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Hey I kinda liked FF Unlimited :(

Also you forgot the FFXI mini expansions:

A Crystalline Prophecy: Ode to Life Bestowing (Crap story and quests but good rewards)

A Moogle Kupo d'Etat: Evil in Small Doses (Funny story, crappy quests and decent rewards)

A Shantotto Ascension: The Legend Torn, Her Empire Born. (not released yet)


Final Fantasy II, II: Electric Boogaloo

Final Fantasy Nights

Final Fantasy Origins: Umaro

edit: oh hell, while i'm at it here's a few more

Final Fantasy IX: The VR Missions

Finale Fantasy I (sheet music notation software)

Final Fantasy: Crises Crises Part I: Crises on Crises Island

Everybody Digs Final Fantasy (compilation)

Everybody Digs Final Fantasy Volume II

Final Fantasy VII: Barrett Gets a Colonoscopy

Is that a problem? I'm going to add Final Fantasy IV DS and Final Fantasy VI Advance

I meant simple retranslation, not rebuild

what I mean is akin to including Final Fantasy VII NTSC-J and Final Fantasy VII PAL and Final Fantasy VII NTSC-U as different final fantasies


If things are going to get out of hand here, allow me to contribute via an FF album onslaught.

Do not follow these links.

You have been warned.

EDIT! I removed the insane list here after reading the part at the beginning about no looking up. Haha! I definitely broke that rule.

So I'll go off memory and see what I come up with!

Final Fantasy OST

Final Fantasy II OST

Final Fantasy III OST

Final Fantasy IV OST

Final Fantasy V OST

Final Fantasy VIOST

Final Fantasy VII OST

Final Fantasy VIII OST

Final Fantasy IX OST

Final Fantasy X OST

Final Fantasy X-2 OST

Final Fantasy XI OST

Final Fanrasy XII OST

Black Mages

Black Mages: The Skies Above

Final Fantasy Tactics OST

Final Fantasy Tactics: The Diaries of Olan

Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced OST

Relaxing with Final Fantasy: Potion

Relaxing with Final Fantasy: Potion 2

Final Fantasy 1984-1994

Final Fantasy 1994-1999

Final Fantasy Vocal Collections: Pray

Final Fantasy Vocal Collections 2: Love Will Grow.

I know there is a piano album for most of the Final Fantasies but not sure which ones... There are LOTS more than were listed here but I can't remember them!

If things are going to get out of hand here, allow me to contribute via an FF album onslaught.

Do not follow these links.

You have been warned.

EDIT! I removed the insane list here after reading the part at the beginning about no looking up. Haha! I definitely broke that rule.

So I'll go off memory and see what I come up with!

Final Fantasy OST

Final Fantasy II OST

Final Fantasy III OST

Final Fantasy IV OST

Final Fantasy V OST

Final Fantasy VIOST

Final Fantasy VII OST

Final Fantasy VIII OST

Final Fantasy IX OST

Final Fantasy X OST

Final Fantasy X-2 OST

Final Fantasy XI OST

Final Fanrasy XII OST

Black Mages

Black Mages: The Skies Above

Final Fantasy Tactics OST

Final Fantasy Tactics: The Diaries of Olan

Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced OST

Relaxing with Final Fantasy: Potion

Relaxing with Final Fantasy: Potion 2

Final Fantasy 1984-1994

Final Fantasy 1994-1999

Final Fantasy Vocal Collections: Pray

Final Fantasy Vocal Collections 2: Love Will Grow.

I know there is a piano album for most of the Final Fantasies but not sure which ones... There are LOTS more than were listed here but I can't remember them!

Guess I'm going to need a separate section for music.

What was the Final Fantasy I rerelease on the psp called?

"Final Fantasy"

also this still applies:

It's "Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII" not "Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core"

same thing with Dirge of Cerberus


Same thing goes with "Dissidia Final Fantasy."

Are you counting games that feature Final Fantasy characters as a predominant part of the story? Because you can then start counting the Kingdom Hearts games.


Final Fantasy: The Quest to Retrieve our Hero from the forces of Temptation while at the same time we're digging a hole to the center of the planet so we can harness the resulting eruption to push the world out of its orbit and keep it from falling into the sun

Final Fantasy: The Quest to Retrieve our Hero from the forces of Temptation while at the same time we're digging a hole to the center of the planet so we can harness the resulting eruption to push the world out of its orbit and keep it from falling into the sun

When did that one come out?

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