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Mega Man X series: Maverick Rising - History


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Hello everyone!

First, I want to let you know that I'm not out of the game just yet, everything is going to be fine. I'm working with melody right now in an attempt to get everything squared away so we can submit the final project to OCR for evaluation. That said, I've been scanning the last few pages of this thread so I can get up to speed on everything.

So far, so good. But I need to keep this flow going, so anyone who HAS NOT yet mastered their tracks, I need to know if they were mastered prior to being sent to Bahamut, if so, that makes everything that much easier for me to handle, and we'll be able to progress effectively, and everything will be right as rain.

As far as the artwork for the album goes, I need that ASAP. I have disc cover art, but I need front and back cover artwork as soon as possible. I've seen the front cover art, and I'm impressed. Now, I need to see the rest.

As far as the site for MR is concerned, I've seen a preview and it's going to be awesome! Drew is doing a bang up job, and I definitely appreciate his efforts!

If anyone has any questions at any time, send them to my Gmail account, and I will respond as fast as possible. Please put into the subject line the following: "RE: Maverick Rising". My email address is: dyne2057@gmail.com

This will enable me to search for your email faster than if I have to scan for it, as I get a lot of email to this account (thanks mainly to LinkedIn).

Thank you everyone who has a hand in this project, it's going to be a spectacular project, and I'm looking forward to finishing what Bahamut started as best as I can!

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  • 2 weeks later...

i am finally all wrapped up. tracks sent off to emunator, writeups, agreement form etc. Sorry I couldn't master. My gig I am working on is taking all my time and sometimes just mastering ONE track by myself can take several hours if it needs fixing (vile for example) Anyway this project is going to ROCK \m/

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