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Chrono Trigger 'Ocean Palace (Wave Breaker)'

This is defiantly a ways away from Children of the Monkey Machine’s norm, but still amazing (yes I like his stuff, go figure.) I love the break beat style and how he gives it that unique static sound. It might be a little over done, but his style is unique. Musical expression rule number 1: Be selfish! Write music for nobody else but yourself, if you don’t like how it sounds, make it that way. If there is one thing you can learn from Children of the Monkey Machine’s music that would be it. Anyways enough with the lessons download this mix. It IS a Chrono Trigger mix, after all.

  • 1 month later...


This song is WITHOUT A DOUBT my most favoritest song in da whole wide world! This song is so harcore it's make Mick Folley mess his diappies!

What you say? You want detailed description? I SET YOU UP DA BOMB!!

This song opens with crazy ass drum and bass niceness. Holy geez I which I could drop I beat like this muv. at 0:09 it's joined by some cool little instrument that at this point you'd THINK would be the lead. You WOULD think that, wouldn't you? Well sir, THAT'S where you'd be wrong! See, up until here you're like, "Well this is a cool ass fricken song...but hey...wait...this barely sounds ANYTHING like the Ocean Palace?" well, don't doubt teh Monkey man, because at 0:33 the super bass melody hits you like a brick that got throw off a 5 story buildin'. Then, perfect balance of drum, beat, bass, and backup throughout. GOOOD SHEEIT. There IS a short melodic break at 1:47, that introduces the counter melody from the Ocean Palace theme, and continues to play this until 2:46. HERE it stops being SO extreme, and takes more of a "Hey, this is Chrono Trigger music, we're gonna take it down a notch for a sec" kinda style before it ends.

All and all, THIS SONG ROX0RS UR SOX0RS! Call the uncles, aunts, chitlins, neighbors, friends, and casual aquiantences! This song is the real deal 100%, pure platinum quality stuff so thick it'd take you 4 years to digest but so smooth you can butter you toast with it!


This song is DAMMN GOOD. You can't be a good citizen without hearing it at LEAST once...

I'm doing MY part!

this has to be one of my favorite OC ReMixes of all time.

lol... how does rama come up with that stuff?

anyways... i like it because it is different. you got to hear this on 5.1 surround sound (if you havent yet anyways). it owns you.

lots of fun little blips and noises make up the "percussion", which by themselves probably wouldnt make much sense, but when you put them together and mix in some crazy filtered like mad synth, it all comes together to make one beautiful mindalicious (new word? delicious for the brain. or something. bite me.) groove that is great for chilling to while fixing yourself a nice latte, or smashing human organs to pieces with a tire iron.

either way.


  • 7 months later...

By far one of CotMM's most musical pieces. While I enjoy his crazy, static-and-noise-driven remixes, this remix offers something the others don't. Definitely a great listen, and recommended to fans of CotMM and Chrono Trigger alike.

  • 4 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Pretty generic industrial music. Not really much happening here, besides some looped drums/chord progression with the original playing over it at different speeds. It's ok, but it really lacks variety; and just when things start to switch up at around 2:45, the song just ends abruptly. A little more creativity would have gone a long way to compliment the good choice of instruments and Ocean Palace melody.

Some major issues I have with this song:

- The treble hook introduced at around 0:14 doesn't EVER change it's notes, getting old very quickly (I was sick of it by 0:24 and again by around 0:53-1:14 when it was reintroduced)

- The drums loop with pretty much the exact same 3 second pattern way all the way from 0:33-2:35; how annoying! You could have atleast made it 4 different patterns cycling through, and switched the percussion up every now and than to keep it interesting.

The song also seems to lack punch/power for most sections in the middle, which is decieving because it appeared to be heavy and full of life (to some degree) from the 0:00-0:53 introduction. This remix has potential, and the background pads/strings/synths helped the atmosphere a little, but as described... it really lacks variety and attention to detail in other areas; in my opinion. I usually love this style of music, but this song seems rather cheezy and unproduced to me. Meh.

  • 1 year later...

Very impressive beats we have here, mmmyessss. They are a little dark, which is perfect, it´s exactly what the original.

The beats were good, but if you repeat many times, you grow tired of it. It took one and a half minute to get to the melody, and that one itself was almost too low to hear.

Good job with the beats though. :wink:

  • 6 months later...

I love a good beat to a remix and paired with the semi-dark backing, this was pretty much a perfect for me - I use a lot of OCR stuff as 'writing music', something to write to that has the kind of emotion I'm looking for in my writing, and this is being listened to almost constantly right now for writing purposes. Huge applause for this one, CotMM

  • 10 months later...

I can't believe this has so few reviews. This one's an OCR classic as far as I'm concerned. Hmm, as for a review from me ... all I can say is that CotMM makes the source tune his bitch.

Edit: err, rather their bitch.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 8 months later...

Never one to shy away from distortion, CotMM seems to distort just about everything. Some of the distorted hihats and stuff just tend to make it sound lofi, but an artist has to be true to themselves. :<

This one is actually a lot more listen able for me than his usual experimental fare, though the changeup to a new section came in strangely late in the song. I think either the length needed to be extended, or the B section appeared sooner.

Regardless, it's a pretty good source and a decent sendup; I think an additional minute would have improved it, but it'll do.

  • 1 year later...

One of the CotMM songs that I can really get into, and I've had this one for a while. I love the bass opening, I thought it was a cool intro. It does take a bit for the melody to come in, almost halfway through the song, to be exact, but when it does, it fits in well with the soundscape. The B section at 2:46 is cut short, it feels, and I would have liked more development of that area, bu alas it ends.

Still liking the bass throughout.

  • 2 years later...

This piece was a very welcome addition to my Creative Jukebox Zen player's paltry ReMix playlist back in high school. I just love how aggressive it is. The melody can really only be described as haunting. A lot of clever synth programming here, too.

  • 10 months later...
  • 3 years later...
  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR00410 - Chrono Trigger "Ocean Palace (Wave Breaker)"

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