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Heroes vs. Villains (OC ReMix vs. The Bad Dudes) - History

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OA, Audio Fidelity, and Abadoss are donning our robes and pirate hats.

We'll be expecting the pictures to be posted asap. ;-)

Yeah, I would say regulars. No offense to Demonstray, but we want to get people that can be associated to OCR.

so I say...

FISHY! NUTRITIOUS! Join forces and take on Kunal as your powers combined can form "KRATOS ALPHA"


HELL YES. Bring it.



But me and Justin have never played God of War, and we couldn't even find the source you were talking about. Instead we'd like to counter by challenging the bad dudes to battle us in a realm we find more familiar:

We will be representing OCR through the Metal Gear Solid main theme on behalf of SOLID SNAKE. Feel free to counter with any boss theme from any of the 4 games.

To be honest though we don't think you're bad enough dudesOH SNAP.


But me and Justin have never played God of War, and we couldn't even find the source you were talking about. Instead we'd like to counter by challenging the bad dudes to battle us in a realm we find more familiar:

We will be representing OCR through the Metal Gear Solid main theme on behalf of SOLID SNAKE. Feel free to counter with any boss theme from any of the 4 games.

To be honest though we don't think you're bad enough dudesOH SNAP.

aw man really? You couldn't find the theme?

Here it is.

Here's a great version (don't click if you don't want to spoil it):

Here's the official metal version (don't click if you don't want to spoil it):

If you're still not interested, let's see if a Bad Dude will do a Metal Gear.

aw man really? You couldn't find the theme?

Well, due to a stream of demoralizing projects I have a rule against remixing stuff from games I don't actually care about at all or don't know the music from anyway - I'd rather wait and see if anyone's up for some metal gear.

Yeah, I would say regulars. No offense to Demonstray, but we want to get people that can be associated to OCR.

But I'm on like, 5 remix projects :sad:

I'm just kidding dude, it's all good :lol:

Wow. Two strikes for Kratos...

Yeah...strange considering how great the score is AND how under-represented it is in the remix community. I guess that means I'll have to reconsider my track.

EDIT: Yeah, sorry Demonstray...but hope to see you on the front page of OCR soon.

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