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OCR Meetup: Las Vegas, August 2010: **PICS PAGE 43-44**

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FOR FIRST-TIME FLYERS --Ashamee's Guide to Flying :)

I've been on planes plenty this year. Last Thursday was my seventh flight in just 2010 alone. Likely to be eight if I end up visiting Neko in Mississippi again. Anyway, for starters, before you leave, read your airline's policies on what you can take with you. If you're putting stuff in your carry-on, make sure any liquids are in approved containers. You can put entire containers of toiletries (like shampoo) in your checked luggage. Since that goes under the plane, they know you won't be able to get to it anyway. I usually do this, since it's more of a hassle otherwise.

As far as what you can bring, check to see what's on the "approved electronics" list. Netbooks are fine. I usually take mine with me, it's just that my battery will last six hours, on average. Also, some planes have wi-fi. Sometimes it's free, but sometimes they charge you extra for it. Most planes have NO wi-fi, so don't count on that. You can usually have one carry-on and one personal item with you (like a laptop bag or purse). Also, be sure that if you have a phone, once you're on the plane, to not use it with the antenna enabled. They can and will bust you if you're texting, making calls, anything like that. I usually turn my antenna off on my phone and use it to listen to music on the plane.

Also, I recommend chewing gum during landing, mostly. It's sometimes applicable during takeoff. The change in air pressure will make your ears HURT if you can't pop them on your own, and chewing gum helps. It's no fun to have them not pop, as your eardrums can rupture (totally happened to my mom back in 1986 after a plane ride), but that's not entirely common. I always chew gum right before landing, because my right ear always acts up and feels like it's going to fall off my head.

Just follow the rules and don't act like a fool and you'll be fine. Plane rides are really fun. (Obviously :) ) Anyone else who has flown, feel free to put in your two cents.

ALWAYS FLY ON BIG JETS. That is all. Small regional carriers use small planes (some of you might get a small plane for a short hop if you're changing planes less than 500 miles or so from your destination) which are sometimes cramped.

One small plane we flew on (SAAB 340; not this one):


was alright, except it had a godawful small lavatory that you will have problems in if you need to use the facilities on the flight. As I understand it, some 340s don't have one and use the space as extra luggage storage, though.

Another nightmare was the godawful 1900s:


It's a very good thing we only used this thing for a short hop, otherwise I might have gone insane. I was small when we flew on one, but you will have to crawl into it. BE SURE you get the 1900D, as it has a higher cabin.

I haven't flown in a while, but I've been on these two and remember the drawbacks of both.


Favorite cake? Carrot, as shown here. Monobrow made it for me, entirely from scratch, complete with trick candles on my birthday this year:


I also enjoy ice cream cake, as what was eaten at my early birthday party in San Fran, also this year. It doubled as Nekofrog's going-away cake, and it was delicious:



I will definitely bring along an acoustic guitar, some keyboards, and maybe even my drum set if I can get some help moving it. It's a super cheap 5 piece set, but we could have some fun with it maybe (though it might be too noisy for a hotel). I also have some kazoos laying around somewhere, a C harmonica and a cheap bamboo flute if anyone knows how to play one; and my wife has a tambourine; maybe she'll let me borrow it. I also have a 2 channel mixer and a couple of mics.

The closest music stores are Sam Ash about 2 miles NE from the Flamingo and Guitar Center about 3 miles south of the Flamingo. There is a piano bar right next to the guitar center, and I'm sure we could find some karaoke places. There is a coffee shop that has open mic night Friday night. I need to double check to make sure they're still doing that.

Oh, and I highly suggest meeting for ice cream. There is a badass ice cream shop near the Sam Ash music store called Leatherby's.


Do we have a schedule of events and a page containing contact information for key people yet?

This means: a planned group dinner at some location, a birthday party at someone's specific room, an outing, whatever. There are a lot of people who are coming to this and the date is approximately one week away.

I have a few people contacting me who are concerned about coordination and events since the date is coming up so close now.

As I am going to be an international visitor I will not be able to keep up with Twitter SMS, so it would be good to see what the final plans are in advance of flying out. Obviously I don't expect an entire week of events but if we don't all know in advance when the "birthday thing" is for example then some people are going to get left out.

All the best,


As far as I know, only the big birthday party will be planned ahead of time as it does require the larger number of people. Some events will be on a whim, while others will be posted on Twitter.

starla is getting attendees together so can plan things out some more as well. Just a couple more days for that.


So it is 100% confirmed that Jeff is coming, friggin yay!

As for events, some really depend on the money people have, as some are strapped for cash and others want to spend. If anyone has anything in mind that they REALLY want to see and do let me know. As for dinner, some places have already been suggested. So let's get the ball rolling on that.

Also Salluz may end up stopping by for the meetup for a job opportunity. That is all :D


I don't know about too many places out there, but I was intending on going to at least a few casinos while I was there. I'm assuming, since we're out there, there'll be at least a few people interested in the casinos there, so perhaps a night or two at the tables (or whatever your game is) could be planned?

Just a thought :roll:


When it comes to gambling and stuff, there are so many casinos and we don't NEED to necessarily plan to always be together. When we were out there back in December, we got together for dinner and obviously my and Neko's wedding, but as far as gambling, we really did our own thing.

If you want to gamble, do it! Everyone will be off doing their own thing, most likely. Nothing wrong with that.

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