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i've found that a lot of the people on this website tend to prefer the 'old-school' games - games that had their roots in the 8-bit genre, featuring simple and enjoyable melodies in the music, basic graphics, and generally solid gameplay. i tend to find these games boring, with annoying soundtracks. they're repetitive, grind-y, and just flat out unenjoyable to me. i really prefer newer games.

i should specify what i mean, because it's not always true. my favorite game of all time is chrono cross, which i've beaten so many times i've lost count. what i like about it isn't the interesting and unique battle system, the (relatively one-dimensional) characters, or the really excellent parallel-universes concept - it's the visuals. i find the graphics in that game absolutely captivating. there's so many colors, so much detail crammed into a really small screen.

i play a lot of gears of war, oblivion/fallout, ff:dissidia, madden 10, halo 3, rock band...newer games that tend to feature relatively excellent graphics and relatively unique gameplay while not necessarily having the best story. there are things i like about each game - i love the horde mode in gears 2, i love the campaign in h3, i love the franchise mode in 10, i'm a fan of exploration in the bethesda softworks games, i enjoy maxing my characters in dissidia, i like trying to do better in rock band (and i generally like the music).

i don't know why - regardless of how much i try to enjoy the older 'classics' - mainly anything on systems before ps2 or xbox original - i just don't get into them.

is there anyone else out there like me?

please, let's not make this a flamefest or anything. i'm not interested in why these games i listed aren't fun, or why you think i'm a heretic or something. i'm more interested in hearing from others why this generation's games are entertaining.

ps: hey mods, before you change my thread name, can you at least let me know why you're doing so? i think it's really annoying to see a thread name changed, even if it's just capitals or something.

i've found that a lot of the people on this website tend to prefer the 'old-school' games - games that had their roots in the 8-bit genre, featuring simple and enjoyable melodies in the music, basic graphics, and generally solid gameplay. i tend to find these games boring, with annoying soundtracks. they're repetitive, grind-y, and just flat out unenjoyable to me. i really prefer newer games.

i should specify what i mean, because it's not always true. my favorite game of all time is chrono cross, which i've beaten so many times i've lost count. what i like about it isn't the interesting and unique battle system, the (relatively one-dimensional) characters, or the really excellent parallel-universes concept - it's the visuals. i find the graphics in that game absolutely captivating. there's so many colors, so much detail crammed into a really small screen.

i play a lot of gears of war, oblivion/fallout, ff:dissidia, madden 10, halo 3, rock band...newer games that tend to feature relatively excellent graphics and relatively unique gameplay while not necessarily having the best story. there are things i like about each game - i love the horde mode in gears 2, i love the campaign in h3, i love the franchise mode in 10, i'm a fan of exploration in the bethesda softworks games, i enjoy maxing my characters in dissidia, i like trying to do better in rock band (and i generally like the music).

i don't know why - regardless of how much i try to enjoy the older 'classics' - mainly anything on systems before ps2 or xbox original - i just don't get into them.

is there anyone else out there like me?

please, let's not make this a flamefest or anything. i'm not interested in why these games i listed aren't fun, or why you think i'm a heretic or something. i'm more interested in hearing from others why this generation's games are entertaining.

ps: hey mods, before you change my thread name, can you at least let me know why you're doing so? i think it's really annoying to see a thread name changed, even if it's just capitals or something.

Do you really mean chrono cross? Not chrono trigger? cause if you haven't played chrono trigger and your favorite game is chrono cross, oh man... ok moving on.

Question 1: When did you start playing video games (what game and/or system)

Question 2: What game did you first play and went "ok I really like video games" (im assuming it's going to be chrono cross)

Question 3: Which of these following games have you beaten (or played a lot of because you enjoyed it). I'm just curious. These are a range of titles and genres from a range of systems and I guess I wanna get a feel of what you've actually played from the "classic" era.

Ninja Gaiden



Megaman 1, 2 or 3 (4-6 too I guess...)

Super Mario Bros 3

Super Mario World

Donkey Kong Country 1 or 2 (3 is garbage)

Sonic The Hedgehog 1, 2 or 3

Toejam & Earl

Super Metroid

The Legend of Zelda

Final Fantasy II or III (American)

Earthworm Jim 1 or 2

Madden 94, 95 or 96

Chrono Trigger

Resident Evil 1, 2 or 3

Castlevania Symphony of the Night

Final Fantasy VII, VIII or IX

Tony Hawks Pro Skater 1, 2 or 3

Metal Gear Solid


Mario 64

Starfox 64

Mario Kart 64

Ocarina of Time


Question 4: Now which of these following games have you beaten (or played a lot of because you enjoyed it). These are a range of titles and genres from a range of systems from the "next gen" era

Final Fantasy X or XII

Kingdom Hearts 1 or 2


God of War I or II

Shadows of Collosus

Silent Hill 1 or 2

Resident Evil 4

Grand Theft Auto 3, or 4


Tony Hawks Underground

Forza Motorsport 1 or 2

Halo 1, 2 or 3

Fallout 3

Mass Effect


Assassins Creed

Gears of War 1 or 2

Resident Evil 5

Dead Space

Little Big Planet

Madden 8, 9 or 10

This sounds like a classic case of when, where and why you started playing games. I need to know the above questions before I can really talk with you on the subject.


Hey. I have to agree with you there, though I am very sad to say I have never finished Chrono Cross. I got to the part where you are tasked to defeat a few dragons or something across the map. I killed one dragon in some kind of underground place, and I wasn't able to get the other dragons to come out and I couldn't figure out what I had to do in the story to trigger them, so I was never able to finish. I still have a PS2 slim and the game though so I might give it a try from the beginning someday.

As for liking newer games more, I have to agree. I also like to play remakes of older games or older franchises, in general. Though I have to say remakes like the new "Bionic Commando" seem a little disappointing, but I never played the original. So yes, I loved Oblivion to the point where I wished I lived there. I still have flashbacks to my times at the Waterfront. Incredibly enjoyable game. I wish I could delete all my achievements from my game and re-earn them just so I would have the motivation to play through the game again. I think I spent around 80 hours just living on it. I really didn't like Fallout 3 that much. I thought it was disappointing. I thought the movement system and fighting was way too similar to Oblivion, for what should have been an action game / first person shooter... The guns were way too weak. As soon as I got Fawkes as a partner, I found I didn't even have to fight. I could just rely on him completely. Unlike Dogmeat who died in the first confrontation we had.

I played Madden NFL 06 and really liked it. I was surprised by how much fun I had because I'm really not a football fan, but I always loved running down the fields in football games. My brother in law and I have been playing through Gears and Gears 2 on insane difficulty. It's been a pretty awesome ride. I wanted to play through Gears 2 again so bad, even though I had already played through it twice. I really liked the story. >_<

Upcoming stuff for me... Well I've got the guitar hero drums set up with double bass pedals, so I'm excited for this GH5 and free Van Halen pre order deal, I'm going to have those 2 and get The Beatles for my mom because she loves the Beatles. We'll play that one together. I'm always on drums and I've gotten pretty good. I think if I had a real kit (which I totally can't afford) I would actually be able to hold a beat. I also play Rock Band 2, GH: Metallica, and World tour on occasion, always looking for friends to play with on those.

So... I mean I remember having great times playing the Chip 'n' Dale Chipmonks game for the NES but I haven't thought of playing it for a looong time. The music doesn't annoy me. I've actually been getting more interested in chiptune music lately, but most of it isn't very good that I've heard so far.


*high fives mephisto for CC* Chrono Cross has to be up there as one of my favorites just because of the awesome stoy and the music that accompanied it. But I've also never played Chrono Trigger even though I own it(sorry 8BitBliss). Time to start running from the pitchfork mob.

Anywho, I had no problem enjoying games during the N64 and Playstation era but now I have a hard time getting back into them because of all the new games we have now. The worst part about it is that graphics play a big role in that. I can't get over it for some reason. And if I do, it's not for long and I can never finish an RPG in time before I get fed up with the 3D rendering.

But I've also never played Chrono Trigger even though I own it(sorry 8BitBliss). Time to start running from the pitchfork mob.

Aw mannnnnn. Cmon now, you own it hehe just play it already =p I don't want to guarantee anything but I would assume you would like it considering how much you liked chrono cross lol.


Who cares what kind of games a person enjoys? I like newer games as well. Higher production values(even though I still think it's going overboard lately), increased quality control, creative ideas, etc.

You couldn't make a game like Gears of War back in the last generations of gaming, or a game as damned pretty as Eternal Sonata. And online play people. The only platform to do online well before the Xbox(which was nothing more than ass compared to Xbox Live on the 360) was PC, and who the fuck plays PC games anyway(I kid :-P)?

Don't get me wrong. I'll fire up the PS2 and the emulators on my lappy 'cause I thoroughly enjoyed(and enjoy) a lot of the older games, but this generation is loads of fun.

*high fives mephisto for CC* Chrono Cross has to be up there as one of my favorites just because of the awesome stoy and the music that accompanied it. But I've also never played Chrono Trigger even though I own it.

I was in this position for awhile, so I eventually broke out Final Fantasy Chronicles so I could play it.

I liked Chrono Cross better in every way.


I'll play newer games, and some are very good. For instance, Persona 4 was probably the best game I played in 2008. But gaming is something I'm kind of growing out of. While I'll always enjoy playing games, many of the ones I really like are from the time I was in 5th - 10th grade, which was pretty much the N64 era. NES and SNES games also hold cherished places in my heart for the nostalgia factor. I'd take a good N64 game over a 360 game any day.


There's also a very important factor to consider when gauging new games against old ones: nostalgia. NOTHING transports you back to certain memories like video games; the only important senses they are missing are smell and taste (unless you count the smell of adrenaline and the taste of sweat when you finally reach the last level on hard difficulty for the first time.) This is exactly why I still love and regularly play some classics, and can't get into others because I never played them as a kid (Chrono Trigger, for example. Bought it for the DS a few months ago. I could see why people marveled at it back then, but as a "modern" gamer it didn't hold my attention.) After playing masterpieces like Mass Effect, Bioshock, Gears of War, etc., older games don't have a prayer unless I grew up on them.


I'm right there with you, except I can't even look at a PS2/XBOX game without going "bleh, this is ugly." Playing these newer games has spoiled me. What can I say? I'm a graphics whore. The only time I'd play an older game is maybe at work on my PSP. Even then, I'd usually rather watch a movie.


I'm with you. I can't seem to get into the older games as well. I started with the ps1 and my first two games was Crash Bandicoot 2 and Army Men: Air Attack. I tried to play the older games emulated, but I don't get into them at all. It took all my might to finish ff6 (GBA) and I only got through it one and a half times. I played the ps1 emulation of chrono trigger but I never finished it at all. I only got to the "shala and the queen" chapter and got to the boss where there are two of them... I can't remember their names. I really enjoy the newer games. I can't seem to put down Resistance 2 or Final Fantasy XII. And I'm really excited about Uncharted 2 and Darksiders.

And I've always hated zelda. LET THE HATE BEGIN

I'm right there with you, except I can't even look at a PS2/XBOX game without going "bleh, this is ugly." Playing these newer games has spoiled me. What can I say? I'm a graphics whore. The only time I'd play an older game is maybe at work on my PSP. Even then, I'd usually rather watch a movie.

I'm rather the opposite here.

The game can look as ugly as sin and I most likely play it or at the very least try it.

DOOM & Quake never lost its charm for me nor even the original SMB game on the ole NES. Atari is where I may draw the line though... Generally my mind replaces the graphics which makes it much more personal as I immerse into a game.

Nonetheless my biggest issue with games is not so much the aesthetics but the challenge or simply experience.

I enjoy what many would regard as masochistic games (Warning may not be worksafe) that often feel rewarding being able to complete them. If a game doesn't have the challenge, at the very least

There's also a very important factor to consider when gauging new games against old ones: nostalgia. NOTHING transports you back to certain memories like video games; the only important senses they are missing are smell and taste (unless you count the smell of adrenaline and the taste of sweat when you finally reach the last level on hard difficulty for the first time.) This is exactly why I still love and regularly play some classics, and can't get into others because I never played them as a kid (Chrono Trigger, for example. Bought it for the DS a few months ago. I could see why people marveled at it back then, but as a "modern" gamer it didn't hold my attention.) After playing masterpieces like Mass Effect, Bioshock, Gears of War, etc., older games don't have a prayer unless I grew up on them.

see, my first console was an n64 - and i had very few games for it, and sold it for pc games pretty quickly. i had an xbox for KOTOR, fable, madden, and halo, but my first console i bought for myself was my 360. i just don't want to go back, now.

i've played games like chrono trigger, and i really enjoyed the visuals for that game too - they didn't do more than what the system was capable of, i thought, which made it more fun.


There is no game experience more exhilirating than beating a hard-as-nails classic game like Ninja Gaiden or Mega Man. I like a lot of new games, but it seems most new games try too hard to be like a movie and the game I like most this year (Punch-Out) is basically just an amped-up version of its ages-old predecessor. And most new games are just too easy. But hey everyone's different and that's okay with me.

Also, older games had too many ninjas. Every other modern game has space-marines. Ninjas > Space Marines. Oops I did it again.

Ninjas > Space Marines. Oops I did it again.

This is fine as there's something about getting upclose to ur prey rather than being a safe distance away free from fear and danger.

Nonetheless I missed out on the xbox ninja gaidens due to my loathing on the Xbox. :L

@ Meph

Halo 1/2/3 got nothing on


I enjoy both new and old games equally, for different reasons. I can kick back and throw in Super Mario World or Mario 3 and have a total blast for two hours by beating them in their entirety (okay, Maybe 1 hour for Mario 3 because it's shorter).

I can throw in Rock Band, Mario Galaxy, Fire Emblem, Mass Effect, or GTA4 and have a hell of a lot of fun. Not more or less fun than an old game, but just fun. To me, it really doesn't matter WHEN the game came out or how it looks. Its content is all that matters to me.

Oh, and bad music can kill a game for me, whilst bad graphics can't.

For what it's worth, I enjoyed Megaman 9 and My Life as a King last year than any other game. Not of all time, but just for that year.


I don't really like older games more because they're old, I just tend to find newer games kind of depressing...most of them, anyway. Mega Man 9 was totally awesome and, like Nekofrog, was my favorite game of last year. I like games that are simple and not too complex nowadays, I guess. I think I'm turning into a casual gamer.

Yet I still enjoy a good turn-based RPG...

EDIT: Actually, I've had a penchant for fighting games lately. The only game I'm playing at all right now is Street Fighter 4. And I need to start picking up on that Fatal Fury collection I bought...

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