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Mega Man X series: Maverick Rising - History

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You don't know what happened. Maybe they lost their arms in a freak ice sculpting accident. :-(

That would be a disappointment

ahahahahah; you know, cuz I called them disappointments in the last post cause they wouldn't hand their tracks in


No srsly guyz I wanna bust my speakers before the summer is out


hey, my (un backed up) hard drive with a decade of zyko mazika was wiped... including what would have been my best mix to date, hunter... (no, really, i love that track )

so yeah

they need to invent an emoticon for how awful i feel because you couldn't combine all the shitty ones in the world and scratch the surface of the hurt


i don't want the track dropped but barring some kind of miracle, i'm not sure how else that can be avoided

hey, my (un backed up) hard drive with a decade of zyko mazika was wiped... including what would have been my best mix to date, hunter... (no, really, i love that track )

so yeah

they need to invent an emoticon for how awful i feel because you couldn't combine all the shitty ones in the world and scratch the surface of the hurt


i don't want the track dropped but barring some kind of miracle, i'm not sure how else that can be avoided

As long as you didn't write anything back on to it... file restore please! Just don't write onto the drive at all and they should be restorable :)

hey, my (un backed up) hard drive with a decade of zyko mazika was wiped... including what would have been my best mix to date, hunter... (no, really, i love that track )

so yeah

they need to invent an emoticon for how awful i feel because you couldn't combine all the shitty ones in the world and scratch the surface of the hurt


i don't want the track dropped but barring some kind of miracle, i'm not sure how else that can be avoided

Feels bad man, real sorry to hear that :-( You should at least post the WIP here if you've still got it, or... maybe try and get it re-done in time for the release? We'd still love to have it on board if you can find any way possible to do so, but of course we won't hold it against you if you have to drop. Shit happens, I'm really sorry bro :-(

As long as you didn't write anything back on to it... file restore please! Just don't write onto the drive at all and they should be restorable :)

i exhausted almost all common solutions to no avail including file restore. no luck. what's gone is gone :(

can't and won't redo it. too far along, it was. y'all already have the wip, i turned it in, it was just too raw and apparently too much so for post-prod bandages.

http://www.zykomazika.com/hunterwip.mp3 if you dont

i exhausted almost all common solutions to no avail including file restore. no luck. what's gone is gone :(

can't and won't redo it. too far along, it was. y'all already have the wip, i turned it in, it was just too raw and apparently too much so for post-prod bandages.

http://www.zykomazika.com/hunterwip.mp3 if you dont

I paused the new Opeth song to listen to this. Zyko ftw :-o

Your hd-crash was a traaaaagedy

I don't think it's beyond including on the album.. toss an mp3 on there.. :-D

i exhausted almost all common solutions to no avail including file restore. no luck. what's gone is gone :(

can't and won't redo it. too far along, it was. y'all already have the wip, i turned it in, it was just too raw and apparently too much so for post-prod bandages.

http://www.zykomazika.com/hunterwip.mp3 if you dont

I posted a Rival Schools topic in the remix request forum, and no one replied. A short moment later, your song is gone. I really doubt this is a coincidence. It must be God's wrath.

On a less serious note; this is why I back up EVERYTHING I have that is dear to me the moment its on my PC.

can't trust HD's AT ALL.


well it's in mp3 now. the problem is i no longer have the project files nor the lossless wav even to do much to it. i wouldn't convert out either so i'm sorta stuck with this mp3 as a reminder of exactly what you're referring to, shake. i don't think i could have possibly learned this lesson any harsher. i'm in the market for a new external drive which i will use to back up everything and its mother

No srsly guyz I wanna bust my speakers before the summer is out
I thought it was almost done. :neutral:

It's not that simple, guys.

There's a huge amount of work (even besides the music) that goes into releasing an album here.

Especially one of this magnitude. And that's not even taking the project-queue into consideration. ;)


This project is MASSIVE. Even when all of the songs are done, I get the feeling the post-music logistics of this thing are going to take ages. It took several months after the last song was complete to push Summoning of Spirits out the door, and there wasn't even an album queue at that time.

It's not that simple, guys.

There's a huge amount of work (even besides the music) that goes into releasing an album here.

Especially one of this magnitude. And that's not even taking the project-queue into consideration. ;)

Yeah, I know, I'm just impatient :< And yeah I know the album queue is humongous right now...

well it's in mp3 now. the problem is i no longer have the project files nor the lossless wav even to do much to it.

i lied.

i found a wav form. not sure what can be done with it, honestly but at least i have one.

anybody know some top notch wizardry that can revive this?

i lied.

i found a wav form. not sure what can be done with it, honestly but at least i have one.

anybody know some top notch wizardry that can revive this?

Nice one... now you need to plug out your phone, your internets and a lot of coffee.

I will put that baby through t-Racks3 if you'll let me :-D

of course. if i could have t-racked it, i would have

Nice one... now you need to plug out your phone, your internets and a lot of coffee.

hasn't worked so far


Once we get writeups from Cyril for his 5 tracks, Krow gets in touch about his songs, and we get someone to master the rest of the unmastered songs, we could be very, very close to wrapping this up. I'm willing to just put in a few days solid and beast through the encoding and tagging, that's not a big deal. I just need help with the mastering.

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