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Pokémon Black/White: V-Create Victini on Nintendo WiFi until Dec 31st!

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Wow.. so I just went to the Abundant Shrine to catch Landorus expecting a hard battle..

I sent in a Lvl 62 Archeops. I use Stone Edge, about 50% damage. He uses Sandstorm. I use U-Turn, critical hits but Landorus is still just barely in yellow. I send in Thundurus. Landorus uses Sandstorm again, it fails. I throw an Ultra Ball and catch it on the first try. Gotta love lady luck!

Yay I finally got my Glaceon in that stupid flash game. I hope these eeveelutions are female so we can breed them :/

You could always import them from D/Pl/Pr or simply catch a ditto once you've unlocked the national dex and breed the Glaceon then for more eevees

Dreamworld abilities can only be carried over by breeding a female pokemon with a dreamworld ability with a male of the same species.

This, and apparently the Eeveeloutions gained via this game are all male. So it's just the one you picked. (Can't remember if I read that here or somewhere else.)

I don't see why they don't let us breed them after they make us jump through these hoops to get the pokemon in the first place. |:E


Cynical 20-something year old: "God, what kind of bullshit is this? You mean to tell me I can't even squeeze some babies with decent IVs out of this thing? What if it has a bad nature? What a waste of time. Up yours, Game Freak."


Remind me who the main demographic is here?

You could always import them from D/Pl/Pr or simply catch a ditto once you've unlocked the national dex and breed the Glaceon then for more eevees

I HAVE EEVEES!! And also starters from all five gens.

Oh and finally you can add my FC to the first post. David - 4684 8113 2107 - White


So I'm planning on going to a sort of anime convention this year (First time), and I thought it would be fun if my friends and I all went as Team Rocket Grunts. There will be a lot of people playing pokemon there, so I figured it would be fun to carry a team just like a Rocket Grunt would have(Zubats, Rattatas, etc.). But I'm wondering how I should organize that. Should I just have a couple Zubats and a Sandshrew? Or should I form a full sized team of Wheezing, Sandslash, Raticates, etc.?

Which would you find more entertaining to play against?

So I'm planning on going to a sort of anime convention this year (First time), and I thought it would be fun if my friends and I all went as Team Rocket Grunts. There will be a lot of people playing pokemon there, so I figured it would be fun to carry a team just like a Rocket Grunt would have(Zubats, Rattatas, etc.). But I'm wondering how I should organize that. Should I just have a couple Zubats and a Sandshrew? Or should I form a full sized team of Wheezing, Sandslash, Raticates, etc.?

Which would you find more entertaining to play against?

6 Magikarp.

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