MaxFrost Posted January 9, 2010 Posted January 9, 2010 So has anybody besides me get this yet? This game is just oozing style. I've never had so much fun with a hack n slash game, nor have I laughed so much at one. Combat is excellent, story is delightfully campy, it's just so much fun! I still have to play darksiders, but this has my attention for now. Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted January 9, 2010 Posted January 9, 2010 Gonna pick it up actually next month if only because I got to take care of something first. Nonetheless I find it enjoyable when ever I visit one of my friends who got it on the PS3. Quote
anosou Posted January 9, 2010 Posted January 9, 2010 I've hyped this more than should be legally allowed. My Climax Edition copy should arrive monday. Anyone who doesn't play this game is a straight up moron. Quote
Gollgagh Posted January 9, 2010 Posted January 9, 2010 is the PS3 version at least passable please tell me it's passable I don't have enough money to get a 360 yet Quote
Sixto Posted January 9, 2010 Posted January 9, 2010 Gollgagh said: is the PS3 version at least passable please tell me it's passable I don't have enough money to get a 360 yet Massive slowdown on PS3. Horrible texture and shadow maps. I wouldn't get it on PS3 at all if that was the only console I had. Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted January 9, 2010 Posted January 9, 2010 Sixto said: Massive slowdown on PS3. Horrible texture and shadow maps. I wouldn't get it on PS3 at all if that was the only console I had. Weird as I didn't have that problem playing on my friends' PS3 copy... Then again I've only started it. If this is truly the case when I get further in, then I can only blame SEGA... Quote
KyleJCrb Posted January 9, 2010 Posted January 9, 2010 SEGA be doing a PC release, yes? That'd be the only way I would be able to play it. Quote
Salluz Posted January 9, 2010 Posted January 9, 2010 MaxFrost said: So has anybody besides me get this yet?This game is just oozing style. I've never had so much fun with a hack n slash game, nor have I laughed so much at one. Combat is excellent, story is delightfully campy, it's just so much fun! I still have to play darksiders, but this has my attention for now. I watched the story and played the XBOX 360 demo and I want it so bad! I need to get a 360 first. Quote
Nulion Posted January 9, 2010 Posted January 9, 2010 Thought I might chip in on my opinion of the PS3 version... The graphics, I see no problem with whatsoever; they're beautiful, they're VERY well-done, everything runs at a great speed, and I didn't catch too much slowdown... The problem I have with the game is the LOADING. Ohhh sweet god, the constant LOADING! This game has to load to do ANYTHING. I actually counted a five-second load just to bring up the pause menu. There was one point where I was fighting a tough boss...and I died several times, but the thing is, there's a cutscene right before the boss. What I ended up having to do was open the church doors (The battle took place inside a church), wait for the game to load for a few seconds, then a cutscene would start, then I have to pause, wait for the game to load the pause screen, then hit Skip Cutscene, then wait for the cutscene to load what happens next, then wait for the environment to change because the cutscene had to be loaded out, then FINALLY get to actually play....only to die a few seconds later, and have to do the entire thing over again. By the time the actual boss *APPEARED* in a giant gaping hole in the wall that also just popped out of nowhere while the cutscene was trying to load out, I ended up too surprised by the boss just popping up that I ended up dying about 5 times there. It sucked. Another frequent load problem is whenever you pick up a book or an item; the game will sit on the red swirly thing that is in the background of the item after picking it up, and say "LOADING" for a few seconds, until the item appears and you can either read it or press Continue. The longest load times, however, occur between levels and where you see Bayonetta walking around the endless field of red symbols and such, where all you can do is practice fighting skills. I've counted load times of around 30+ seconds in there...which is just unacceptable. Despite all this loading....I hear that Sega and Sony are planning to patch the game to fix the loading and some of the graphical problems that I just can't pick out. (Chalk that up as not having the 360 version to compare it to, I suppose) And even further...if you have a PS3, get this game. The loading problems can be a pain, yes, but in the end I find myself just not caring. The game is so over the top and oozing with style, and it's just so much fun to play, that I still really recommend it to anyone with a PS3. Yeah, if you've got a PS3 and a 360, I'd go with the 360 version (As much as I hate to admit that), but the PS3 version is still fine and just has its own set of annoyances that really shouldn't be there. So short...PS3 version has problems, but it's still VERY worth getting, even if all you own is a PS3 Hope that clears things up for anyone on the fence! Quote
Petara Posted January 9, 2010 Posted January 9, 2010 So, basically, Sega kind of shit on the PS3 version, eh? That's weak. If they did the same to AvP I'm gonna be pissed off. Really really pissed off. Still buying it though. Quote
Nulion Posted January 9, 2010 Posted January 9, 2010 Yep, Sega did kinda shit on it...but like I said, it's still a damn fine game, and still a whole load of fun to play. High recommendations, even if you have to get the PS3 version It's funny though, how this game reminds me of the PS3 version of The Orange Box. All you ever hear about the PS3 version is that it's "far inferior" to the 360 version...and yet I just don't see it. I see a few problems with a tiny bit of slowdown (As opposed to the "massive slowdown" I'm always hearing about), and there is a sound clipping glitch that's really annoying. The load times also take a little longer than the 360 version...which isn't really all that bad. Bayonetta is much the same; you keep hearing about all these awful problems, when it's just overblown. About the only thing I could really call a problem with PS3 Bayonetta is the loading. That's IT. Quote
Necrotic Posted January 9, 2010 Posted January 9, 2010 Nulion said: Yep, Sega did kinda shit on it...but like I said, it's still a damn fine game, and still a whole load of fun to play. High recommendations, even if you have to get the PS3 version It's funny though, how this game reminds me of the PS3 version of The Orange Box. All you ever hear about the PS3 version is that it's "far inferior" to the 360 version...and yet I just don't see it. I see a few problems with a tiny bit of slowdown (As opposed to the "massive slowdown" I'm always hearing about), and there is a sound clipping glitch that's really annoying. The load times also take a little longer than the 360 version...which isn't really all that bad. Bayonetta is much the same; you keep hearing about all these awful problems, when it's just overblown. About the only thing I could really call a problem with PS3 Bayonetta is the loading. That's IT. Yeah. My friend bought the Orange Box for PS3 and all I heard was that it was the worst piece of trash port ever to exist ever. But it wasn't. I tried it out, I watched him play it. It was fine, I own and have played the PC version of HL2/Orange Box a million times and I noticed very few differences. The main thing I noticed is that there's a slight millisecond of lag when you go underwater. Other than that no crashes, no major graphical glitches, nothing game-breaking I'd been hearing tirelessly about. I'm sure Bayonetta is in a similar situation. I'm sure it's inferior to the 360 version, but I'm sure it's not broken. Quote
Nulion Posted January 9, 2010 Posted January 9, 2010 Exactly! The two games get a lot of bad press, but in reality they aren't all that bad. It's a shame the media, along with the fanboys and the word of mouth guys, blow it all out of proportion. No doubt this kind of stuff hurts sales too, which is even more a shame. So yes, Bayonetta PS3 is by no means broken or unplayable or a piece of trash with poor graphics and horrible load times. It's just a great game with a few flaws (eg: Loading) that shouldn't be there, and should be fixed soon enough. This is also reminding me of the game Condemned 2: Bloodshot, for was also a SEGA game, so it sits in a similar boat. The game had this very strange sound problem when I picked it up, that voices and other sounds would come up only as buggy noise and static, rendering the game actually unplayable. I literally couldn't sit through the noise, because it hurt my ears; I had to shut the game off. Shortly after I bought the game, a patch was released by SEGA that perfectly fixed the issue, and let me enjoy the experience. Granted, though that sound glitch should never have existed to begin with, SEGA at least showed the good graces in patching it. Bayonetta should be no different. Of course, we should be at least a little concerned that we shouldn't be buying defective products, which is true...but still, it also means those of us with PS3's don't have to worry about a product with problems having those kinds of problems for very long. Quote
Wacky Posted January 12, 2010 Posted January 12, 2010 My girlfriend is a massive fan of this Bayonetta. Notwithstanding the fangirly crush she has on FFX and 2, she generally doesn't like such fanservicey women in her games (Lara Croft, fighting games) and on the other hand quite likes more "real" depictions of women (ie, Alyx Vance, Jade in Beyond Good and Evil actually had her saying "THIS IS HOW YOU MAKE A HEROINE IN A GAME NUMBNUTS" to no one in particular). So while I am watching her slice, dice and prance about with a woman clearly cribbed from my darkest and deepest fantasies (it's the glasses) using kisses as cross hairs and shedding clothing with each more progressively powerful attack, I have to understand why she thinks this is the most awesome game ever while Tomb Raider isn't. I mean, at least I could understand the obsessive collecting and organizing that characterizes the Final Fantasy series and the soppy, made for girl action adventure story (awwwww look the lovers died and one wants revenge for his beloved ). The other games are just good games in themselves. Bayonetta is Devil May Cry with Steroids, and while some bits are fucking awesome (Bike Ride to the Moon, baby!) the whole game seems to be an excuse for boys to fap to a really hot female game character. So I asked her. "What's so good about this game? Isn't this character really offensive?" She smiled, as if expecting this question. "Not really. It fits." The Girl explained that Bayonetta is in a game that doesn't take her seriously. "Of course she's a dressed up slut. She's in a game which doesn't really take itself seriously. She ENJOYS it." She explained it like this. In most games where there is a hot token female, the context of the game makes it such that the female character either doesn't have a reason to dress like that, or actively doesn't like being looked at that way. To pick fighting game characters, she said it was the difference between Christie Monteiro and Asuka Kazama. She HATES Asuka Kazama as really offensive, despite the fact that Christie is infinitely less clothed. Why? Because she's a schoolgirl, and because she gives no indication whatsoever that she enjoys showing off her body like that. Bayonetta is an arse-kicking slutwitch and accepts that and apparently has a self-respect that almost no other female video game character as poorly dressed has. Yeah, makes no sense to me either. If you can turn it into a serious feminism discussion in video games, go ahead. In short, my girlfriend perplexes me. Also, should I tell her I am probably going to get really interesting dreams involving her and Bayonetta, with glasses, if she keeps on playing? Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted January 12, 2010 Posted January 12, 2010 Wacky said: Girlfriend likes female game characters that exude sexuality all the while haves fun and self-respect? Girls simply like to have fun on their terms..? also Quote should I tell her I am probably going to get really interesting dreams involving her and Bayonetta, with glasses, if she keeps on playing? I don't see why not; especially if there's a chance she tries to pushes it beyond merely 'dreams'. Whether that's a good or bad thing is a whole other matter. Quote
DarkeSword Posted January 12, 2010 Posted January 12, 2010 We already have a thread about Bayonetta. Merged. Quote
anosou Posted January 12, 2010 Posted January 12, 2010 My Climax Editions STILL hasn't arrived. I hate the world. I'll still use a smiley though: Quote
JCvgluvr Posted January 12, 2010 Posted January 12, 2010 Sorry, not interested in a beat 'em up, especially one that oozes porn and features Sarah Palin as the main star. Quote
anosou Posted January 12, 2010 Posted January 12, 2010 JCvgluvr said: Sorry, not interested in a beat 'em up, especially one that oozes porn and features Sarah Palin as the main star. Post of the forever! Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted January 12, 2010 Posted January 12, 2010 JCvgluvr said: Sorry, not interested in a beat 'em up, especially one that oozes porn and features Sarah Palin as the main star. hmm... Quote
EdgeCrusher Posted January 12, 2010 Posted January 12, 2010 I love how everyone is all like "ZOMG GAME SUX CUZ ITS PALIN!". Cause you know, I remember when the game was announced and art was shown from it, you know, before anyone knew who Palin was. But yeah, such a copycat this game is! Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted January 12, 2010 Posted January 12, 2010 Palin or not (I just don't see her really) The game's enjoyable enough for me. Quote
Gollgagh Posted January 12, 2010 Posted January 12, 2010 JCvgluvr said: Sorry, not interested in a beat 'em up, especially one that oozes porn and features Sarah Palin as the main star. ok now get out Quote
eternal Zero Posted January 13, 2010 Posted January 13, 2010 As a spiritual successor to the DMC series and an action game this is probably going to be the best one out there for years. No game does action like this. The combat is smooth and fluid and you actually have to know what you're doing to look good (unlike games like God of War where half of it is done for you). Do note, however, that this game is actually difficult. You are capable of toning it down if that's your thing so don't worry so much about that. Also you're able to put the game on "Automatic" which effectively means you can do combos and dodges all with a single button. This game is quite accessible to players of all skill levels but only those who are good at these very precise twitchy kind of games will truly appreciate how solid the combat is. As for the story and the noise surrounding it: it's all tongue-in-cheek humor. Yes, she is overly sexually charged. Yes, she's English and may resemble a librarian. But that's the point. The entire game's story plays like a B movie action flick (or alternatively, like porn). Not a lot of fluff. Just action, eye candy, and in this case a boatload of references to other games the creators have made. You just need to be open minded enough to accept that this game doesn't take itself so seriously and neither should you. This game is about the gameplay and being ridiculously awesome for the hell of it. Also as for why people once they come to know the characters can accept that Bayonetta is an excellent lead where others are not: She's self respecting and doesn't take shit from anyone. She's not overtly sexual for the sake that stronger armor means less clothing but because that's just who she is. It's well done is only really insulting if you never give it a chance. This game deserves to be played no matter what system you own. If you do own both then definitely the 360 over the PS3 version. You get twice the frames per second, less slowdown, and the load times are nice and short even without installing it to your hard drive. Quote
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