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I never knew this. An article and many others like it say that District 9 was born out of the halo movie production. And this is a huge letdown for me. Bungie is proving with its live-action halo video clips that a halo movie is very possible. But to create District 9 instead? What a load of crap. ID tagged weapons? Where have we heard that before? Gasoline turns you into an alien? RETARDED! The main character was a wuss, and not the least bit likeable. Same with all the other characters. And if you're going to have aliens in a movie, make them either good or bad. Don't make them homeless Africans. That's exactly who the prones reminded me of. What do you guys think?

What a load of crap. ID tagged weapons? Where have we heard that before? Gasoline turns you into an alien? RETARDED! The main character was a wuss, and not the least bit likeable. Same with all the other characters. And if you're going to have aliens in a movie, make them either good or bad. Don't make them homeless Africans. That's exactly who the prones reminded me of. What do you guys think?

I think you missed the point entirely.

First off, what the heck do you mean about the weapon thing? I personally haven't seen the ID tagging done quite like that before. The substance wasn't gasoline or even an alien form of fuel. It was never fully explained exactly what it was.

They wanted you to hate most of the characters, particularly the main character at first.

And the statement about the aliens? really? So, the only species in the universe that should capable of being of mixed or neutral ethics is the human? The film tried to point out quite clearly that the aliens were varied in personality and morality.

I think you should re watch it and try to see it for what it is, not what you think it should have been.



Oh, and it was made from the leftover budget after the HALO movie fell through. Wasn't even in the works until the HALO movie was canceled.

An article and many others like it say that District 9 was born out of the halo movie production. And this is a huge letdown for me. Bungie is proving with its live-action movies that a halo movie is very possible. But to create District 9 instead? What a load of crap.

I think you're confusing messy copyright issues between film companies for a conscious decision to abandon Halo for a different movie. Jackson very clearly explains in your link: "[Halo] fell apart because of internal politics at Fox and Universal. It had nothing to do with the budget or anything else. In fact, we hadn't even been greenlit at all at that point." District 9 was Peter Jackson salvaging the time and resources Fox and Universal had wasted with him. No, District 9 would not have happened if Halo were greenlit, but neither was District 9 a part of the decision to shelve the film. It sounds like District 9 wasn't even a subject until after Halo was dead.

And if you're going to have aliens in a movie, make them either good or bad. Don't make them homeless Africans. That's exactly who the prones reminded me of.

That was the whole point dude. The movie took a new fresh take on alien visitors and highlighted humanity's own weaknesses in the fear of strangers. In some incident, most of the ship's leaders were lost and the rest decided to hide in the working class majority that was brought along. The movie even explains that humanity was pissed that instead of enlightened free thinking beings, they only found a hideous army of extraterrestrial blue collars. They were then treated in a fashion that many countries today might treat disadvantaged refugees.

I'm only posting to tell people to stop replying to Thin Crust. Seriously, it's only encouraging him.

Also District 9 is better than a Halo movie would have ever been.

Agreed and taken note of. Although part of me can't resist the urge to think he's not trolling and he really can't grasp any thematic element more complex than good vs. evil.

Agreed and taken note of. Although part of me can't resist the urge to think he's not trolling and he really can't grasp any thematic element more complex than good vs. evil.

Eh, not that serious. He's just broaching his two cents over a movie and its supposed relation between itself and Halo. Similar, but not Halo.

Yes, the point of the movie was that man fears anything unlike itself and oppresses strangers for a sake of security. Not sure if it'd be a good substitute or prequel to Halo, but it was good.


The ONLY link between District 9's content and the once possible Halo film was that Jackson wanted to do a scifi film. That's it. Halo fell through, but they wanted to make a scifi film, so they made District 9, and I've read official articles backing this up straight from the horse's mouth.

The point of the movie, and its strong point, goes a little deeper than a spectacle to watch. It's not a popcorn movie... the subject matter is uncomfortable and the message is pointed. It's probably one of the smarter scifi films to come out recently, but its a heavily message-filled one. The audience must be prepared for it, and its not something you'd watch to make you be in a better mood.

The purpose of the film isn't to entertain you so much as it is to focus on human nature; love, selfishness, racism, prejudice, etc. Aliens are just a convenient medium to easily exhibit racism/prejudice toward without being politically incorrect. The purpose of this movie is make you think. It's not the recent Star Trek film. It's not what Halo would have been. And I think I'm happy with that.

Aliens are just a convenient medium to easily exhibit racism/prejudice toward without being politically incorrect.

While I agree with you there... the way the Nigerians were portrayed I think completely circumvented that. They could have been a random collection of criminal organizations of varied African nationalities, but the film seemed to take great effort to point out they were Nigerian.

Still a good movie though.

The purpose of the film isn't to entertain you so much as it is to focus on human nature; love, selfishness, racism, prejudice, etc. Aliens are just a convenient medium to easily exhibit racism/prejudice toward without being politically incorrect. The purpose of this movie is make you think. It's not the recent Star Trek film. It's not what Halo would have been. And I think I'm happy with that.

I understood the context of the movie but see, others I knew gave up when the criminal (Nigerian) prostitute was going to have sex with the alien in order to try to receive power from them. Horrible portrayal of Black women; too touchy although I understood the movie. They didn't have to go that far.


It had nothing to do with them being black women, and everything to do with the Nigerians being the low-tech version of the MNU. Both were willing to go to any lengths to acquire the alien weaponry. The difference in technique was a product of the difference in resources available to the two groups.

You're probably right. Video-game-franchise based movies tend to be terrible. I can't recall any good one. LOL

Do so-bad-its-good ones count? Because Doom was so bad that it was awesome.

District 9 was badass too, though.


Ha ha.

Just watched the DVD this evening (I work in a videoclub) and I find this thread ^^

I really love that movie : the E.T. slum and racism idea, a little of Cloverfield with the "live" camera concept (even if it's more like TV news), continuous action, cool weapons and mechas, or of course the main character story...

Now, I'm not a Halo player, so I can't compare.

All I can say is that I'd like to see more of these movies...

At least a homemade recipe and not something we have seen thousands of times.


District 9 was definitely my favorite movie of 2009, but that's not saying much considering I hadn't watch much movies. Still though, felt it was really awesome and can't wait til the 22nd so I can buy it and rewatch it with my fam and see what they think about it.

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