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The main problem with The Wind Waker was that Hyrule was a massive disappointment.

What? We get to go to a couple of temples down here? Sweet--

No, the only way in is from the ocean.


Shrink down the empty ocean, maybe get rid of some of the reefs and pointless islands, and expand Hyrule a bit. That would've been perfect.

So anyway...if the next Zelda ends up a little disappointing, they'd better not even hint at something cool that isn't part of the game. Not that The Wind Waker was disappointing.

(also I approve of all this Zelda Kart talk)

I had really wished for all of Zelda 64 to be down there the first time I played Wind Waker. Would have been absolutely incredible (and made up for a lack of dungeons in WW).


My only real problem with Twilight Princess was the lack of pacing with all the loot hunting (hidden equipment, combat techniques, pieces of heart, bugs, etc) and other stuff that occurred between dungeons. In the N64 titles, after you beat a dungeon you could usually spend about an hour or so hunting down such items then proceed to the next dungeon. In TP, once you "unlocked' all the sections of Hyrule (before you do the Snowman's Mansion or w/e it was called) there was an epic loot hunt that took me at least 5 hours. That coupled with the high amount of hidden loot kinda stretched the game out between dungeons. Not a huge issue, but the dungeons have always been the central focus of Zelda games and drawing attention away from them like that only detracts from the experience.


Uh? Really? I always like the exploration bits more. Dungeons are fun and all, but the secrets and puzzles incorporated into the game world itself are always more interesting for me.

If a Zelda game had no dungeons, but instead a world full of puzzles, enemies, and bosses, I think it would ultimately be preferrable.

Also, non-linearity should be brought back. The last several Zeldas have had quite rigid world exploration, giving you challenges to tackle in a specific order. I'd like to see it revert a bit to like it was in LttP, where the latter half of the game allowed you to explore and complete objectives in pretty much any order you wanted (though there was a specific order given for a smoother difficulty curve).



- The idea of this version of Link also being The Hero of Time has been highly considered, and may already be implemented.

- Time travel plays a roll in the game.

Another time travel mechanic? How ever will you fit this one in, timeline twits?

Man, I can see them twitching right now, their minds already trying to figure it out. "Wha... no, he- but then... it's all about tachyons, you see... They caused the timeline shift."

Man, everyone one of those timeline people are going to have to rewrite all their stupid little theories again.


The girl is NOT the Master Sword? This is probably a fake-out, though. If she communicates through Link's Sword, then it's likely she's at least a sword spirit or something.

Otherwise, most of this is pretty basic stuff that we have seen in other games in the series. Hyrule isn't always the setting, the Master Sword isn't always the "main" sword of choice, and Link doesn't always have a travel companion.


So what I wonder would constitute a significant paradigm shift from the standard Zelda formula?

I think I would agree that non-linearity would probably be a good thing to bring back, maybe just have scenarios a la Mass Effect and let you choose your destination, and the events fall into place that way, but then I worry that the narrative wouldn't be as spectacular. Then I ask myself, is narrative REALLY important to the series?

What I feel are most important to me are the items, their functionality, practicality, and "funness" of use, as well as engaging sword combat and exploration in an open, and damned pretty and detailed world that I don't want to leave.

I feel that Twilight Princess gave me a lot of that. For a game to hold me to the point where I just want to ride ma horse, clobber some goblins, go fishing and find all it's secrets, well that's saying something.

That was the four sword's origin.

Funny I was under the impression that it was also the Master Sword but under a different name. Only other time I can think of where the origins had been mentioned was in ALttP; which then allegedly found its first use in OoT

The Triforce itself cannot judge between good and evil. That is because only the gods can do that. However, it could not be assumed that only a good person would get their hands on the Triforce. For that reason, the people of Hyrule were told by the gods to make something that would repulse any evil that may kidnap the Triforce: the blade of evil's bane. It was called the Master Sword, and it is said that only a true hero could use it.

What bothers me after ALttP is FSA (Four Sword Adventure)


Well, if you want to take the 'timeline theories' into account, FSA actually happened BEFORE Link to the Past...

In fact, the whole Four Swords saga happens really before Ganon comes on to the scene, with FSA marking the transition between Vaati's time terrorizing Hyrule and the emergence of the King of Theives, Ganondorf (who, in FSA, is only that, the Bandit King). I like to think that that same Ganondorf is the Ganon somehow in LttP, in any event (though there's plenty to disregard that).

Yes I read into Zelda games like that.

You think that's bad, with lack of screenshots?

Fuck, there's been more said about this game through interviews than ANYTHING said about the game I REALLY want to come here, the new Metroid, and we ain't got SHIT with that game... Then again, Nintendo treats Metroid like shit and always will, despite (imo) being probably their best-made franchise.


I don't think there's anything wrong with saying that Metroid is Ninty's best-made franchise. Each new Metroid game is superb and the series has rarely sold out (I can recall one instance with Metroid Prime Pinball). The story is still mostly cohesive as well, unlike Zelda, which is rebooted every other game. Which franchise is best is up to each individual though... I can't say I like one more than the other. Other M is going to be a monster,and I'm equally excited about the new Zelda - the first true, ground-up Wii Zelda game. All of you people who are doubting Nintendo and their franchises - man, this ain't the year to do it. Zelda and Metroid are going to shred like Steve Vai. I know it. All of these people saying "I sold my Wii" and "my Wii is a dust collector", well, you're going to wish you kept up with it this year.

my Wii is a dust collector", well, you're going to wish you kept up with it this year.

My Wii is quite literally a collecting dust since I just don't bother to mess with it ... (outside of playing Muramasa a couple months ago, and Sin and Punishment 1 a few months before that), but I'm still excited for Other M, the new Zelda, and Sin & Punishment 2. (S&P2 I'm really excited for.)

This will be a good year for hardcore Wii owners. I know their ranks are few these days. :)

These rumors about Zelda... could be cool. Don't get me wrong, I loved Twilight Princess, but looking back on it, I'm really getting tired of the same Zelda formula over and over again. I really love the memorable characters though that have started appearing in the recent games... Tetra, Midna, Linebeck, Zelda from Spirit Tracks, and Byrne from Spirit tracks. They were all interesting characters which a lot of older Zelda games just didn't have much of... so I'm expecting a lot from a new Zelda.

I think we all are expecting a lot, and rightfully so, because the reality is, the big, flagship console Zelda titles have been steadily becoming more stale to me... I guess it's hard to improve upon each successive game. One trend I'm particularly annoyed by is how the latest Zelda installments start out wonderfully and originally, with a fresh story and style... but they've boiled back down to the old go to X number of Temples formula with minimal story until the end... which honestly, is the same story we've had for 20 years.

I love the Zelda series, and with that fondness of the series, I want to see this new Zelda bring something new the to table. If the rumors are true, which they may or may not be, then things will be cool.

Still, even if they repackaged LttP and sold it for 50 bucks in a Wii case with a special art book accessory, HELL, I would buy it in a heartbeat.. so maybe I'm a hypocrite.

STILL, there is one thing I've become more and more appreciative of from the newer Zeldas... and its the writing. Not for its story, its more or less the same most adventures, but the dialogue is always fun and it seems to be improving in my opinion. Especially with Spirit Tracks and Phantom Hourglass... I don't want to say Zelda is a bastion of writing perfection, but the characterizations of some of these newer characters I find myself really enjoying. So I'm excited about that aspect, since I can quite literally see that trend of more interesting NPCs occurring as newer Zelda games get released. Also, the dungeon designs in Twilight Princess were great... the possibilities of a new Zelda are exciting to think about.

I mean, at its core, the Zelda gameplay has been great and steadily improving, its just the small things that Nintendo leaves out that smaller, crappier companies don't that annoys most Zelda fans. Dungeon designs have been great, gameplay has been good as well, but the small details like the mere premise for entering a dungeon is little changed from the late 1980s. A breath of fresh air would be nice, and no, Link's cross bow training doesn't count. teehee. In my opinion, the Yeti House Dungeon from Twilight Princess is a great example of a dungeon that both feels fresh but similar to the old Zelda formula.

Needs more Yeti. That's what I say... metaphorically speaking.

2010... I'm happy its here, but I'll be happy to see a new Zelda at the end of it too.


Agreed. The Snowpoint Ruins were a highlight of the game for me, too. I wish a bit more effort went into explaining why an old mansion was there, though.

I think TP lacked a bit of context that its improved story otherwise required. In older games, you didn't really need a reason for having temples where they were. The story wasn't so central, so it didn't matter. But now, you can't just have a big tree with weird puzzles in it and expect us to believe it's a Forest Temple. I need to know WHY this place is here, what it was used for, why it was abandoned, etc.

I think that alone -- having more history and backstory in each area -- would help the series immensely. Far more than a Hookshot upgrade ever could.

I wish a bit more effort went into explaining why an old mansion was there, though.

Explanation tends to ruin things. This is why Majora's Mask was so great.


A year or two ago Aounuma and Miyamoto had an interview discussing Twilight Princess, and the main issue they had with the game is that it felt like it was missing something. I love Twilight Princess, I've played through it almost three times, but I and many other people on this board seem to agree that it's time for a bit of an overhaul. Twilight Princess seemed to lack that "newness". I just didn't feel that sense of urgency while playing the game, that feeling that I just can't put it down, like with Ocarina of Time and Link to the Past. It hurt to stop when playing those games.

Also, the winter mansion was totally cool. I have also wondered about its history, and why Snowpeak is part of Hyrule and not Termina. But you know how they say "The different Zeldas are just retellings of the same story"


I'm excited for the supposed return of the Hero of Time. But the lack of Master Sword disappoints me right out of the gate. However, if it ended up getting replaced with something as awesome as the sword that came with the Fierce Deity's mask...

When it comes to Twilight Princess, the only thing I like to complain about is the lack of a Biggoron's sword, or something like it. That's it. I liked all of the dungeons. I liked all the story, main points and details included. I liked all of the items, both old and new. The only reason I didn't find it as compelling as OoT was because it wasn't OoT. I think playing that for the first time was a once-in-a-lifetime experience that will never be replicated in any game, whether it's a new Zelda game or something else. Same idea with me liking Super Mario World more than I like NSMBW.


I think franchises like Zelda could quite easily be ruined by trying to be too different though.

And when you realize only one Zelda is coming out every so many years, you want to make sure it is a solid one, and sometimes that means sticking to some of the more familliar concepts.

So I'm in a bit of a bind: do I want a new Zelda, that tries to be different, or do I want a Zelda that is so awesome at doing the usual trick that I'd never need to play another Zelda again?

Some of Nintendo's franchises are like that; they're good as they are, and they don't need a lot of new stuff.

A lot of my fav franchises were ruined, just because they were trying to be too different.

Luckily, you can count on them to use the best teams for a game like Zelda.

As long as this doesn't become 'Hyrule Garden Keeper', I'll be pretty happy :)


I'd rather have a highly experimental take on the franchise that avoids rehashing the current formula. We've had a trilogy of excellent "main" 3d games in the OoT style (OoT, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess).

Certain things have become outdated -- we need a jump button, Nintendo!

I'd also like to see a "side" game come out that utilizes the same engine. Majora's Mask is absolutely brilliant, and more experimentation along its lines would be welcomed.

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