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To be honest, it plays more like a combination of tower defense, team-based FPS games, and WoW PVP. It's not that much like D2 in my opinion.

I was speaking visually, the interface and all.

I know Tower Defense a bit and WoW PvP much more. The game shouldn't feel all that awkward to me. Beta invite acquired, account created and game currently downloading. My name won't be hard to guess ;P


So I got to play Panda last night. Here are my thoughts.

Role: Support

Skill Build: Priority on Flick > Flurry > Cannonball. Get ult when possible. Get maybe one level of Cannonball early to escape into thick patch of trees or to leap over a cliff.

Flurry: Pretty amazing skill. Semi-disable. It's disorienting. Does solid damage for (somewhat) cheap cost. Scales with you.

Fling: Oh baby this is it. Awesome debuff as well as solid placement of enemy hero. Goes through magic immunity. This right here makes the hero.

Cannonball: Slow and unwieldy. No player worth their salt will get hit by this if they see it coming. Not an initiating stun by any means and the duration isn't that long. Also there is a long backswing to this animation which you can't cancel.

Ult: It's solid. Nothing spectacular but it's a channeling disable with damage attached. Not going to complain.

Item Build: Steamboots -> BKB -> Tornado Stick

Good and useful and pretty easy to farm up. Also plays to his strengths. Steams give him the MS and stats he needs. BKB means he can stop opposing carries with impunity. Tornado stick is even more MS along with a useful placement for hitting his own stun or slowing down an escaping enemy. If you farm any more than this you're doing it wrong.

you're doing it wrong.

Hooray for opinions.

You know, for such a frustrating game, I'm genuinely suprised there aren't more ways to deal with it internally. Things like extra announcements("Counter Kill!" when you end somebody's streak for example, or "Payback!" when you kill someone who's killed or assisted on you a lot), or tangible goals beyond increasing your PSR and upping your averages.

As it stands, the game seems to simply cast the issue aside, as if to say "Just get better, noob." That strikes me as exceptionally poor design, and if I do end up leaving it behind someday, I imagine it'll be because of that.


So...that was my Ophelia play. Let a Pestilence solo a double lane while making roughly seven kills happen early. Was overall useful to the team by tanking Kongor twice, killing most of the towers and causing a lot of pushes.

...you don't get to see it again for a while...it's not that easy.


It's shameful how weak she is due to negligence on S2's part. A fix for the combination of an incomplete and incorrect jungle and poor control mechanics for multiple units is not too much to ask for. The fact that I have to ask for control and removal of control of courier is so frustrating.


It's becoming more frustrating when people become innately selfish and unknowingly farm for themselves despite the fact that they are not the carry. First time I've ever been angry at anyone in this game.


Please consider what hero you are playing, as well as their role, and how much their effectiveness depends on having the right items compared to other heroes on your team. When you're glacius, pollywog, hellbringer, electrician or one of many other support heroes you do NOT need to farm. Gain levels by helping with pushes, ganks and teambattles and being around to receive xp for dead enemy heroes. It kind of pisses me off too when I see a nice big creepwave in one of the lanes but before I can get there a bunch of support heroes takes it out. Same with farming neutrals: junglers/neutral farmers like zephyr, lego, tempest and wildsoul have priority when it comes to this, after that come the other carries, but support heroes or gankers really shouldn't be farming neutrals ever.

Edit: added both vilecat and atmuh to my friends list, so when I see you online ingame I'll be sure to pass you a clan invite so we can set up some games.

It's shameful how weak she is due to negligence on S2's part. A fix for the combination of an incomplete and incorrect jungle and poor control mechanics for multiple units is not too much to ask for. The fact that I have to ask for control and removal of control of courier is so frustrating.

Poor control mechanics I understand, because I fight it with wildsoul also. What do you mean by an "incorrect and incomplete" jungle though?


I apologize for my extended raging last night. I didn't quit but I gave Hemo and Wes some unneeded flak since we were playing SD in 3v3, not AP. I was just frustrated after a day that included many losses due to teams and heroes. I guess I just don't like non-RD/AP modes on 3v3.


A good Hellbringer player needs either refresher or a completed puzzlebox by midgame. Also boots and potentially both. Hellbringer is a powerful character who could definitely use that gold. Also a solid Pollywog player should have ult stick and refresher at some point too. To simply put all your faith and gold in a single person is asking for them to get focused down and the rest of your team killed. Heroes like Succubus don't need more than boots and bracers before focusing on wards. Heroes like Glacius are the same.

I also hate seeing Soul Reaper players get radiance when they should have gotten sheep stick because a disable is much more useful than putting a high damage item on a non-carry.

Poor control mechanics I understand, because I fight it with wildsoul also. What do you mean by an "incorrect and incomplete" jungle though?

There's still no HoN analog to Satyrs. This means we're missing two important creep skills. One of them being purge. The other being a wave attack akin to Defiler's nuke. Also one of the Satyr camp combinations was the highest exp neutral camp in the game. Not to mention the Troll analog, Skeleton King, skill seems to be channeling which is super unwieldy with the poor control mechanics and also strictly weaker than his counterpart's net. Also he lacks the ability to summon undead critters to increase farm speed, damage output, and general ability to scout an area.

It's becoming more frustrating when people become innately selfish and unknowingly farm for themselves despite the fact that they are not the carry. First time I've ever been angry at anyone in this game.

"Dude, why do you keep dying (insert support character here)?"

"Stuns/Silence/Other Debuffs."

"Get a Shrunken Head."

"Ok, I'll just farm some creeps for gold since I keep dying and losing what little gold I have"


: / Not saying you'd do this, but there are people who would act like this. So Support characters kinda face a "Damned if you do, damned if you don't" thing here.

"Dude, why do you keep dying (insert support character here)?"

"Stuns/Silence/Other Debuffs."

"Get a Shrunken Head."

"Ok, I'll just farm some creeps for gold since I keep dying and losing what little gold I have"


: / Not saying you'd do this, but there are people who would act like this. So Support characters kinda face a "Damned if you do, damned if you don't" thing here.

Actually, as a support character, getting shrunken head is usually redundant, unless you're an initiator like Behemoth. To avoid dying as a support character you need proper positioning in teambattles and a team that knows what they're doing and can protect you.


But you can do even better with a nado stick or refresher by midgame. You can't use blanket statements about who should get farm and when. In general, yes, default to your carries and/or better players. But even support need baseline items to do their minimal jobs. Then they have items they need to get to that next level of usefulness. Double ult from either Pollywog or Hellbringer is significantly stronger than just one when well placed in a teamfight.


I didn't say they should farm EVER. I just mean that when, as Pestilence, I'm farming a lane after the ganking and pushing phase has already started, making sure I don't push out too far by hard-denying my own creeps, I don't want to see a slither/pollywog walk up to me and auto-attack away until the lane is pushed too far for me to safely farm. I have a reason to be there, support heroes don't.

I also hate seeing Soul Reaper players get radiance when they should have gotten sheep stick because a disable is much more useful than putting a high damage item on a non-carry.

A million times this. Also, maxing Inhuman and not putting points in Withering Presence makes me cry.

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