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Mega Man X series: Maverick Rising - History


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Hado'kening the mutt.

Shortest boss fight EVER


The Sigma fight is even shorter. You have to wait for the dog to bounce off the wall first; Sigma just rushes right into the Hadouken.

If X2 counts, Shoryukening Agile form 2 doesn't take too long either.

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Instead of releasing all the tracks, they should release 20 of them and offer the rest as buyable DLC.

Or, even better, release all the tracks in one package but only have 20 of them available and force everyone to buy a key to listen to the rest of the tracks.

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This album will extort money faster than Marvel Vs. Capcom 3.

Don't you mean Megaman X for iOS? ;P

This album is going to have a TON of DLC

Actually, something in the vein of the Concrete man EP, with tracks from the X serie that weren't covered on MR, would be pretty cool.

Cause gems like Command Mission really deserve some love as well, and X2 could always do with some more coverage.

For now, halc and Protricity each remixed my fav tracks from X6 and X2, so I'm really excited about that. :)

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Man, you people need to be more obvious with your sarcasm.

If you tried to quote my post, you would've saw that I put a disclaimer in that post in white text :razz: .

So, we are approaching mid-March. WHERE IS MY ALBUM, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, I NEED IT NOW!

Soon my friend :) . The trailer has been released, so you can continue being excited!

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They're gonna release it on Thursday, the Ides of March, the anniversary of Serious Monkey Business's release.

Seriously, it's all because Bahamut's involved; all his albums must release on the same day or somethin. :P

though that does say something, the fact that from the OP to now it's only been 2 years and change. pretty fast work! :D

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