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I'll be honest - I don't like it. The drums overpower the rest of the mix, and while techincally sound, I had to do some major adjustments to be able to hear the melody most of the time.

I'm actually a fan of this genre, but I'm not sure it was appropriate here - from what I can hear of the original (I'm not very familiar with it), this piece might have done better if it were a bit more ambient, or if the mix went somewhere. As it is, I feel like I wasted my time by listening to the entire thing - the first 30 seconds summed it up pretty well.


I like it, fast paced exciting true the drums overlap the underlying melody a bit. but since ive been a fan of this gamesince he day it came out, and ive been dying for a remix of one of the tracks im not complaining..

To somebody who likes clean sounding, sandpaper dry, casual electronica, this song sounds like a mess. The drums are okay - if a bit unbalanced, with that hihat hanging right the whole time - but the high-reveerb distorted synths bug me A LOT. I find that distortion and reveerb just NEVER go together well. Maybe it sounds great on drugs (I wouldn't know, being the shut-in) but at my current level of awareness, it's unlistenable.

If you are "a fan of the genre", you would know that this pretty much the most technically sound and professionally produced pieces of trance on the site. This isn't game remix trance (which is pretty much the only type of trance here), this is TRANCE trance, and it is good. Its not made for people with pussy ears. Its rough, tough, and in your face.

An album full of this cheese? Are you serious?

omg olololo please just say that in normal font next time so I don't have to copy paste to see your lame jabs ololo

Blind, this stuff is the shit. I love the 303 synths and the drums are greeeat.

If you are "a fan of the genre", you would know that this pretty much the most technically sound and professionally produced pieces of trance on the site. This isn't game remix trance (which is pretty much the only type of trance here), this is TRANCE trance, and it is good. Its not made for people with pussy ears. Its rough, tough, and in your face.

Blind, this stuff is the shit. I love the 303 synths and the drums are greeeat.

Agreed. This is nice and rough, just the way I likes it. Keep up the good work bLiNd.


The way i see it is, there is no other way to remix this track. I spent countless hours redoing parts and working on the mixdown. The arrangement is typical yes, but i was focused on the energy of the original and upping it for an in your face dance track. This isn't made for the casual listener, but i do those mixes as well. I wanted a hard trance track on the album and the album version is MUCH better. Its longer (an extended release) the intro is more developed. the mixdown is more pleasing to the ear and what not. One of the main reasons i submitted this track to OC was because i released a little demo probably last summer, and got some good feedback on it and i thought itd be cool to have a completed version for those that liked it. I guess this just doesnt go for some people, but its alright. I make this music because its a release from every day things, and if it sounds good then i show it to others. if they like it then great! if not then maybe it isnt your genre. i dunno. anyway thanks for the good and the bad. ill take it in to account for my next release.


PS - Mr geoff, the album is very high quality, ive spent a good year just doing 5 tracks. If this sounds like cheese then i challenge you to make a non cheesy trance song.


hey I love this already;

Usually don't give the time to listen to a song all the way, I like the dance feeling it has to it, it is in your face and upbeat, I really don't know much about musical "terms" (lol has Music 111, was useless) but I know what I like. Will be on my music list.

To somebody who likes clean sounding, sandpaper dry, casual electronica, this song sounds like a mess. The drums are okay - if a bit unbalanced, with that hihat hanging right the whole time - but the high-reveerb distorted synths bug me A LOT. I find that distortion and reveerb just NEVER go together well. Maybe it sounds great on drugs (I wouldn't know, being the shut-in) but at my current level of awareness, it's unlistenable.

An album full of this cheese? Are you serious?

Note to self: SGX is a loser!!!!111 kekeke

Are you kidding me? This is top notch trance right here, you probably have heard only the cheesy trance stuff (not to say some of the cheesy trance isn't good, it's just...not very great at conveying the ambient feel that true trance songs do). Many commercial trance songs don't sound this good. However, it is interesting that bLiNd decided to cover this song, I don't even remember most of the soundtrack to Extreme G :lol: .

I downloaded the version from VG Mix before, but I'm downloading this version for my laptop...k, done.

SGX hit the nail on the head with his description, this is excellent stuff (although I don't know what 303 synths are, can someone explain?). The reverb is used to excellent effect in creating the illusion of speed in this remix, especially on the synths. The mastering is also very good, although probably not the best that could've been done, as I hear panning used to great effect on some areas of the song, but lacking in some others (oh shit, seeing the judges comments they agree! :) ).

There are also minor issues I have with the song, like one of the synths chose, but nothing bothered me greatly - this is still an excellent track that is enjoyable to leave on loop - I cannot say that about many of the songs I find out there. Great hard trance remix!

This makes me a lot more enthusiastic for the PMM Trance Album - I'm sure it will be of extreme quality with tracks that are even more polished than this one!

Edit: I think some of my issues actually stems from these cheapass headphones I'm using, it appears as if they suck at producing music in the high frequency range.

(although I don't know what 303 synths are, can someone explain?).

303's are classic old hardware synths with a very distinct "squeltchy" sound. If you're familiar with Propellerhead's ReBirth software, that's what they're emulating there (though I think Blind was using some other 303 emu VST).


Ah, I think I know what you are talking about (hmm, I should go out and buy Reason and ReBirth sometime so I can actually get off my lazy ass and learn the program, d/l ing it free hasn't helped me one bit), and that was another enjoyable part of the remix. The arrangement seems very well done.


I don't know, it sounded pretty good to me. It's kind of cluttered, and the hats that are hard-panned to the right and left are a little sharp (and irritating), but other than that, it's mixed pretty well. Synths sound smooth, although not particularly unique. Bass and drums really drive this one along. Like djp said, it's not COMPLETELY conventional (which is good), but it still doesn't stray too far off the beaten path. One problem I have with it is its length. Holy CRAP, did it need to be 5:42 to get the point across? The single change-up at 2:59, which isn't even that drastic, isn't reason enough to me to drag this one on for almost six minutes. Still, quite good, and it really sounds as though a big name producer took an old Extreme-G tune and resurrected it for the newer games (check out stuff in XGIII for examples).



Let's get something straight:

DJP and the judges are completely wrong. This is the most professional sounding mix on the site, as well as the most technically impressive and INNOVATIVE mix as far as I'm concerned. All this crap about "balance this", "lack of innovation that", is just that. Crap. Complete and utter bullshit.

bLiNd, man, with mixes like this, you are going places. No, screw that. YOU ARE MAKING THE PLACES.

Bottom Line:

If you like techno, you are obligated by the higher powers to download this mix immediately. If you do NOT like techno, you have 24 hours to repent and change your damn dirty ways, buttmonkey.


this is one awesome song.

The variations in drum effects are sweet.

Fast paced the whole way through just like a remix

of a song in a racing game should be. I'm a big

fan of Trance and this song made me an even bigger

fan of it. Great job Blind.


I'm no guru on music theory or anything, so I'll just say this: This was music to my ears. This got my energy going and I can't get it out of my head. Nothing really seemed too out of balance to me (that is to say, my ears weren't bleeding; they were revelling).

I felt the melody was quite varied, and like djPretzel says, it's long without feeling stretched out or repetitious.

The only thing I'm afraid of is that if I put this on CD, I'm going to crash while driving due to getting the urge to drive at supersonic speeds.


I liked this song but I felt... as if there was something missing....

I kept at around at the same tempo, and at some parts it felt like the song was building up to do some awesome hyper solo... or something... but then to be dissapointed to be hearing something mellow. Nice remix, but needs some improving.


I heard this first a couple weeks ago on SGX's radio show (it was actually the first song I heard since I opened the stream late). I thought it was sweet as shit and was disappointed to find that I couldn't get anywhere yet :(

But now I got it, and it's still sweet as shit when I'm sober, so that's sweet. Ownage shit. Period.

Let's get something straight:

DJP and the judges are completely wrong. This is the most professional sounding mix on the site, as well as the most technically impressive and INNOVATIVE mix as far as I'm concerned. All this crap about "balance this", "lack of innovation that", is just that. Crap. Complete and utter bullshit.

bLiNd, man, with mixes like this, you are going places. No, screw that. YOU ARE MAKING THE PLACES.

Bottom Line:

If you like techno, you are obligated by the higher powers to download this mix immediately. If you do NOT like techno, you have 24 hours to repent and change your damn dirty ways, buttmonkey.

Ok. Feel free to have your own opinions. I like this mix as much as the next guy, and I agree, it's quite professional sounding, but innovative? Not only was this done in a similar style to the original (hell, maybe even the same style), but there's certainly nothing new about the style used or how it was arranged and executed. That's not a bad thing; few mixes are truly 'innovative'. But it's pretty ludicrous to say this one is.

For something more on topic, as someone who listens to a lot of dance, trance, and hard trance, this mix sounds damn good. Arrangement is a little minimal, but varied enough to keep repetition low and energy high. Instrumentation is nearly flawless; the synths could have been a little less basic, though they really got the job done. Two thumbs up here, for sure.


I can agree to that. It may be damn fine and it may be hella sweet but to say innovative is to really jump the gap. Good? hell yeah. Great to listen to? Roger that. Innovative? Techno is based on sounding quick and reptitious, but fun. my two copper pieces.

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