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Final Fantasy IX: Worlds Apart - History

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Technically the iTunes tracklisting could be considered the "official" tracklisting. However, the tracklist most people know for the OST, what I assume was a fan translation (I forget), seems to have more literal translations of the Japanese track titles - some of the "official" titles have no relation whatsoever to the original Japanese titles (also the literal translated titles are way cooler in many cases IMO. Jesters of the Moonless Night > Court Jesters etc).


Haven't been around in a while.

Glad to see things are moving on, though. If anything needs done on my end, Fishy, give me a shout.

I really have to get back into making music myself again. Band stuff is sucking up so much time right now.


So excited to see this. If it wasn't for the final tracks being due so soon I would certainly audition for one of those free tracks. Having said that, if you are wanting more tracks Fishy, just let me know and I'll russle something up. If what I come up with isn't polished enough, no problem, I'll still have a track at the end of it.

Does this mean though that with the end in sight that there will be a trailer on the horizon? :D

So excited to see this. If it wasn't for the final tracks being due so soon I would certainly audition for one of those free tracks. Having said that, if you are wanting more tracks Fishy, just let me know and I'll russle something up. If what I come up with isn't polished enough, no problem, I'll still have a track at the end of it.

Does this mean though that with the end in sight that there will be a trailer on the horizon? :D

Jumping in here about the trailer (sniping you, fishman). Unless the director has someone specifically selected to do the trailer before submitting the album, the trailer falls to OCR Staff, specifically José the Bronx Rican. With a plate as full as his, we normally wait until very close to release to put the trailer up.

Interest in an album due to the trailer stops peaking about a week after the trailer is released. If an album were not out in that amount of time, we lose some heat for it as time goes on. Also other mixes get posted in the meantime which draw attention away from the trailer. (rightfully so, regular mixposts deserve dat love, but its cannibalising our own attention to something else we're putting out)

At least that's my take on it, hopefully that makes sense!

Interest in an album due to the trailer stops peaking about a week after the trailer is released. If an album were not out in that amount of time, we lose some heat for it as time goes on. Also other mixes get posted in the meantime which draw attention away from the trailer. (rightfully so, regular mixposts deserve dat love, but its cannibalising our own attention to something else we're putting out)

At least that's my take on it, hopefully that makes sense!

Yeah, that does indeed. I'll be even more excited now when the trailer appears. Thanks Stevo :-P


It's come to my attention magfest is just before the deadline. We'll see how much of an issue it is, I don't want to push it back far (or ideally at all).

So I'll probably do a five 30 second samples for the Christmas present. Give me the five you want to hear most and (unless they're better left unheard for surprise reasons) I'll try and include them.

if you're taking requests from just anybody.

Mistaken Love

Secret Library

You're Not Alone!

Bran Bal

The Place I'll Return Someday

would be my humble requests. Steiner's theme and Pandemonium would also be excellent.

Thanks Fishy. :-)


So me, Andy P and this double bassist recorded Abadoss's track at the studio last night, it's got to be one of the most awesome things any of us have done so far.

Recording Vamo with the same guys on monday, but this time someone else is engineering it and capturing it in HD video hopefully! Should be awesome.

It's come to my attention magfest is just before the deadline. We'll see how much of an issue it is, I don't want to push it back far (or ideally at all).

So I'll probably do a five 30 second samples for the Christmas present. Give me the five you want to hear most and (unless they're better left unheard for surprise reasons) I'll try and include them.

You're Not Alone


Jesters of the Moon

Assault of the White Dragons

Melodies of Life

Honestly, I don't really care too much on selection, I'm mostly just picking things that feel varied in tone, but I'd love to get a feel for how people have interpreted the original music.

Posted (edited)
Battle 2 needs to be in there.

Means I have to finish the thing in the next week, eh?

I'm on it - keep an ear out for me Fishy ;)

May as well post my list, here.

Crystal World

Battle 2

Song of Memories

You're Not Alone!

Dark Messenger (I just want to see Snappleman get something cool out by next week :P)

Edited by Gario

So I'll probably do a five 30 second samples for the Christmas present. Give me the five you want to hear most and (unless they're better left unheard for surprise reasons) I'll try and include them.

Secret Library x5


Oh my... that's an awesome You're Not Alone... :3

Means I have to finish the thing in the next week, eh?

I'm on it - keep an ear out for me Fishy ;)

May as well post my list, here.

Crystal World

Battle 2

Song of Memories

You're Not Alone!

Dark Messenger (I just want to see Snappleman get something cool out by next week :P)

It's on your list too! That means you want to finish it too! :D

Also, I agree with your list completely.

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