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This was my reaction when I heard they were remaking Lufia 2 for the DS:




My reaction when I found out that they were changing it into an action game:



Speaking of Turn-based RPGs, it's a damn shame we'll never see another Shadow Hearts game. I loved that series and think it's one of the most original series in RPGs in a long, long time.


Well, Atmuh, I'd like to put my bid out for a turn based RPG despite your broken machine.

Have you played Eternal Sonata?


-fun battle system

-pretty pictures (Tri-Ace games always have great environments.)

-abundance of cuteness

-great music (some might disagree but they're crazy.)


-It's kind of hear-warming, if you ask me.


-cheesy one-liners (that's good to me, at least.)


-It's ALL dungeon time.

-Survival seems ENTIRELY dependent on how well you can block incoming attacks.(I died a lot)

-The story is slow-moving

-The script is not good at all and the cutscenes are full of long and drawn-out boring oratories.

Turn based RPGs have like


as a basis for their gameplay

in a game like say FF12 I literally spent every boss fight just mashing the X button and I still won most of the time

When playing Suikoden, Final Fantasy, Dragon Warrior, or Xenogears, I could also just mash the X button and win.

What turn-based RPGs do you enjoy that have strategy as a basis for their gameplay?


Last Remnant's not so much slow as non-active. You give general commands and strategies to squads, which then perform based on your command as best they can. It's certainly turn-based, in that all squads make their move before you can give commands again. It's... different, and a lot of people don't care for the pacing. I don't mind it so much, it still provides some fairly basic strategy, though not as deep as I'd like.

I must say, though, incredibly good graphics, given it runs perfectly smoothly on my middle-quality gaming laptop.

When playing Suikoden, Final Fantasy, Dragon Warrior, or Xenogears, I could also just mash the X button and win.

What turn-based RPGs do you enjoy that have strategy as a basis for their gameplay?

Why would you mash buttons on those games..? With the exception of perhaps FF12 (idk I did at one point or another) I can't recall anything where you're literally trying to crush buttons in vain to make something happen as say, Bayonetta/Street Fighter/Mario's Party games...

Big difference between simply pressing the button and trying the crush them on the game pad dude...


The Shin Megami Tensei series has some challenging turn-based RPGs like Digital Devil Saga and the Persona games.

Someone else mentioned it before but if you have access to a Gamecube or a Wii with a GCN controller and memory card, you should track down a copy of Skies of Arcadia Legends. One of my all-time favorite RPGs there. It's not particularly challenging but it's fun.


Speak for yourself, because those extra bounty hunter bosses I could never beat.

Those were some tough sons of bitches.

Or in the case of the IxaTaka sisters, hot bitches.


Any Etrian Odyssey fans? That is hardcore old school dungeon crawling, you even make your own maps! Yuzo Koshiro produced music is a huge bonus too. EOIII is in the works too, with a TON more classes

There's also Sakura Wars and Record of Agarest War on the horizon as well, although those are SRPGs.

Edit: oh yeah, one more I forgot, Resonance of Fate is coming out too, it's another tri-ace RPG.

Speak for yourself, because those extra bounty hunter bosses I could never beat.

Those were some tough sons of bitches.

Or in the case of the IxaTaka sisters, hot bitches.

Sorry, I meant consistently challenging. Aside from a couple early bosses, the Gamecube port-exclusive bounty bosses and Piastol, the game is not overly challenging. You have to fight defensively against some of those bonus enemies, Aika's Delta Shield and Enrique's Shield of Justice are lifesavers against Piastol in particular. Gilder's Aura of Denial nulls instant death spells too.


I'll have to go back and play it again... I have not played the game since early highschool, which was years ago.

Come back with a wiser head and all that.

I had a rougher time with the bosses in the game. The Gigas battles were a pain due to their insane health.

But man, when you started to win and the music changed appropriately; well, that was just damn cool.


If you guys REALLY want to play a turn-based RPG that requires strategy, play a Xenosaga game. Especially Episode 2. It's not as popular as the other two because the characters can all use all the skills and that bothers people, but it's actually by far the most interesting battle system in my opinion. The thing is, every battle feels like a freaking mini-boss battle.


Sorry that I can't suggest anything next-gen, because there really aren't many, however, if you're willing to go back a few generations...there's always:

Wild ARMs series, 1 and 2 aren't great graphically (PS1) but they have a great storry

Suikoden, again, 1 and 2 are on PS1 so don't expect anything graphically, but they have a wonderful storyline

Legend of Legaia, combines fighting game style combinations with turn-based gameplay, a good combination in my opinion, good graphically too assuming the system PS1

If you're a sucker for Capcom, you could go through Megaman X: Command Mission for PS2, it's Megaman X as an RPG

I'd list more, but sadly, I haven't even played thru most of my collection...so I can't help you there.

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