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Posted (edited)
edit: i found this image anyone have any comments on it?


What have you watched? I can't remember if you've seen some of these or not. Anyway...

Of the things in the image, I can personally vouch for Kenshin (up through the second season; the rest beyond that is... um... yeah.), Outlaw Star, Slayers, Gundam 08th MS Team, Black Lagoon, Azumanga Daioh, Suzumiya Haruhi, FLCL, and Big O. Slayers, Azumanga and Haruhi may not be everyone's cup of tea, but they're generally good.

I've heard good things about Zeta Gundam, Ghost in the Shell, Trigun, Sword in the Stranger, and Ergo Proxy, but I haven't gotten around to watching them yet.

As far as things not on that image, Yu Yu Hakusho is a classic Shonen anime that has many cliches from the time period but is quite well done. I hear Gundam 0080 is good, and I'm currently watching Gundam 0083, which so far is good (if a bit odd with pacing at times). Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 is a really good one. Finally, Bubblegum Crisis and Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 are pretty good in my opinion, though they don't stand out in any particular way.

Edited by HalcyonSpirit
Posted (edited)

i'm gonna be lame and make a list of what i've watched and what i haven't just so you can all secretly scoff at me/give me suggestions off of that

still running/something to keep me entertained weekly:

One Piece


Fairy Tail


Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood

Deadman Wonderland (if you haven't heard of it at least look it up)

Samurai Champloo

Code Geass

Death Note

Hell Girl seasons 1-3

Mobile Suit Gundam 00

Hajime No Ippo

Neon Genesis Evangelion

Giant Killing (soccer anime, a pretty good watch if you're into that kind of thing)

[C] The Money of Soul and Possibility Control (great concept, clearly ran out of funding/interest and ended at 11 episodes. first 4 episodes bring up some good food for thought)

that's all i've got i think. this is in no particular order. I have of course watched the whole dragonball series but to me that almost doesn't count because you have to watch that show in english. it just doesn't feel right with the music and the voices in the japanese dub.

i remember big o being on toonami but never paid too much attention to it, same with yu yu hakusho and ruroni kenshin. i remember outlaw star being in the awesome toonami music videos i.e.

Edited by The Derrit
Posted (edited)
i remember outlaw star being in the awesome toonami music videos i.e.

Oh god I just nostalgia'd.

I see Gundam 00 on there. If you liked that, you may like Gundam Wing (another show in that Toonami commercial). Similar feel to Gundam 00 in that it's got more emphasis on action than most other Gundam series (still recommend those, as well), and the plots a quite similar, too. I personally feel that Wing and 00 weren't as strong as those other Gundam series, but I tend to focus less on action and more on the characters, so you can somewhat base your decisions regarding the various Gundam series on that.

EDIT: If you're liking Bleach and One Piece, then shows like Trigun, Yu Yu Hakusho, Outlaw Star and Rurouni Kenshin are probably right up your alley.

Edited by HalcyonSpirit
Oh god I just nostalgia'd.

I see Gundam 00 on there. If you liked that, you may like Gundam Wing (another show in that Toonami commercial). Similar feel to Gundam 00 in that it's got more emphasis on action than most other Gundam series (still recommend those, as well), and the plots a quite similar, too. I personally feel that Wing and 00 weren't as strong as those other Gundam series, but I tend to focus less on action and more on the characters, so you can somewhat base your decisions regarding the various Gundam series on that.

EDIT: If you're liking Bleach and One Piece, then shows like Trigun, Yu Yu Hakusho, Outlaw Star and Rurouni Kenshin are probably right up your alley.

One Piece is kind an oddball of fun. It bounces between kinda immature humour and all-out awesome; the bizarre abilities are presented creatively enough, and the arcs are solid enough (at least as far as I've gotten) to keep it interesting and fun. But you're already watching it, so guess it doesn't need much of a recommendation. (Here's hoping Funi clinches the next batch of dubbing rights soon...)

Trigun's also a bunch of fun. The characters in that one are really great, and are what makes it stick out from the rest. Give it a couple episodes to kick in (I suspect this is the case for most shows, really).

I've watched YYH. I'm not sure it'd make it to the top of my list by a long shot, but it's certainly not bad. It's great if you're trying to watch and do something else at the same time, since the amount of attention required to follow it isn't that high.


Hey, maybe you guys can help me out. What might you suggest for a steam-punkish 1910's feel with possible connection to flying machines.

Something like Last Exile or Laputa is what I'm looking for. A good adventure.

Any ideas?

Glancing at the pic reminded me that I do have a recommendation: Monster. It's not flashy, sticking more with realism than blow-your-mind art. Yet it pulls off a stunning story, and you'll be at the edge of your seat for every episode. You could think of it as initially based on the older series 'The Fugitive', at least in the basic premise. Definitely worth a shot; do note that it takes a bit for the real story to kick in, so it's not a hospital drama as it may initially seem to be.

Monster was a very fun ride. Enjoyed the whole thing, especially how grounded the series felt (minus the whole overarching conspiricy stuff).

Posted (edited)

Anyone seen the Persona 3 anime? There's a P4 one as well that's currently airing. These appear to be sleepers - I just found out about them a couple days ago, so I can't vouch for or against. I'd be interested in opinions of either.

Or if no-one's seen them yet, then consider it an fyi-these-exist to Atlus fans, as I know we have at least a couple here.

Usagi Drop

Heard great things about this as well, and it seems right up my alley. Now that I have hd space (post-reformat) I'm going to check it out. I've been itching for a new show, too. I know that wasn't intended as a reminder for me but that was perfectly timed for my purposes, so thanks.

edit: i found this image anyone have any comments on it?


I'll have to look up a few of those. Seems a good enough list to invest the time to investigate the unknown ones.

I see Daioh and Monster on the "popular" list. That might be true but I certainly wouldn't call them 'good'. I watched the first two episodes of Daioh and each one was pure torture. They were bland, unfunny, slow, and disjointed. Couldn't stand most of the personalities and the music made me want to claw out my ears. I know that two episodes isn't usually a fair shake, but I feel no compulsion to give additional chances to something so wholly unenjoyable. Monster is cheesily over-dramatized, plodding, has horrible filler, and stays in the shallow end of the pool in exploring the human psyche, the lattermost of which is intolerable because this is the area the show should have explored since, well, that's largely what it's built upon. The show has a decent enough underlying plotline, but it is lackluster at best in execution. Then again, everyone else I've talked to about it has liked it, so take that as your minority view.

Biggest omission that I can see, with my very limited knowledge of the medium, is Grave of the Fireflies. That's one of the most emotively powerful visual works I've ever seen. But Miyazaki was covered well aside from that, so it's not a big deal. I'd throw Elfen Lied on there somewhere as well (under "hidden gems", I guess), but I'm also a big softie.

Obligatory recommendation is suffering.

Edited by K.B.
Posted (edited)

Just a few things off the top of my head:

- Seto no Hanayome is awesome, even after watching it a second time

- There isn't enough of Time of Eve for me (any recommendations of anime with a similar feel?)

- FLCL... Totally weird, but it hooks you somehow

I'm too lazy to write any further. I'm watching Guilty Crown and seeing where it goes, but I've sort of fallen off Cubed Curaed Curious, or whatever that title was. GC is looking like it will be typical mecha, but there's nothing wrong with that.

Oh, yeah, Miyazaki films are good, too (although that weird goldfish one makes me wonder if he was breathing in too much car fumes; it was a bit weird and I didn't really like it)

I read the manga for Usagi Drop. It was great, although the last part of it was a bit of a "what just happened?" "this is getting slightly weird/I wasn't expecting that" sort of thing. Do they do it differently in the anime?

Again, too lazy to write more or read the last 10 posts. Sorry (not really:razz:).

EDIT: I felt a need to give more detail about Seto no no Hanayome (English title "My Bride is a Mermaid")

- It. Is. Funny. From the start, it doesn't take much seriously, and there's parodies up to your knees. There is a bit of fan-service (:whatevaa:), but there's not too much.

I personally think there should be a cut down on fan-service in general. I've seen bits of anime, but they were ruined for me with the humongous amounts of it. Didn't really return to most. Plots go from "what happens next" to "oh, another panty shot". :(

Edited by GravitySuitCollector

I read the manga for Usagi Drop. It was great, although the last part of it was a bit of a "what just happened?" "this is getting slightly weird/I wasn't expecting that" sort of thing. Do they do it differently in the anime?

The show covers the first part of the manga (from what I hear; haven't read it, don't intend to). If they make a season 2, I'd really hope they decide to do their own thing rather than follow the manga. I heard the ending to the manga was pretty weird/creepy, spoiled it, and agree.

Anyone seen the Persona 3 anime? There's a P4 one as well that's currently airing. These appear to be sleepers - I just found out about them a couple days ago, so I can't vouch for or against. I'd be interested in opinions of either.

Or if no-one's seen them yet, then consider it an fyi-these-exist to Atlus fans, as I know we have at least a couple here.

I keep forgetting about Trinity Soul, despite having beaten the game three times now.

I've been watching the P4 adaptation though, yeah.


Steins;Gate has apparently not been mentioned once within this thread despite being awesome.

In terms of more recent anime, Tiger & Bunny is also definitely worth watching.

Just quickly skimming the chart for some of the stuff no-one has talked about so far:

Going back a few years, it's almost unforgivable to not watch Gurren Lagann. Eureka 7 is also pretty decent if you can put up with the protagonist.

I would also recommend everything Macross (except the parallel timelines). Who couldn't love anime where music wins wars? Personally, I prefer everything Macross 7 onwards far more than the original series though.

Oh also, Eden of the East, and a generally high percentage of Production I.G. anime are really good.

On the subject of Laputa/Last Exile style anime, there's the currently airing new series of Last Exile and possibly also Elemental Gelade. I'm sure I could think of more, but I seem to be blanking on anime in general this morning :[

Which Macross was it where the dude had a spaceship that transformed into a speaker that got him loads of Alien Poon?

Cause that is the only one worth watching.

I'm not completely sure, but I'd like to think you mean Macross 7 since it's undeniably the best of the Macross serieses.

I also want to randomly plug Shiki which I forgot about earlier - back to the original concept of Vampires, none of this *sparkle sparkle* "I love you" crap. Just blood, murder, mystery and moral dilemmas.


To anyone who says Evangelion.....I just don't get it. The whole series is just plain stupid. (My opinion of course)

This song expresses my feelings towards it.

Just the song. The video has absolutely nothing to do with the song.

Posted (edited)

oh, one other fantastic thing that's airing this season is Mawaru Penguindrum

also Fate/Zero if you're into the FSN universe

Good? i need to upload another invisible square at some point since i've lost my bookmarks

yeah it's been pretty great so far

Edited by Gollgagh

I'm also really enjoying Penguindrum, though it really enjoys trolling its viewers. So much misdirection, withheld information and constant dangling of answer like a carrot before snatching them away.

But I guess that's one of the things that makes it really worth watching.

It did start to get a little eh after the first few episodes due to the constant focus on Ringo, but fortunately it managed to quickly pick itself back up after it got past that.

There's actually a fair few surprisingly good (Haganai, C³, UN-GO, Ben-to) anime this season, some letdowns too (Horizon, though it was considered an impossible adaption for a reason and there was no way Guilty Crown could ever live up to the hype that was generated by claims of being on par with Code Geass) and of course, the expected, and completely awesome Fate/Zero which people should watch regardless of what they know of Fate/Stay Night :3


I like to balance fluffy and serious animes but this season I just want fluffy fun :9.

I'm going to check out C3 Fate/Zero and maybe Haganai. New Working! yay ;), that's my style for this season.

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