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  • 2 weeks later...

I wish I could say that mine will be done and nice and in a pretty bow to turn in very soon... but I'm not sure. Just not too sure what this week will bring, and if I even have the ability to get something done.



Mine's pretty far along, but I'm stuck.

I've got a rhythm set up where it's five bars per section. But, the area I recently wrote (and like) is set up in eight bars per section. Basically it's 5, 5, 5, 5, 8, 8, 5, 5, 5, 5. Having a song mostly in sections of five bars, then dropping two eight bar sections into the middle of it, strikes me as a no-no, and I have to figure out how to fix it.

Edit: Oops. Hit the wrong number.


We are down to the wire now folks. Next week, the tracks for An OverClocked Christmas 2009 will be due, and I'll need them by the 23rd so that I can have everything uploaded and ready for release.

I want to thank everyone who has been participating in this project, and would also like to express gratitude to those who are trying to get a track done. I'd also like to say that even if you don't finish your track for this album, finish it anyway, the world can always use more Christmasy music.

Remember to check the first post for all the deadlines, and where to send the files.

Note: I am extending the deadline from December 20 to December 23 for those who want to contribute but need more time. But I definitely need them by then because I will have absolutely no time on December 24 to put anything online as I will be attending a family gathering in the Greater Philadelphia Area, and will not be available until well after midnight. I would prefer to release the album officially on December 24. Just in time for Christmas Day! :)


Update: I believe I've figured out what to do with my 5,8,5 bars issue, but I'll need to keep working on it to really see. Also, the cover is pretty much done. I've got a few things to touch up, but the bulk of the work is done. All I really need is the track listing when the time comes for the back.


For my track I just need to re-record one quick section and tweak the mixing a little. Should have it finished tonight. Would have had it done last week if it wasn't for stupid final exams.

EDIT: I'm aware that I haven't shared a WIP (or told anyone what I'm doing, for that matter). Trying to keep it a surprise (and trying to prevent a very unfinished WIP ending up on the album). Don't worry though, I'm sure no one's covering it for the album. In fact, I'd be very surprised if anyone else has even heard of it.


I've been quiet about my track as well, except I talked to Dyne about it, and I'm pretty sure nobody is doing the same track (hopefully). Anyway I wanted to say that I got a break at work yesterday and recorded the guitar part and it's done. That was the hard part, so I'll probably be able to do the rest if I get more breaks or just over the weekend.


Okay, so I resorted to using a MIDI as reference for parts of the song since I'm terrible at piano, but the rendition of "Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire" that Brushfire and myself are doing still has our own flavorings and spin. This ain't no midirip+drums, folks. Recording the vocals last night, I actually had to leave the room for fear of ruining the take with laughter.

Be afraid. Very afraid.


Hey guys, the deadlines are looming, the snow has fallen, and I'm finishing up the new web site. I'm missing several tracks right now, but so far, so good. Check the first post to see what's going on with the album, you'll note the four green tracks, I hope to make every one of those green!!

By the way, I have a request for someone with some extra time on their hands. You see, I'm not so great with the Photoshops, and well... I need a header/logo image for the web site.

I'm looking for something around 800 pixels wide, and about 100 pixels in height. It could be as high as 200pixels, but some where around 800x100 would be good. Christmasy of course! :)

I'd like to release the web site itself before the 23rd so anyone who doesn't have the albums already can get 2007 and 2008's albums. Anyone with questions should PM me, I will be checking my PMs frequently over the next few hours and up to the 24th.

Please please, remember, as this is important; I will NOT be home after 6pm EST on December 24 as I have a dinner party with family to go to, and will not be returning until closer to midnight, maybe 1am that night. So anything that I don't receive by the 23rd, I won't be able to release until the 25th, and I would honestly prefer, for the sake of our listeners to release on time. So please, make it a point to get everything done A.S.A.P and to me before the 23rd.

All others who have things that they must take care of, you can stretch it as far as you need to, but try hard not to let it go beyond the 23rd if at all possible.

Thanks to everyone who is contributing, was going to but couldn't because of varying circumstance, and to those who have already contributed, you guys are what make this album special to me, without you, there would be no album.

Thanks again!

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