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Final Fantasy IX: Worlds Apart - History

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Well, I support anything Final Fantasy - duh. Good luck to everybody. I just think this is a tad too early to do this, but my opinion doesn't matter.

cmonnnnn, didn't you see how long it took for the ffiv project to finally come into fruition? development vs release are two different things, and with a release i can agree that another ff album so shortly right after the last would be on the ricockulous side. however, it's fair game otherwise

Well, I support anything Final Fantasy - duh. Good luck to everybody. I just think this is a tad too early to do this, but my opinion doesn't matter.

While I agree there are too many projects, there's NEVER going to be a time when there aren't enough. I think it's usually safe with an FF project though, people love those soundtracks disproportionately, myself included.

Considering project development could take several years, I think this is just about as good of a time as any to start this.

Agree with you, sir! It's not like this is coming out next week. When I started it, I estimated that it would take about 2 years. It could take more, nobody really knows yet, but the response seems to be really good. The dedication of the reMixers involved who are claiming multiple tracks, as well as the community who wants to hear this music, will ensure that it doesn't end up in a 5-year purgatory. :)


Like I said, it's my opinion. None of you have to agree. I never said I was aganist this or anything else that's going on, but I believe eventually OCR should put a limit of how many projects are going on per year. Too many projects exhausts any artist. I don't care how long it takes to finish a project, that wasn't my point.

Like I said, it's my opinion. None of you have to agree. I never said I was aganist this or anything else that's going on, but I believe eventually OCR should put a limit of how many projects are going on per year. Too many projects exhausts any artist. I don't care how long it takes to finish a project, that wasn't my point.

It also begins to take away from the listener perspective. It's a tough balance between releasing music too frequently and then not frequently enough. If more projects are started, and even more seen through to completion, the amount of time in between projects would dictate that sooner or later there will be a queue of finished projects waiting to be released. No project wants to give up their share of the spotlight, after all they worked hard on it, so there does need to be some space in between. Also, too many projects released to frequently can overwhelm potential listeners. Consider the time it takes for people to listen to music, and then again at how much is released, and you see that people have to pick and choose as there's only so much time available.

I'm not saying don't start a project, I'm just saying there are many things to consider. You seem to be gathering quite a few people already and a couple staffers, so I wish you luck and hope your project finishes one day.

Like I said, it's my opinion. None of you have to agree. I never said I was aganist this or anything else that's going on, but I believe eventually OCR should put a limit of how many projects are going on per year. Too many projects exhausts any artist. I don't care how long it takes to finish a project, that wasn't my point.

We used to have an approval process. I've been thinking we need to bring it back.

I'd like to request Passing Sorrow please. I can't PM you an audition song at the moment, but you can listen to my track from the Xenogears project if you want until I can send one.

Listened to it, sounds good; welcome :3.

It also begins to take away from the listener perspective. It's a tough balance between releasing music too frequently and then not frequently enough. If more projects are started, and even more seen through to completion, the amount of time in between projects would dictate that sooner or later there will be a queue of finished projects waiting to be released. No project wants to give up their share of the spotlight, after all they worked hard on it, so there does need to be some space in between. Also, too many projects released to frequently can overwhelm potential listeners. Consider the time it takes for people to listen to music, and then again at how much is released, and you see that people have to pick and choose as there's only so much time available.

I'm not saying don't start a project, I'm just saying there are many things to consider. You seem to be gathering quite a few people already and a couple staffers, so I wish you luck and hope your project finishes one day.

Exactly! Yeah, listeners are also effected. It's important for every project on this site to have the spotlight because they did work hard on it. I know a lot of people want to climb up the OCR ladder to be known and respected. I totally understand that and more power to all of you. To me, I could careless about popularity. I'm doing Wild ARMs because the fans requested it and the game/music is effing awesome. I tested the waters in the beginning to see how many would join and I believe I proved (with only 4 tracks left to claim out of 79 currently) that the project could get done. I know it's not like a "Final Fantasy" but it's still inspiring so that's why I took upon the job. I knew no one would do it anytime, let alone ever (possibly anyway). So don't judge me or my project because of my opinion. It's completely different.

If we had a balance amount of projects per year, you could have remixers that usually say no because they're on too many already and acquire better quality music because they don't feel rushed or pressured. It shouldn't feel like a job.

So I am not against this project in any way. I REALLY want it to succeed like all the other projects going on currently. I'm obviously an FF whore and FFIX has an amazing soundtrack. I've been working on 2 songs for that game as well for a while. Don't believe I'm a close-minded person because it's the opposite.

We used to have an approval process. I've been thinking we need to bring it back.

I think it should be considered to balance out projects and have timely mannered release dates to keep OCR interesting and highlight the music and remixers. I'm not trying to attack people. Just trying to bring a point up. Projects also shouldn't have release dates unless all tracks are done, in my opinion too.


I agree completely, which is precisely why I ended up dropping a lot of them (which I still feel bade about Jade :( ).

I feel like I can make exceptions for games and music that I truly enjoy though, and I would hope everyone joining is doing so because the music means something to them.

I agree completely, which is precisely why I ended up dropping a lot of them (which I still feel bade about Jade :( ).

I feel like I can make exceptions for games and music that I truly enjoy though, and I would hope everyone joining is doing so because the music means something to them.

Right on man and it's all good. No harm has been done. =) I know why you dropped and it's understandable. bLiNd is thinking of dropping all of them, though he really doesn't want to. There's just too much to do and he has no inspiration left because of his list.

Right on man and it's all good. No harm has been done. =) I know why you dropped and it's understandable. bLiNd is thinking of dropping all of them, though he really doesn't want to. There's just too much to do and he has no inspiration left because of his list.

Well I made it clear to him when he dropped sm64 before; I would rather he didn't let his music become a forced chore, it's too awesome to be wasted like that :3.


Just a little announcement regarding track claiming:

People have been claiming silly amounts of tracks which is a bit gay because there's no real promise that its all going to be done or that you're not just saying "oh i'll take these and maybe do them a year later". I'm sure that's not the case for everyone but it has happened the past on projects.

In the interest of fairness, and this is retro-active, you have to make a solid start on one mix to claim another. I've dropped my extra mixes too, this is for everyone. Solid start should be, lets say, a minute of solid (and i mean solid) start on your first track. I think its the only way to be fair to everyone and I hope you (albeit begrudgingly) agree.

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