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The backlash is going to be epic for this game. It has already soundly been rejected in Japan by even the most ardent of fanboys... I have to wonder how bad it'll be here.

says who

i'd like to see that

no, I remember squeenix saying they had all sorts of spin-offs planned for XIII

agito and versus. not ten years worth of content, though - that's kind of ridiculous for any game. D2 and SC are the only big games that have lasted that long, really, and they lasted because of cooperative and competitive gameplay, not because the story was cool or something.

it will still sell well because there are far too many SE dick suckers here.

Says the boy with Kirby printed three times in all of his posts. :)

I don't know about an EPIC backlash, Metacritic is posting several excellent reviews on it with the aggragated score of 86/100. If an epic backlash is defined with inappropriate proportions, such as FFXIII not getting 95/100 or something, just imagine would've happened if it got 40/100! Oh, the planet would be begging for nuclear apocalypse then, I'll tell you whut.

I wager it'll be another solid and divisive title in a series that's had the same things said about it since VII. Just relax and enjoy what there is to be enjoyed.


Well let's look at all the perceived cons.

-No towns(who gives a fuck? Towns get annoying)

-Linear as all hell(name a game other than hack and net hack that aren't)

-full heal after battle and battle retries(Is this a bad thing? Oh wait, I forgot people liked being frustrated in games)

And as far as a lot of reviewers are concerned(IE, the ones who played longer than 15 hours), the game opens up not unlike the way FFVII opened up after Midgar, yet on a much larger scale, and that this world is filled with metric shittons of bonus missions and other things to do. At least the game isn't lying to you about being a "non-linear" game experience like certain big western RPG developers would have you believe about their games.

Now on to the pros:

-a much more realized version of FFX-2's battle system and level of character customization.

-faster paced battles in which you can actually die easily and go all out in allow for much more strategic and thus active play

-soundtrack is great and a breath of fresh air

-relatively decent voice acting with proper lip syncing

-pacing is supposedly great/no 20 minute cutscenes

-Story with a large focus on characterization

Yeah, I think this is gonna be a great game.

Says the boy with Kirby printed three times in all of his posts. :)

I don't know about an EPIC backlash, Metacritic is posting several excellent reviews on it with the aggragated score of 86/100. If an epic backlash is defined with inappropriate proportions, such as FFXIII not getting 95/100 or something, just imagine would've happened if it got 40/100! Oh, the planet would be begging for nuclear apocalypse then, I'll tell you whut.

I wager it'll be another solid and divisive title in a series that's had the same things said about it since VII. Just relax and enjoy what there is to be enjoyed.

also, metacritic puts down reviews from "haterboisephy69" and all sorts of rediculous small blogs that absolutely LOVE to hate on established series and give games like mario galaxy 1 out of 5s

so given that metacritic probably isn't even as high as it should be

Well let's look at all the perceived cons.

-No towns(who gives a fuck? Towns get annoying)

-Linear as all hell(name a game other than hack and net hack that aren't)

-full heal after battle and battle retries(Is this a bad thing? Oh wait, I forgot people liked being frustrated in games)

And as far as a lot of reviewers are concerned(IE, the ones who played longer than 15 hours), the game opens up not unlike the way FFVII opened up after Midgar, yet on a much larger scale, and that this world is filled with metric shittons of bonus missions and other things to do. At least the game isn't lying to you about being a "non-linear" game experience like certain big western RPG developers would have you believe about their games.

Now on to the pros:

-a much more realized version of FFX-2's battle system and level of character customization.

-faster paced battles in which you can actually die easily and go all out in allow for much more strategic and thus active play

-soundtrack is great and a breath of fresh air

-relatively decent voice acting with proper lip syncing

-pacing is supposedly great/no 20 minute cutscenes

-Story with a large focus on characterization

Yeah, I think this is gonna be a great game.

this is everything i was thinking. the chrono cross-like 'heal after battles' thing is brilliant - i'm SO glad they're bringing it back. means a dungeon consists of all enemies that can beat your ass, and none of this 'wear you down' crap.

I'm looking forward to Versus

I'm not looking forward to XIII

The sad thing is, I thought FF Versus was FF13 for the longest until I started seeing screenshots of the actual FF13. Then I was like, wft happened to the dude with the sword that has a small engine block on it?

I'm sure I'll end up buying both games, but if FF13 is anything like 12, I probably will not be keeping it for long.


I've said this many times before. But the same guy that did ff10-2 is the guy doing this game. The only reason this game isn't going to suck as bad as it should is because of it's extremely long development time that was used in an attempt to smooth over the crap. I'm getting really anxious for news about versus XIII. Nomura said that there were plans to show something at E3, but due to a change in direction with the game, they aren't sure if something will be ready. I think it was something about the animation with the world map.

(Yes, the world map returns. And so do airships!!)

Well let's look at all the perceived cons.

-No towns(who gives a fuck? Towns get annoying)

-Linear as all hell(name a game other than hack and net hack that aren't)

-full heal after battle and battle retries(Is this a bad thing? Oh wait, I forgot people liked being frustrated in games)

And as far as a lot of reviewers are concerned(IE, the ones who played longer than 15 hours), the game opens up not unlike the way FFVII opened up after Midgar, yet on a much larger scale, and that this world is filled with metric shittons of bonus missions and other things to do. At least the game isn't lying to you about being a "non-linear" game experience like certain big western RPG developers would have you believe about their games.

Now on to the pros:

-a much more realized version of FFX-2's battle system and level of character customization.

-faster paced battles in which you can actually die easily and go all out in allow for much more strategic and thus active play

-soundtrack is great and a breath of fresh air

-relatively decent voice acting with proper lip syncing

-pacing is supposedly great/no 20 minute cutscenes

-Story with a large focus on characterization

Yeah, I think this is gonna be a great game.

You're pretty much my hero.


so given that metacritic probably isn't even as high as it should be

It doesn't have to be, you can look at reviews by names you recognize, like Game Informer, which I think give it a 93 or something close to it.

I can't play this Final Fantasy because I don't have any of the systems it's appearing on, but I am looking forward to its release. I think it'll be great.

-a much more realized version of FFX-2's battle system and level of character customization.

This I did not know. I loved X-2's battle system, even if everything else about that game was crap.

There probably won't be any. Even if the game does suck ass, it will still sell well because there are far too many SE dick suckers here.

Damn straight. There are folks like me who are literally counting the days down until the game (18 as of the time of this post) and will be there for a midnight release. Hell, I'm probably using a vacation day to take the day off from work. It's Final fucking Fantasy. It's like a cosmic event that only happens once every 3-4 years.

Damn straight. There are folks like me who are literally counting the days down until the game (18 as of the time of this post) and will be there for a midnight release. Hell, I'm probably using a vacation day to take the day off from work. It's Final fucking Fantasy. It's like a cosmic event that only happens once every 3-4 years.

Every 3-4 years? Look at the old days


List of Final Fantasy games released in 2008-2010

Final Fantasy XIII

Final Fantasy XIV

Final Fantasy IV: The After Years

Final Fantasy Fables: Cid and Chocobo's Dungeon

Chocobo to Mahō no Ehon: Majō to Shōjo to Gonin no Yūsha (Chocobo and the Magic Picture Book: The Witch, the Girl, and the Five Heroes)

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a Darklord

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers

Dissidia: Final Fantasy

Hikari no 4 Senshi: Final Fantasy Gaiden


You know, I've remained cautiously skeptical about FF XIII for awhile now, but after reading a little more about the combat, plot and such, I may still give this one a go. I once made a premature decision that after XII and the milking of FFVII that I would not go back to Final Fantasy, but I'm kinda liking the vibe I'm getting from new trailers and snippets to this game.

In particular, I guess I was living under a rock because I didn't know the summons were like biomechanical vehicles. That's kinda cool. Shiva as a motorcycle thing and such.

I'll be honest, I was a little turned off by the character designs originally. The way I felt about them was similar to how people get pissed off with human characters in Mass Effect all looking American. I've never been too keen on Squeenix's characters all looking decidedly Asian in physique and facial expressions. But again, I'm overcoming this hurdle and just trying to enjoy the visuals for what their doing, which is frankly gorgeous.

Basically, I look forward to FF XIII, not as some hardcore fanatic of the series, but as a guy looking forward to enjoying a crazily realized world and the characters it inhabits. That's part of the whole point of these games, isn't it?

Also, is there any news on who the supposed villain starting out will be? I know he/she will probably be usurped by someone else far worse, but I'd like to see them churn out an antagonist that can sit up their with the likes of Kefka and Sephiroth.

Perhaps the return of a lead female antagonist. It would kinda make sense, given the presence Lightning has.


My only problem with the "heal after battle" idea is that I feel that Chrono Cross was damn near the easiest RPG ever as a result of it. I want _some_ challenge, and am hoping that the mechanic is used to make normal battles a worthwhile use of my time, instead of just allowing me to steamroll the game without thinking about how to use the (awesome) battle system like in Chrono Cross.


Same thing with Legend of Mana.

It has easily my favorite version of the Mana battle system, but the only difficulty in Legend of Mana that should give people any trouble is the Nightmare difficulty and that's because it gives practically every enemy in the game 99999 HP and every boss 999999 HP

or something


List of Final Fantasy games released in 2008-2010

Final Fantasy XIV (?)

Final Fantasy Fables: Cid and Chocobo's Dungeon

Chocobo to Mahō no Ehon: Majō to Shōjo to Gonin no Yūsha (Chocobo and the Magic Picture Book: The Witch, the Girl, and the Five Heroes)

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a Darklord

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers

Dissidia: Final Fantasy

Hikari no 4 Senshi: Final Fantasy Gaiden

none of these are actual final fantasy games and XIV im pretty sure hasn't come out yet/isn't coming out in the same year as XIII given that whole chronology thing

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