OverCoat Posted January 30, 2010 Posted January 30, 2010 relyanCe said: this AND the fact that its run for like 400 episodesno show that runs that long can possibly be worth the time invested There are a few really long series I can recommend Kodomo no Omocha Legend of Galactic Heroes Fist of the North Star Hayate the Combat Butler [but this one is only for the people who have already seen way too much anime, every minute of this one is a parody] Quote
Triad Orion Posted January 30, 2010 Posted January 30, 2010 Native Jovian said: Or is it? If their experiences/memories/whatever are pulled from their bodies as they "die" (didn't they have a discussion about how they felt themselves "floating upward" after they died and eventually realized that it was because their programming or whatever was being uploaded to a satellite? Holy crap, that was retarded), does their ghost (assuming they have one) go with it? If it does, doesn't that make them effectively immortal, as long as their recovery infrastructure remains in place? And if that's true, then doesn't that make it ethical to treat them like the disposable unmanned units they originally were, given that destroying their bodies doesn't actually "kill" them? Well, think about it this way. Cyborgs aren't much different. Though they don't have a backup-data link to a satellite, a Cyberbrain can be moved between bodies, in some ways making them immortal as well. (Provided the brain isn't damaged or the stress was so bad the patient goes brain dead.) While it's not quite the immortality card that the Tachikomas have... body swaps happen with some frequency. And still, throwing cyborgs recklessly at things is frowned upon. (Due more likely to the fact that they were definitely human at one point or another.) Assuming the Tachikomas are immortal, like in your scenario, and assuming they have ghosts of their own, I would still fundamentally disagree with the idea that they're disposable. Philosophically, you're still throwing what is essentially a human mind into situations where they get decimated or destroyed with a great frequency, often thanklessly. Even though the Tachikoma's memories can be restored into a new chassis, it's not like they're going to forget what it was like to die. Over and over. And really, don't you think that an AI advanced enough would learn to resent being treated like a pawn in a chess game? I mean, like it or not, thanks to Batou's interference with the natural oil, the Tachikomas are no longer exactly what they were created to be. Yes, they're combat vehicles. Yes, they function unmanned and remotely. And yes, they were built to be somewhat intelligent initially. But the moment you have a group of these machines sitting around in the hangar contemplating their navels and talking philosophy, I think you've gone past the line where they should be treated as objects. Quote
Native Jovian Posted January 31, 2010 Posted January 31, 2010 Triad Orion said: And still, throwing cyborgs recklessly at things is frowned upon. (Due more likely to the fact that they were definitely human at one point or another.) I'd argue that it's only because it's fairly easy for a cyberbrain to be destroyed if the body is "killed" that this is true. If you could give human soldiers the same sort of immortality as tachikomas, then it'd be just as acceptable to let THEM get shredded when it was tactically advantageous to do so. Quote
Thin Crust Posted January 31, 2010 Posted January 31, 2010 So speaking about Gits, anyone going to make any predictions on what Steven Spielberg is going to do with the rights to the movie? Quote
Triad Orion Posted January 31, 2010 Posted January 31, 2010 Native Jovian said: I'd argue that it's only because it's fairly easy for a cyberbrain to be destroyed if the body is "killed" that this is true. If you could give human soldiers the same sort of immortality as tachikomas, then it'd be just as acceptable to let THEM get shredded when it was tactically advantageous to do so. I doubt it. Remember, that's still a human mind in that cyberbrain. Being shredded in combat would probably cause massive psychological damage and severe Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in many of the cyborgs affected. Just because you can fully recover from something physically doesn't mean you'll never be affected mentally. The guys at Section 9 all have iron wills and represent the pinnacle of human capability. Sure, they can handle it, but your average soldier probably couldn't. Quote
Dr.Flintlock Posted February 1, 2010 Posted February 1, 2010 Referring to my Big O post (and all the pretty pictures posted by you guyses), I have to say its an anime you can probably appreciate more once you've watched some older film noir movies. At least, that's what allowed me to appreciate it more. Also, some of the episodes were just ridiculously awesome....and a little random.. For example, I'm pretty positive the "Christmas Special" was probably one of my all time favorite specials I've ever seen on any televised programming (Crazy scientist posing as Santa Claus allows for creation of GIANT MUTHAFUCKING Christmas tree. And when its done growing, it just....stops..and is shiny.) Plus the scene where Roger buys R. Dorothy a dress is priceless. Also, in other news, the Butler (his name escapes me) belongs on the list of greatest butlers of all time (Up there with Alfred and Lurch I believe). He wields a freaking .50 Cal (I think) for Christ's sakes. Also, eye patch ftw. On the topic of GitS: I started reading the original manga by Masamune Shirow a little while back and think its actually a little harder to read when you've been watching the anime. It really is a wholly different work on its own, especially with regards to The Major's characters. She's all vivacious, cute and stuff but still capable of kicking your ass. Just kinda...different is all. Oh and Batou is a klutz sometimes. Crazy. Quote
Dr.Flintlock Posted February 1, 2010 Posted February 1, 2010 Thin Crust said: So speaking about Gits, anyone going to make any predictions on what Steven Spielberg is going to do with the rights to the movie? Sorry, missed this comment...I hope he either A) Gives it to a director who can handle this material a little more legitimately or Stays true to the source material of the manga or the anime and doesn't make it into a blockbuster that EVERYONE can enjoy. Because the truth is that the average movie watcher does not like the GitS series because of all the philosophical jargon and whatnot. Even though you either love or hate the Wachowzki Brothers, I always saw them as being the perfect directors for a GitS movie. Too bad they got tied up on Speed Racer first... Quote
Thin Crust Posted February 1, 2010 Posted February 1, 2010 All right guys. FMA-B is now my favorite anime hands down. I've never been this much in suspense before watching a series. This new series is undoubtedly superior to the original FMA in every way. Instead of focusing on the Elric brothers, they have this much bigger plot involving the whole country. Someone said about the original series that everything was reused. Alchemy, philosophers stone, and humuncolus (sp) were all made from humans the last time. But now only the stone is. I could go on about this but I really need to get some studying done. You should all know that it really is an entirely different work from the original. Not like Dragon Ball Kai which is the same story just without fillers. Is anyone else following this series right now? Quote
Kenogu Labz Posted February 1, 2010 Posted February 1, 2010 Thin Crust said: Someone said about the original series that everything was reused. Alchemy, philosophers stone, and homunculi were all made from humans the last time. But now only the stone is. Really, I think that's one of the things that made the original great in its own regard. The fact that everything stemmed back to a disregard or twisting of human life made the villains' actions seem more atrocious. In the end, you're angry at the villain, not just because she ignored the value of human life, but did so intentionally for the sole reason of self-benefit. That's why it was nice to have everything connected in that way. Not saying FMA-B is worse, or anything. Just pointing out that the original just had a different focus. Quote
Native Jovian Posted February 1, 2010 Posted February 1, 2010 Thin Crust said: Someone said about the original series that everything was reused. Alchemy, philosophers stone, and humuncolus (sp) were all made from peeeeeeeeeople! That was me. I'd give the new series a chance if someone could reassure me that the characters wouldn't make me want to stab my own eyes out. Seriously, the only characters in the original series that I didn't hate either a) got little screen time, or were killed off fairly quickly... and thus got little screen time. Why am I always so negative in this thread? I actually like anime. Maybe it's just easier for me to discuss what you don't like than it is to gush about whatever I happen to think is awesome. Which usually boils down to "things being awesome." I am a man of simple tastes. Quote
Thin Crust Posted February 2, 2010 Posted February 2, 2010 Native Jovian said: That was me. I'd give the new series a chance if someone could reassure me that the characters wouldn't make me want to stab my own eyes out. Seriously, the only characters in the original series that I didn't hate either a) got little screen time, or were killed off fairly quickly... and thus got little screen time.Why am I always so negative in this thread? I actually like anime. Maybe it's just easier for me to discuss what you don't like than it is to gush about whatever I happen to think is awesome. Which usually boils down to "things being awesome." I am a man of simple tastes. Well, there is no Dante this time which I'm sure everyone loves. Teacher? You'll just have to see for yourself. You get to meet Armstrong's older sister, the brigadier general for the fortress of Briggs (She's probably the coolest new character.) Kimberly is much more refined. Scar is bigger and badder than ever. Marcoh survives. There is no little boy wrath nor annoying mommy sloth. They have been replaced by much better villains. Rose isn't a liability this time. That role has been replaced by Winry. She played a much bigger part this time around. The new main bad guy is much better and the conspiracy goes much deeper this time. Trust me when I say that this is now my favorite anime and every week I’m on the edge of my seat waiting for the next episode to come out. Quote
K.B. Posted February 2, 2010 Posted February 2, 2010 Dr.Flintlock said: Even though you either love or hate the Wachowzki Brothers, I always saw them as being the perfect directors for a GitS movie. Too bad they got tied up on Speed Racer first... Fun fact: they liked the cinematography of the original Ghost In The Shell movie so much that they used it as their design goal for The Matrix. Substance-wise, no idea; but directing-wise I think they'd do well by GitS. NOT thrilled about Spielberg being producer, though. He's hit-or-miss. And yeah, Dr.F, like I said, film noir ftw. The Big O is an amalgam of direct references that could easily turn someone off if done haphazardly (ex: the Batman parallels and hard-boiled detective movie aspects are obvious), but they're well-integrated and they're built upon to become something more than just a copy. So, even though it's not the original aspect of the series, I agree that the show probably shines even more in style(s) than it does in substance. Which is also in no small part thanks to the soundtrack. For instance, this take on one of the two main motifs just oozes film noir: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ih_gvJPSd7w&fmt=18 Quote
relyanCe Posted February 17, 2010 Posted February 17, 2010 Slayers REVOLUTION has been dubbed and released by FUNimation YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY Quote
Petara Posted February 17, 2010 Posted February 17, 2010 Thin Crust said: So speaking about Gits, anyone going to make any predictions on what Steven Spielberg is going to do with the rights to the movie? http://www.comingsoon.net/news/movienews.php?id=63328 Epic trilogy? Yowza Quote
The Mutericator Posted February 17, 2010 Posted February 17, 2010 relyanCe said: Slayers REVOLUTION has been dubbed and released by FUNimationYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY Not only that, but with ALL FOUR of the original cast back! YAAAAAAAY! Speaking of dubs: BACCANO! is fucking amazing, a must-watch for any anime fan. Dubbed is superior. Quote
Native Jovian Posted February 18, 2010 Posted February 18, 2010 The Mutericator said: BACCANO! is fucking amazing, a must-watch for any anime fan. Explain how. Quote
Brycepops Posted February 18, 2010 Posted February 18, 2010 So Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood started airing on [as] last Saturday. I think I'll finally get around to watching it now. Quote
Jared Hudson Posted February 18, 2010 Posted February 18, 2010 I heard about this anime called Dragonball Z. I hear it's got some balls n shit, and lots of fighting and screaming for about 1000 episodes straight. Quote
Thin Crust Posted February 18, 2010 Posted February 18, 2010 Well, FMA-B looks like it will be a long runner, except there are no fillers nor stretched out sequences. The original had fillers, yet it was still an awesome show. That's probably why it's going to be one of the best anime ever created. I can't wait till next episode. You said it's dubbed on adult swim? That's interesting. I really like how they took the story in the first 10 episodes of the first show and crammed it into 3 episodes. But the best part is that it doesn't feel rushed at all. Quote
DramaNoMore Posted February 18, 2010 Posted February 18, 2010 I like FMA-Brotherhood, it's well-made drama, free from theatrical, manipulative BS. Unlike the older series. Or Naruto. Quote
Dr.Flintlock Posted February 18, 2010 Posted February 18, 2010 Recently, I got around to borrowing Samurai 7 from a friend of mine (I go to him quite frequently. He spends roughly a quarter of his paycheck on bloody anime). Just finished it last night and I thought it was pretty good and definitely up there with some of my other favs. I've heard it takes a few liberties with the plot ot Akira Kurosawa's original film, and I won't lie that a lot of the charaterizations can be borderline cliche, but the overall feel of the series was pretty engrossing. Also, the mecha designs in that series are top-notch, combining a nice blend of steampunk inspired and feudalistic Japan influences. Only thing I didn't care much for was that said mechs did seem a little weak. I mean, sure when you're a crazy samurai who can perform superhuman feats, its not surprising that you could dismantle several of the large monstrosities, but towards the conclusion to the series, FARMERS were blowing them up too. Kinda makes you wonder why these giant robots were so dangerous to begin with... But the real draw of this series is in the character development and it kept me up 'til all hours watching. On top of that, I'm a huge fan of GONZO's work, so that may make me a bit biased. I've been into them since I first played Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete and Lunar 2 awhile back. Quote
Thin Crust Posted March 4, 2010 Posted March 4, 2010 Geez, just when I didn't think I could get any more excited about FMA-B, they go and pull another epic twist this latest episode. Actually, several twists. I can't recommend that anime highly enough right now. Quote
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