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Watched all of Puella Magi Madoka Magica today. It was interesting. I liked the themes presented through the story, and I liked how it defied my expectation that the main character would become a Puella Magi pretty much immediately, as is the norm. Opened up plenty of opportunities at storytelling.

At the same time, I'm somewhat disappointed with it. I liked it overall, but I feel like there were a lot of potential areas to explore that it really only scratched the surface of, particularly the psychological aspects of it. I really wanted to see it dive into those areas. Perhaps they didn't simply because the whole series is only 12 episodes long; I can understand it'd be hard to pack a lot into such a small amount of space. Still, it did very well for the time it had. It didn't have a strong emotional impact on me, but maybe I'm just still too rocked by my Clannad experience to really feel much in comparison.

All-in-all, a good, albeit short, series that inverts aspects of the typical magical girl show quite well.


Trigun was really cool, I really liked the funny first half of the series.

I started watching Cowboy Bebop last night with a friend. If you liked Cowboy Bebop I can only recommend Outlaw Star.

And occasionally I watch an episode of Clannad, but I can't bear more than two or three a day. I think when I'm trough with it, I will be mentally harmed

Posted (edited)

Has anyone else stopped watching new anime because of the havoc moe has wreaked on anime's art style? I've decided anime is going to be unwatchable for me until a decade or so has passed and a new generation of artists comes in and reacts against moe.

I feel like anime went from this:


to this:


I stopped going to anime cons because I no longer could recognize the shows people were cos playing. Last brand new show I watched was Code Geass.

Edited by Avatar of Justice

If you like the Trigun tv series, you should check out the Trigun Badlands Rumble movie. While I don't think it's actually tied to the story in any way, it is set in the manga version of the Trigun universe, the most obvious and non-spoilery clue to this is how Vash is dressed in his Trigun Maximum outfit. Despite how many years it has been since the original anime ended, they still managed to capture the feel of the series.


Congrats, you've made it to 4chan troll level status! Anything can be made to look bad if you pick and choose your comparison material.

Was there a particular reason why you didn't choose this, or this, or maybe even this?

But well, if you want to go back to the days when every male character had practically exactly the same superhuman level of abdominal muscle, that's fine too I guess... To each their own?

To each their own?

Who pissed in your morning coffee? That wasn't trolling at all.

True or not though, some of them can still be a lot of fun even if there is an excess amount of panty shots. I watched Full Metal Panic twice (skipped season to on the second go around for the most part) just because I really liked the art and I thought it had a splendid soundtrack.

Anyways, I went and got Trigun, sounds like everyone here has something good to say about it. Probably burn through a few episodes this weekend.


To be fair, Jorgumand's art style does look kind of ugly. And to be even more so, Gungrave doesn't look at all appealing to me either.

I am not a fan of the general trends in anime style of the last 10 years.

Something a bit magic about the 80s-early 90s "style" things had about them, at least for me. The way shows such as Sailor Moon, Lupin III, Kikaider, G-Gundam, Space Adventure Cobra, Cutey Honey Flash, Dominion Tank Police, and Mad Bull 34 looked is a way I don't think people really draw anymore at least for big studio productions.

You know, styles change and all that, but not always for the better!

You'd be hard-pressed to get a studio like Madhouse to replicate one of their early masterpieces, like

. The stuff that makes you love anime.

I hope everyone is sharp enough to see my generalization and not get hung up on the details.

As far as "new" anime go, I am always down for a rewatch of Black Lagoon (probably one of my favorite anime to come out in like, a long long time), or Eureka 7 (I'm not sure about this new series yet).

Black Lagoon

Black Lagoon is a pretty sweet series. I kinda wish it'd have gone on longer than it did. Haven't watched it in full for a year or two, but every once in a while I sit down and watch the first episode or some random episode. Just because.

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
Has anyone else stopped watching new anime because of the havoc moe has wreaked on anime's art style? I've decided anime is going to be unwatchable for me until a decade or so has passed and a new generation of artists comes in and reacts against moe.

I feel like anime went from this:


to this:


I stopped going to anime cons because I no longer could recognize the shows people were cos playing. Last brand new show I watched was Code Geass.

While its true there are more moe type anime shows out there, you haven't seen some of the good shows that I think you might like.

Hidan no Aria (Aria the Scarlet Ammo)


C3 (Cube x Cursed x Curious)


Deadman Wonderland

just to name a few.

Revy is still one of my favorite female protagonists, even years after I've watched/read it

Revy? you mean Revy from Fairy Tail?

Edited by JasAce5
Posted (edited)
While its true there are more moe type anime shows out there, you haven't seen some of the good shows that I think you might like.

Hidan no Aria (Aria the Scarlet Ammo)


I'll give you that one.

Random question, but what made you decide that two loli fanservice anime would be a good choice of reccs for someone who just stated that they hated what moe had done to anime art? Deadman Wonderland would be a decent reccomendation, except that the manga is far more entertaining to read than the anime is to watch. Sure was an entertaining watch, but that doesn't stop it 'suffering' from an extremely moe-orientated artstyle.

Black Lagoon is a pretty sweet series.
Revy is still one of my favorite female protagonists, even years after I've watched/read it
Revy? you mean Revy from Fairy Tail?

There is no 'Revy' in Fairy Tail. There is however a 'Levy.'

Edited by Moomba
Has anyone else stopped watching new anime because of the havoc moe has wreaked on anime's art style? I've decided anime is going to be unwatchable for me until a decade or so has passed and a new generation of artists comes in and reacts against moe.

I stopped going to anime cons because I no longer could recognize the shows people were cos playing. Last brand new show I watched was Code Geass.

"I don't like a specific subset of anime made for young teenage girls thus all anime is now bad"

"Also since I don't watch anime anymore who are all these people dressing up as I don't get it why aren't they still dressing up as Cowboy Bebop characters"

feel free to have your opinions and all but this just sounds like the old man calling rock and roll the devil's music


Except that he's not saying "all this moe bullshit is destroying the anime industry!", he's saying "I've stopped watching anime because I don't like any recent stuff". That's a pretty important difference, there.

Revy? you mean Revy from Fairy Tail?

My post immediately succeeded one talking about Black Lagoon. lern 2 context plz

Revy is short for Rebecca, and she ain't no fairy.

Except that the official (as chosen by the mangaka himself) romanisation is Levy, so any other possible choices are pretty much irrelevant.

Yes, the new ED is pretty nice.

p.s. The correct kana is レビィ

Yeah, if you only consider the official kana as right, then you are right. However レヴィ could be an alternate form. Then again, I'm still learning so I could be wrong.

anyway, beating a dead horse here. I was watching One piece AMV's and it made me want to watch Robin's arc again.

Space Brothers and Dusk Maiden of Amnesia air tomorrow, so I'm looking forward to watching them. :D

edit: Nevermind, they are already out. XD


Finally got around to watching Madhouse's Summer Days.

Pretty nice, breezy stuff, with some more serious moments thrown in.

I watched the English dub, and I thought for the most part it was ok - no real stand-out performances, but it wasn't bad.

I thought the "internet" stuff was very creative and stylish, and obviously the best-animated, whereas the action taking place in the real world was kind of subdued - maybe that was the point? All the same, there were nice bits of what I call 'Miyazaki moments' - parts where the movie can just breathe - strewn in. As for the plot, I thought it really silly how worked up everyone got over like, an online mmo fighting game but you know it's Japan and it's a kid's movie (?) so I guess I can dig it.

I don't think it's Madhouse's best effort, but I think it pretty good and fun. It's a shame that it never seems like anyone watches their shows; they're really one of the few studios in Japan that makes idiosyncratic and creative works (along with Satoshi Kon RIP). I guess anime folk would rather watch K-On... (it's true, K-On is ridiculously popular for being total shit, as compared to any of Madhouse's shows).

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