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Heroes vs. Villains (OC ReMix vs. The Bad Dudes) - History

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  Mustin said:



PriZm stopped doing music several years ago when he got the programming gig with Ubisoft. Goat hasn't released anything since '07 and I'm not even sure he's around anymore, and Gray is most definitely gone from the universe.

  Fishy said:
None of the bad dudes up for mgs then?

We can pick something else if we must.

Man I really hope this still happens, the MGS theme embodies that whole video game hero feeling. And you guys would make it so kickass.

both had their boss themes rehauled for the Gamecube remake of MGS, and maybe some inspiration can be found there. I think at this point you guys, ktriton included, should just chill with your tracks and wait a bit, let's see what happens when the dust settles.
  Mustin said:

We do not mean for this to be an actual "battle" with cruel intentions. This is fun. I mean, look at the tracklist so far! zyko vs. The Bronx Rican! Mustin vs. McVaffe! Joshua Morse and posu yan vs. Zircon! I think Geneson said it best: "Holy shit is this really happening or am I dreaming?"

So let's not take things too seriously. And don't freak out if you see the one mixer guesting on the other's track.

Also, we're still hoping to hear from:


Geoffrey Taucer

A_Rival (maybe please?)


Scott Peeples (we can dream?)



Star Salzman

Gecko Yamori


The Wingless




We heard from Darkesword. Try and keep up.


Yeah the more the merrier for sure. So right now we have the following tracks:

[beyond Good & Evil] Jade / The Domz | Taucer / ???

[Castlevania] Simon Belmont / Dracula | SnappleMan / Ailsean

[God of War] Kratos / Zeus | ??? / ktriton

[Grim Fandango] Manny Calavera / Hector Lemann | djpretzel / ???

[Kirby] Kirby / King DeDeDe | talc / ???

[Mario] Mario / Bowser | McVaffe / Mustin

[Mega Man] Mega Man / Dr. Wily | Another Soundscape / JigginJonT

[Metal Gear Solid] Solid Snake / Liquid Snake/Revolver Ocelot | Fishy & Nutrious / ???

[Metroid] Samus / Mother Brain | BigGiantCircles / Mazedude

[Monkey Island] Guybrush Threepwood / LeChuck | OA, Audio Fidelity, & Abadoss / Diggi Dis

[street Fighter II] Ryu / Sagat | zircon / posu yan & Joshua Morse

[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles] Turtles / Shredder | bLiNd / danimal cannon

[Zelda] Link / Ganon | José the Bronx Rican / zyko

As far as Bad Dudes I think we're still waiting on:

Dale North



The Guy (formerly mellogear)

Level 99, which tracks do you foresee overlapping with your project? There's probably going to be SOME overlap I'm sure. Unless you guys are focusing on lesser-known/less-iconic villains.


Well, it's not my project, I'm just on it. But looking at the list, the badass villain tunes that are present on bad dudes right now are:



Just trying to be preemptive, is all. :nicework: I don't think anyone really complains about having MORE REMIXES, but in light of the multitude of projects, it's just good to check on these things.

Some of those matchings look epic.

  JJT said:

As stated earlier in the thread, I will be doing Dr. Wily and Anso will be doing Mega Man.

Sorry Jon; updating my previous post now. Mustin, this needs to be reflected in your first post as well.

Lvl 99, okay. Not sure there's really anything either project can do to avoid further collisions. Especially on high-profile themes like those. Check in with us in a bit. Hopefully we'll have finalized our tracklist in the next couple of weeks.

  Bahamut said:
There is concern that thematically there's a huge overlap - it's unfair to the guys running BadAss. Ideally the overlap in tracks should be kept to a minimum if possible given that overlap.

Why is it unfair? I'm not being sarcastic or cutting here, I honestly don't understand the argument.

  JJT said:
Why is it unfair? I'm not being sarcastic or cutting hear, I honestly don't understand the argument.

OCR has the role of trying to promote albums from site projects - it completely swallows one project's such attention by taking the theme wholesale, albeit developed independently & further. It's kind of like a situation where for example two concurrent site projects are running for the same game, say like FFIV as a hypothetical. It's like sticking a big middle finger in their direction essentially.

  Bahamut said:
OCR has the role of trying to promote albums from site projects - it completely swallows one project's such attention by taking the theme wholesale, albeit developed independently & further. It's kind of like a situation where for example two concurrent site projects are running for the same game, say like FFIV as a hypothetical. It's like sticking a big middle finger in their direction essentially.

You make a valid point, but I also have to disagree with you. What about my album? The Bad Dudes already covered Super Dodge Ball, does that mean the music from SDB is now off-limits for remixing now and forever? Of course not. Mustin had the idea for that album independently of mine, even though the "ethnic feel" idea is the same for both albums. Like then, I highly doubt he saw the project thread for Badass and went "OH YEAH? WE'LL SHOW THEM!" and starting working on a bad guy album. I can't speak for The Joker and pu_freak, but I believe that they're not negatively concerned at all with the idea of another album with roughly the same idea as theirs. I don't see it as a middle finger as much as I do a thumbs up.

  Murmeli Walan said:
You make a valid point, but I also have to disagree with you. What about my album? The Bad Dudes already covered Super Dodge Ball, does that mean the music from SDB is now off-limits for remixing now and forever? Of course not. Mustin had the idea for that album independently of mine, even though the "ethnic feel" idea is the same for both albums. Like then, I highly doubt he saw the project thread for Badass and went "OH YEAH? WE'LL SHOW THEM!" and starting working on a bad guy album. I can't speak for The Joker and pu_freak, but I believe that they're not negatively concerned at all with the idea of another album with roughly the same idea as theirs. I don't see it as a middle finger as much as I do a thumbs up.

Agreed totally. Not to mention that this is a different concept from the Badass project. So no overlap there. That should really be the main issue given your concern, Bahamut. I can see the similarity...Villain themes vs. Hero/Villain battles. But the concept is still unique for both projects. Also, I'm guessing that the remixes will reflect the conceptual differences.

And to Mustin's point, as the projects are different, it really doesn't make sense to worry about the individual remixes. Hell, we put out an EP last year of nothing but Sagat remixes and that went over with fans just fine :)


Walan for the win.

Also, I disagree with the whole middle finger thing. The themes are very different, despite sharing sources.

I think you'll see that, in the end, it won't matter. The Bad Dudes project "Thai Guy" was critically acclaimed and well-received and it was 10 arrangements of the exact same source. I'm definitely feeling that there's always room for one more.

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