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VERY nice. I'm gonna have to listen to this baby a few times in a row, at least. This is definitely one of the top Chrono Cross Remixes, and that's sayin a LOT, since they're ALL good.


I would that the bass was more prominent. Its there, but cuts out too soon, not enough sustain. Kinda gives the guitar a hollow sound. Some parts seem awkward and messy. Kinda disappointed that I didn't get to hear any crazy ass zyko solos.

Other than that, very interesting piece. Over the top rearrangement and creativity. Very likeable.


I'm on my third hour of letting this run solo in the backround while I write, very nice. I like hearing power beginings which this has, and for some reason unlike many I am quite happy with faded endings. The best remix I have heard from the two - keep up the great work (you seem to work well with one another :P)

I'm on my third hour of letting this run solo in the backround while I write, very nice. I like hearing power beginings which this has, and for some reason unlike many I am quite happy with faded endings. The best remix I have heard from the two - keep up the great work (you seem to work well with one another :P)

...that's quite a long time to listen to one song, isn't it?

(Not that I'm crapping on the song -- it is good stuff.)


I don't think I can be so positive about this one. Technically it's excellent and quite stylistic (I'm tempted to call the guitar clichéd and I know others would say the same about the synth bells) but it seems an odd marriage between the tense, shouting electric guitar and the soft ambient background. I can't say it particularly works for me. If these were two seperate tracks then I'd love them both. Put together like this they seem to be fighting for attention. It's an interesting project, to use these two contrasting styles but it's not a success for me, I'm afraid.

Nevertheless, it's great to finally see more people submitting stuff that's not generic techno. Keep it up :)


Holy crap! I can't explain my suprise when I saw that Destiny got a song on here! I'm like: Chono Cross... Cool. I like that game... Wait... that title sounds familiar...

And then it hit me.

Anyway, Destiny has a whole crapload of good music even if they're mostly original. I'd post a link to her site but I'm afraid her bandwidth would... uh...

So yeah. I love the song. Congradulations on your first submission.

May the wind be always at your back,



You know, this is really good.

I was skeptical during the very first part of the song, as I thought it would be an intense, pure metal mix of "Dragons Prayer". However, as the mix goes along, it develops inot kind of a "Castlevania-esqe" dark rock track. While this is on the oppoiste spectrum of the origional in terms of instrumentation and tempo, I like what has been done here, to put it quite simply, it works.


Wow! This was different, in an entirely good way. Loved this. I could rant and rave about it, but I won't. Quite simply, this is one of the most original and well-done tunes I've heard here in a long time, and there's been some pretty good ones lately too. Two thumbs up!

:!: This is simply excelent! I usually don't like the kick ass beginings or any for of electric gituar for that matter. It's just in there so artisticly. Then, when the softer shimes comes in, it makes me think of looking at the ruins of a palace. Some peices regal and intact, making the roughness seem more unbearable at first, then it all becomes understandable. It's beautiful, vuglar and strange, but beautiful. I used it as an excuse for noise while I wrote my Science Fair Report. :D Hehe! It also makes me think of being in a cave and looking up to see a high vaulted celing with fine crystal hung from above, lit with candels and shinning brightly amongst the dank gloom. (I'm a wery strange person, who writes too much) :!:

One of the best things about frequenting the WIP forum (which i havent had the time to do for a while now) is that I have heard some of the greatest songs long before they ever get posted on OCR. This song in particular stands out as having been excellent in its WIP days, and i have been waiting for it to get the attention it deserves.

Great work to the both of you.

  • 2 weeks later...

Fourth week on this and I'm still loving it! I can't believe how great this is: the guitar, the bell piano...Everything! Wish there was more bass, though. Thanks for this wonderful piece!

  • 2 weeks later...

And here I never thought there would be any CC remixes of songs that weren't too important in the actual game. And here it is, a song that had very little role in the game (though it was quite good) with an excellent remix to boot. It's different from most CT/CC stuff, in a good way. It's quite a different style than the original "Dragon's Dream" song and doesn't sound very rpg-ish. But the loud guitar contrasts really well with the soft bell piano that pops in occaisionally. Very big super extra special awesome recommendation.

  • 2 months later...

This is awesome! Remixes like this is the reason why Visit this site! This song reminds me of a RPG bossfight...I think that RPGs should have a lot more different music tracks for different bossfights...this would go perfect with the Black Dragon bossfight in Chrono Cross! I love the mix of electic Guitar and the errie sound that the other instruments give...I give this remix a 9/10... Great stuff!

  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...
  • 2 years later...

Is that a jet taking off at the beginning?

Cool ideas and nice contrast between the few sections; some of the rhythm guitar playing seems a little too loose for my tastes (though perhaps it's just my playing that is too stiff?), but there are a ton of parts layered throughout and that makes things seem more severe timing-wise than they would be with a thinner sound; I'll go with the thicker tone personally.

Very nice panning on the squeals and such, it gives a feeling of an army of guitarists all headed through a snowy valley, judging by the backing track, which is also pretty sweet. Lots of continually shifting textures and good sample usage throughout.

I really didn't enjoy the original, but this mix really takes the material and makes it into something a lot more interesting.

Great collab.

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 years later...

Melodic metal.....

It's as if someone took a music box and then wrote the metal accompaniment.

I completely agree with previous sentiments about everything here meshing extremely well together.

There's really a LOT going on here, each at different speeds, and doing their thing, which makes for a fun listen.

I have to admit that I didn't really care for this the first time I listened, but this is definitely one of those tracks that grows on you.

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