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Yay! Episode downloaded!

P.S. : I was gonna grab the old episodes, then checked the torrents only to discover they aren't there...? Is it gonna be fixed?

Yeah, I'm not sure how to fix the torrents. Anyone have some expertise in that area?

P.P.S. : Did I just hear Arnold Schwarzenegger?

Ahhhnold. (That was actually Daniel, everyone!)


Very glad you guys are liking the show! We're happy with the new format as well; Brush had some awesome ideas with the JudgeQuote and Game Flames sections. I think it definitely helps that we've condensed the old reports into Community Happenings also - much love to Rama, DrumUltimA, and Cyan_Ide, though!

I'm particularly excited about the OCRtist Spotlight. We did have the occasional long interview before, but I think having shorter ones every week is cool. Gotta show off all the talent in this community, one remixer at a time!

EDIT: Found it! Feel free to add this to your sigs etc. if you'd like. :D


In the uk they just say noh-kee-a, with no strong syllable:

Yeah, that's about it. Except the a should be more open. Also, you have to sound depressed when you say it. It's finnish. :D

And technically the first syllable is emphasized, but the vowel sound is the same. Finnish. :)

IPA: /ˈnokiɑ/ (yeah, really helpful), compare the english word "no" transcribed as /noʊ/ (american english).

lol, really important stuff. :D


Enjoyed the revival! I wrote my full impressions in the VGDJ website. :)

One suggestion that I just remembered to Brushfire: in "Game Flames", it would be cool if you can comment on the soundtrack of the game in question. I found your Red Faction thoughts to be very insightful but I was expecting a sentence or two about the soundtrack, which was composed by one of our community veterans Jake "virt" Kaufman.


Nice episode :D

I personally felt that there was some awkwardness between Brushfire & the other 2 hosts when they interact; here's hoping things will flow more smoothly with more episodes :)

And a question, please. What remix is the intro using? I recognize the original tune from Zelda Phantom Hourglass, but I don't find the game when using the quick search :(

Nice episode :D

I personally felt that there was some awkwardness between Brushfire & the other 2 hosts when they interact; here's hoping things will flow more smoothly with more episodes :)

I just listened to the 'cast, it was good yeah! I personally didn't register awkwardness, but sure it'll become smoother with time quite naturally, so looking forward to new episodes!

I'd actually have liked to hear full-length remixes, but on the other hand it's nice that the podcast is kept short.


I'd actually have liked to hear full-length remixes, but on the other hand it's nice that the podcast is kept short.


The reason we play only snippets is to dangle the carrot of awesome in front of you, and lead you to our site to explore the rest that the community has to offer.

On a more different note, we all sat down and discussed the show, and it turns out that we have all come to the conclusion that this will be a bi-weekly cast.

This works on two fronts. One is that it insures that we wont have episodes that have no new mixes. Unless some sort of freak drought at the Judge circle happens.

Secondly, it prevents any of us from getting burned out.

Thirdly, it gives us ample time to make content better, and those savings get passed onto you the listener.


We are still on the air!!

The reason we play only snippets is to dangle the carrot of awesome in front of you, and lead you to our site to explore the rest that the community has to offer.

I get that.. on the other hand, while listening the podcast, I strongly felt that this was more of an inside thing, from OCR to OCR, rather than something that advertises OCR to outside. I'm sure it works on both fronts more or less, just that the emphasis seems to be a show for those already in-OCR.

I do think playing the songs in full would be more beneficial to actually showcase the awesome to new folks. But primarily, personally I want them so that I can check out the new mixes in a fun way without needing to download them myself (unless I want to keep them of course). :) That worked really well with the Brushfire-only preview for me!

Biweekly sounds good!



Great episode; it's beautiful to hear y'all again. I discovered and starting listening to VGDJ, starting with ep1, right around the time it was wrapping up, and I can say it is what kept me sane at a horrendous late night job I had my freshman year at uni. Looking forward to hearing more; I'll definitely be passing this on to friends!

And with that, some feedback (mostly personal preferences more than anything else, but I'm sure you appreciate feedback from someone who's essentially not a community member):

I do miss the RRR segment. It's nice to have one remix you can hear in its entirety. Whether it's actually random or picked in some other manner (maybe integrated with the OCRtist profile?) doesn't matter quite so much. Plus, I downloaded roulette remixes about as much as reviewed ones during the old incarnation of VDGJ, as listening to a good remix in its entirety will always leave a better first impression than a short preview.

Regarding the game flames segment, we'll see where it goes in future episodes, but right now it just doesn't seem to fit. Amongst talking about a very narrow topic of VGM-remixing, all of a sudden we get a review of a game. Unless the person talking about the game is very entertaining, I don't personally care to hear all the gory details about why I shouldn't play a crappy game (or why I should play a good one either for that matter), when I'm tuning in to the podcast to hear about music.

I'm sure I'll have further thoughts as a couple episodes come in. Great job, guys!

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