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at least you NOTICED the music, which makes it better than most of the crap people put behind games nowadays.

i tend to agree here. i consider a soundtrack that i can't stand to be superior to a soundtrack i fail to notice when i hear it, as the soundtrack i didn't like at least caught my ear.

Did anyone else have opinions on the storyline of the game, especially the ending? I had a laundry list of complaints, as well as some confusion and am wondering what others thought.

own the collectors strategy guide *birthday gift :)* and at the end of it there is a section called "speculation."

havent read it yet due to me not finishing the game yet, but seriously, any game that has the STRATEGY guide have a section trying to explain the story makes me weary of it.

not looking forward to the ending.


Yeah but


There was also a lot "sprung" on you during the ending sequences that had absolutely no appearance before.

The whole "smoke and mirrors" trick turning the party into Cei'th for example.

I was also disappointed in the fact that even though Fang and Vanille's relationship really wasn't covered that well in the game, there was so much time spent on them and their relationship with each other. We really should have seen more of them if they were going to be so prominent to the survival of the world. As it turns out, I realised that they were both turned to crystal again but I didn't even feel shocked or sad. Unfortunately, neither did most of the main characters.

Their death was nothing like, for example, Tidus's disappearance, which had a strong emotional impact even if you didn't really like Tidus because Yuna simply looked so heartbroken about it all. While the scale of the stories is something on a different level (Final Fantasy X is much more about love than FF XIII ever will be) it's really never that good of a thing when two major characters "die" at the end of the game and the player fails to care - and this is coming from someone who ended up using Vanille and Fang almost all the time in the main party.

end spoiler

Granted, I do have a stronger bias against him than I probably should because of his voice actor, Troy Baker, also playing one of the best male leads I have ever really seen in a JRPG, Yuri Lowell, which my mind can't help drawing parallels between the two because of that, but still. Snow sucks.

Dude, I hadn't even noticed that, but now that you mention it they do sound alike, must be the same actor. Yuri was pretty awesome, I should really finish Tales of Vesperia sometime.

I guess Snow can be pretty annoying, although I guess it's by design. I did like the very different ways he and Lighting reacted to (minor spoiler) Serah's crystallisation.

I'm pretty far in the game I think, just reached the part where it gets much less linear, and I'm really enjoying the hunts. I'm surprised by how much fun I'm having with the combat system.

what game are you playing? easily the best soundtrack i've heard from a game since 2002 (FFX). you must be thinking this was going to sound like an RPG. hint: do the cutscenes look like something from a JRPG? is the story pacing RPGlike? nope. think film, not traditional JRPGs.

some kids seem to bitch about this because it's not nobou. different game, different composer, different setting, different style. this is thirty hours of excellent film music - it's not traditional game music at all. there's only a few stinkers.

at least you NOTICED the music, which makes it better than most of the crap people put behind games nowadays.

I had just re-played Chrono Cross (Best Soundtrack Ever) before grabbing this so maybe I'm being harsh due to Comparison Syndrome...

I dunno, maybe it's a taste thing to me, I'm finding the music too atmospheric and its failing to engross me emotionally.

I had just re-played Chrono Cross (Best Soundtrack Ever) before grabbing this so maybe I'm being harsh due to Comparison Syndrome...

I dunno, maybe it's a taste thing to me, I'm finding the music too atmospheric and its failing to engross me emotionally.

I find that there's tons of music in FF XIII, and that in fact it's very fitting. The fact that it's atmospheric is appealing. I don't really find that music that sits out and is all like "LISTEN TO ME I'M IN THE BACKGROUND" in a game is awesome.

i'm about 6 hours into it now, so I appreciate all the spoiler tags; thanks everyone. :-)

One thing I've noticed, is why does sometimes Snow have a huge, badass patch on the back of his jacket, and sometimes there's nothing there? I don't get it. :-(

It changes with what weapon you have equipped.


picked this up yesterday. Definitely a beautiful game, and the gameplay is fastpaced but keeps the same sort of final fantasy vibe (unlike XII).

Lightning is hot, Sahz is a walking stereotype (so far), Snow is voiced by Troy Baker (awesome), and that's about it so far.

  • 3 weeks later...

On that note, I really wish JRPGs would get out of this "an RPG is a battle system and nothing more" rut. WRPGs still tend to be fairly combat-centric, but they usually at least incorporate some other gameplay styles.

  • 2 weeks later...

I just got to chapter 10 and the story is picking up even more- the characters have all had pretty believable arcs, and the fighting system is super fun. The music has been pretty backgroundish, but I love the main theme and have already started planning a remix that I might even get to start doing sometime this year. :P

Overall i'm having a great time playing it! :-)

I was interested in the battle system, until I realized that it is bland. The point of every single battle is to stagger ASAP. That is it. Every battle is long for no reason. Once I realized that, the fun was sapped right out of it for me, and no matter how hard I try, I can not get back into the game.

I dunno, I realised this about 10 hours in and it just made things more interesting. The enemies hit hard and you often have to switch just to take a hit or heal, and then switch back. You can't always go Balls to the Wall 3x Ravagers to fill up that chain meter, not all of the monsters you can fill up so easily.

On that note, I really wish JRPGs would get out of this "an RPG is a battle system and nothing more" rut.

find me a jrpg that isn't all about the battle system (which despite fans will tell you is always always bland and tedious) and I will eat my hat

Hard Mode: No Persona

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