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OCR Meetup: Las Vegas, August 2010: **PICS PAGE 43-44**

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The cookout is a really nice idea. If we want to do a weekday, my personal preference would be the Monday or Tuesday because Vinnie and I will not be around after that ^_^;

I am vegan, or maybe I should say "vegetarian but vegan greatly preferred when possible and not horribly inconvenient". So my preference for veggie burgers would be vegan kind .) Thank you for offering your place for this Jade and blind, it sounds like it will be a great time .D

OK Palp and I have booked our hotel from Aug 7-10. Do you think it would be a good idea for us to rent a car, too? Do we know how many people with cars will be there?

Yay see you there!

OH MAN, AMY AND VINNIE ARE COMING?! This meetup just got 10x sexier.

I know this is probably a HUGE hassle, but can we update the OP with how long some people are staying? It's probably impractical but at least then we know when to get really big stuff in.


I am not a vegan or vegetarian, but I actually enjoy Boca and Morning Star products. I actually enjoy those better than beef. They have burger and chicken patty products for you guys who do not eat meat! Unless you have another preference, let me know and I can supply the meat for the cookout.

Glad you guys are welcome to the idea. We are going to have a lot of fun! And later after the nice pool time if we're hungry at night (which we will be =P) we can go out to eat somewhere near by or just order some pizza. We have a lot of options near us. Whatever place sounds good to me! =)


Not that it matters, since next to no one knows me here, but this sounds like it would be quite fun. Sadly, I'm going to be in Vegas most of next week (leaving Sunday night), and I won't be able to come again in August.

Hope you guys all have a good time though!


Whatever kind of party thing we do, I would think would probably have to be earlier in the week, like a Monday or Tuesday... The 9th or 10th?

If you want to do the mass birthday party at your apartment, that'd be awesome. AFAIK, the birthdays are: Jordan, Stevo, Eric (Posibolt), Long Dao, my brother, and hopefully I am not leaving anyone out. So maybe we could a HUGE HUGE HUGE birthday cake or something lol. Hopefully like 30 people max won't be too many at your place.

If it is too many, lets start brainstorming and come up with something else.



Sooooooo... I'm very late to this party, but I'm thinking about coming out there. It's very tentative, at the moment (as in 'I have no clue what my financial situation will look like, when the time comes, but I think I'll be alright'). I just moved out to the Southern California region, so I'm suddenly more available for little ventures like this.

Looking at the rooms... they're not too bad. Yeah, give me a week or two and I'll have a more definitive answer on this. It's looking very tempting, right now.

Always wanted to hit the tables out in Vegas :nicework:.


Bummer Mirby.

Anyways, another update: I'm out of the game, I have family who never comes to visit who informed me that they'll be here "sometime the week of August 8th"... which blows my attendance to this meetup to hell.

I'll catch ya next mission.

(Yosho, sorry man... I'd drive you down if I could. Gave you a heads up a bit ago)


With that said, I am left with a couple choices. I can fly directly to Vegas on the 8th and hopefully someone can pick me up. Or I can fly to another location before the actual meet-up and ride up with others.

I want to hear some inputs before I go ahead and buy my plane ticket.


I'm in the area, Kyle, and I've got a car (at least, I'm in SoCal - Riverside is an hour or two away, pending on traffic). I could give you a ride, as soon as I finalize my decision to go (financially I look good, but I gotta look at how work will look at that moment in time). Can't help you for the place to stay, though - I'm still looking at that, myself.

Chances are getting better that I'll attend; just gotta get a few more things iron'd out.


Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond my control I am unable to attend this. To those going to MAG9 I will see you there definitely. Everyone have fun, and remember, whatever happens in Vegas will be posted on these forums.

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