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does anyone else have it? i saw hy bound on with it last night, and i know avaris is into it, but haven't heard beyond that.

so, whatcha all think? i thought the campaign was a thing of beauty. lots of vehicle sequences (wasn't a huge fan of the last one, though, buck's a horrid gunner compared to the marines), a great storyline, and some fantastic new characters to add to the series. dunno if it was worth 60 bucks, but i got it for free so i don't care either way.

and the mythic disc is nice. glad i never actually bought all the newer dlc.

i thought the soundtrack was absolutely phenomenal, too. my wife even noticed the quality. great job combining new ideas and themes with old and recognizable ideas. some...interesting (read: bad) choices as well, but as a whole i really liked it.


Its pretty awesome. I finished the entire campaign within about 5 hours tho...

I havent had a chance to play firefight yet, but i like the idea and the new weapons are pretty cool.

Honestly, I found that it was a bit of a rip-off when considering i bought Halo 3 and a map pack. The campaign was fun and ill most likely go on to beat it on harder difficulties, but it didnt last very long and wasnt as epic as i was expecting. If you love Halo though, its worth at least renting.

EDIT: oh, and Nathen Fillion is a sexy, sexy man, and i have yet to change my judgment on him with this game. Not to mention Adam Baldwin and Alan Tudyk do a good job as well. Alan was a little harder to recognize the voice though...

EDIT EDIT: The soundtrack is utterly, stupefyingly gorgeous. Just wandering around the hub world and listening to it is worth the price of admission.


I definitely played through the halo titles numerous times and was going to preorder ODST but life kept me too busy to do that. Now its out and I still haven't played it. I will have to actually set time aside to do so I guess, especially in light of the above posts. In some regard I am glad it is short....


Beat this today, solo on normal. It's a tiny bit short but I didn't mind at all. It was nice to have more of a human storyline in a halo game. Sure it's always about humanity's struggle but playing as a ODST really hit home more so than the Chief. Haven't played firefight yet. 2 million people bought this game and only 2 people have it on my friends list. GT is tragick if anyone wants to do some legendary co op or firefight. I'm usually on saturday nights and sunday mornings.


i think it resonates a bit better because the ODSTs have a bloody face, so you can really get into them.

i suck at the game, really - i'll get my ass handed to me pretty often on the higher difficulties - but i DID do heroic on my first campaign runthrough. if anyone wants some playtime, let me know. avaris, my old roomie and i did four sets on firefight last night, but it was casual cause we were just dicking around.


Played Firefight with my friend, and I went from a "rent-only" mentality to "I gotta own this game, and soon" mentality.

Question: Would it be worth it to trade in my copy of Halo 3, so I could save a few bucks on ODST? I know the multiplayer aspect stays the same, but what if I miss Halo 3's campaign some day?...I'm not sure why I would, but it's little worries like that that keep me from making firm decisions.


I am not the biggest Halo fan, but I love playing the games the campaigns with friends.

The campaign KICKS ASS. Firefight, omg need sleep, is awesome. Def fun to just dick around and cause massive carnage.

To echo Hy Bound, the friggin soundtrack is breathtaking.

This game beats the shite outta halo 3 with a bad mofo stick.

P.S. if i am online on the 360 and you invite me and a I don't respond it's bc my roomate is playing under my online account. Just in case people are looking to play a "serious" match...haha. I am always willing to play. BUT, I am pretty decent at offense, not stellar. Although I am really good at staying alive. :)


So I completed this Solo Legendary couple days ago but what really irks me is the lack of matchmaking for firefight. Also that you can't have more than one extra person on your 360 with you cause I do have 3 roommates who are all as good as I am at this game and it would be awesome to kick some ass with them. But no...can't do it cause I'm the only one with ODST.


At the end of solo legendary... made progress by getting the endurance firefight vidmaster challenge. Almost got the four-man, legendary, iron, no warthog and no scorpion tank vidmaster challenge but I had to go to leave and go to work ughhhhhh

Played Firefight with my friend, and I went from a "rent-only" mentality to "I gotta own this game, and soon" mentality.

Question: Would it be worth it to trade in my copy of Halo 3, so I could save a few bucks on ODST? I know the multiplayer aspect stays the same, but what if I miss Halo 3's campaign some day?...I'm not sure why I would, but it's little worries like that that keep me from making firm decisions.

Keep Halo 3. The campaign is really fun, especially since you're Master Chief.

ODST and Halo 3 Campaigns are different. One's not better than the other because they're different, so it wouldn't make sense to trade away one to get the other.

In Halo 3, you are Master Chief run and gun invincible super soldier

In ODST, you are an ODST stay behind cover regular soldier. (I mean unless you're a good gamer that you can run and gun anyway, like me. xD)

I'd keep Halo 3, just to go back and get that "Master Chief vs. Hordes of Aliens" feeling.

the AI seems a tad cheap in this game. I mean they never come out of cover, which is normal, but at the same time they coul be looking no where where you are and still adjust thier cover accordingly.


I know exactly what you mean!

Gamer RAGE!!!

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