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Posted (edited)


Front Cover: Drew "halc" Wheeler, back cover: Brandon Strader

The Bionic Commando album project was founded by John Revoredo on August 4th, 2009. He later acquired the assistance of Willrock. The project was 'restarted' on October 31st, 2012.

This album was created with love, graciously, by the OC ReMix Community members listed below. We hope you like our album.

Rearming Commandus

"Prologue" by Rockos

Proceed Without Caution

"Bionic Commando Theme" by Sir_NutS


"OK, We'll Move" by Brandon Strader

Noochy Zone

"Among Allies, Heat Wave" by Phonetic Hero

The Fairest Time to Fight

"Leap of Faith" by WillRock

Guerrilla Groove

"Power Plant" by Amphibious

Hold Your Weapon

"Meet the Enemy and Descend" by Avaris

Enemy Underworld

"Heat Wave, Bionic Commando Theme" by Nutritious

An Arm Pun

"Boss Dialogue, Intruder Alert, Bionic Commando Theme" by Hylian Lemon

Master 'D' for Dance

"Rise of the Albatross, Bionic Commando Theme" by Gario

Albatros Pls

"Albatross" by Benjamin Briggs

Swing into the Sunset

"Ending, Epilogue" by Rozovian

Edited by Brandon Strader
john - how about me, you and level 99 do the opening - a big militaristic thing with guitars and orchestra - we'll figure out the arrangement and get you to put some orchestral sex down and we'll be gold and have a fantastic way to open the album

Sounds awesome!. I'll check the track as a collab. BTW, do you have any outline/structure for the piece in mind? Hearing the track i'm coming with a couple of ideas, maybe we should discuss this through PM.


Now this is what I've been waiting for!

Few questions:

-Do you have a deadline for the first WIP already?

-And what musical style are you looking for this project?

-Is there any other specific restrictions/conditions?

I'd like to claim Area 8 if possible. ;-)


AF is gonna turn this into Might of Baron part 2:

"a big militaristic thing with guitars and orchestra"

And that's far from a bad thing. I'll be listening this week and formulating some guitar bits. We can talk about this more through PM or online, but just let me know if I should start preparing some noodling and battling. :-o

Now this is what I've been waiting for!

Few questions:

-Do you have a deadline for the first WIP already?

-And what musical style are you looking for this project?

-Is there any other specific restrictions/conditions?

I'd like to claim Area 8 if possible. ;-)

- Still havent thought on deadlines. But if things freeze way too much i'll put them.

-Anything you want. What i want is it to be quality music, so you'll have to put some real effort in whatever you do. Ah, yeah, preferably something GROOOVY *earthworm jim face*

-None.. yet. :-P .

I'll sign you for Area 8.


AF is gonna turn this into Might of Baron part 2:

"a big militaristic thing with guitars and orchestra"

LOL (again)

Here's my submission - http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01462/


No but seriously, if anyone were to take that track, I'm glad to see my boy Willrock have at it. He'll give it some sexy synth love.

I'm afraid there are no synths in it... its a minimalist track with a theremin, a guitar with two broken strings and a triangle.

Ok I kid, its a synth crazy one :tomatoface:

Also John, check your PMs i've sent you a WIP.

Posted (edited)

Left you an early wip in the project forum.


So far, what I've heard of this is awesome. You should all look forward to hearing it. :P

I just spoiled the fun for me by listening to the other tracks posted in the forum. :(

Then again, what I've heard of it is awesome. You should all look forward to hearing it. :D

Edited by Rozovian
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