hurt? I didn't review each and every track, though. But yeah, here it is!


The gist of it is that you guys totally rock and are awesomesauce!

Thanks for the extended review, Otaku! I'm glad you enjoyed my music.

Just a note, I collaborated with OA on Fighting for Tomorrow, not AF :)

A Long Way to Go is probably the piece from the game I'm least familiar with. It's just kind of... there. And not terribly interesting to me. But it got love too, just as all the other tracks did. Long Time Gone from the prophet of mephisto is a pretty catchy track, but I have trouble relating it to FFIV. It's not through any fault of theirs or anything, just my own personal infamiliarity with the source. Sorry!

it's one of those tracks that uematsu used occasionally just for the heck of it. i liked the melody when i was listening to the available tracks, and so i jumped on that one. it's nowhere near what i originally thought it'd sound like, either, considering that my first version was orchestratal with drums and guitar, and then i wound up being super-electronic.

So yeah, I wrote up a very informal TL;DR "review" of the album on one of my blogs that no one ever really reads. Figured more exposure couldn't hurt? I didn't review each and every track, though. But yeah, here it is!


The gist of it is that you guys totally rock and are awesomesauce!

Just so you know, it's stuff like this that has kept my heart melted in a puddle on the floor this entire week thus far in absolute glee.

bLiNd's golbez 'n goblins was one of the most awesome shit i've ever heard. That guy's skills on techno beats are amazing.

Agreed.. I was a bit skeptical at first of that song being performed in that style but once it got going OH MAN. I can't stop listening to it.

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