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So I imagine you may have heard of the FMyLife site. It provides accounts of possibly fictional stories which happen to people - sometimes just sad, but always hilarious.

I thought it would be interesting to talk about similar moments when playing video games. They may not be life-fucking, but they sure as hell piss me off. Here's one:

I was playing Mega Man 9, I was in Wily's Fortress, and I had come across a met hiding under an extra life decoy. I killed the Met then immediately switched to my weapons screen to select a new weapon to beat the next enemy in front of me. When I switched back out, I noticed the met was still there, hiding under the decoy. Figuring I must have missed, I decided I'd beat the next enemy in front of me then double back for it. I started to, only to watch the enemy fade away. It had actually dropped a real extra life when I killed it. FM(Extra)L.

  • 4 weeks later...

Sixth grade.

I get Banjo-Kazooie :smile:.

I save it for the next snow day, and play it for hours, getting 100% on Mumbo's Mountain, Treasure Trove Cove, Clanker's Cavern, and Bubblegloop Swamp. I finally decide it's time for a break and get up from my chair and start to save the game. (Not sure why I didn't save it till then.)

I accidentally kick the 64.

The game freezes.

Aw, shit.

Any takers?


I start a new file on Star Ocean III on 4-D mode (hardest setting).

I burn through the first 30% of the game in one day and realize i'm horribly underleveled, so I save the game and start powerlevelling using Bonus Battle stacks and playing the healer so i don't get hit and have the gauge broken (the gauge gives me triple XP). I gain 30 levels over 4 hours, decide to hit one more fight before saving and going to sleep, and the battle-loading swirly screen... stays swirly... forever...

aw s#*!...


Egypt, circa 1996. Mega Man 2. I finally made it to Dr. Wily's stage. Every time I made it to the last stage... power outage. You only get a password for the start of Dr. Wily's stages, so I replayed those 5 (i think it's 5 at least) stages 4 times because of power outages.

Damn Egypt.


Any Wily Stage in any Megaman game for the most part.

The Aw Shit moment is usually upon going to the next screen, and seeing a bunch of shit that ISN'T the boss door.

5 points extra if you see a bunch of spikes.


Also, in No More Heroes, the Aw Shit moments are usually during the boss fights when you have about 3 pixels of health left, or less, and you are carefully and painstakingly whittling away say, Bad Girl's health.

The mega FUCKKKKK moment comes when she's just about dead and then flame bats you to death.

Oh, and big time right here:

Whenever a member of your party dies in Fire Emblem. Especially at the end of a particularly grueling stage.

Tell me that last one isn't true.


Soulcalibur III:

I unlocked everything and I mean EVERYTHING in that game. Every piece of armor, every weapon, every art slide, EVERYTHING. A few years later I wanted to pop it in and check out all my neato stuff that took 70+ hours to earn. Title screen searches for memory cards and reads: SOULCALIBUR III DATA IS CORRUPT.

Aw s#*!

Soulcalibur III:

I unlocked everything and I mean EVERYTHING in that game. Every piece of armor, every weapon, every art slide, EVERYTHING. A few years later I wanted to pop it in and check out all my neato stuff that took 70+ hours to earn. Title screen searches for memory cards and reads: SOULCALIBUR III DATA IS CORRUPT.

this is why I back stuff up on different cards (or on a PS3)

this is why I back stuff up on different cards (or on a PS3)

This was a while before the PS3 and I only had one memory card for PS2. Nothing else has ever happened except that. Why couldn't it wipe out something stupid like my Top Gun data or something? Grrrr...

Now I don't even have a PS2 (Sony, pleasepleasepleaseplease put PS2 emulation back in the PS3)


My stepdad had gotten all the way to the last set of levels in Crash Bandicoot 2. For some reason, with my file where I'm only to the second or third set, I save over his save

He was pissed.

Also, playing the Final Fantasy IV remake for the DS (the first version of the game I've ever played) I've had SO many 'Oh shit' moments where there's a boss right after a boss. Ughh


In light of game freezes:

I have an import version of Skies of Acradia for the Gamecube, and there are occasions when the game freezes and I get the disc read error.

This particular thing happened after I beat the fire temple thing and get into the Gigas fight. T__T it just takes so darn long, and you can't even win it, so you just have to sort of sit it out untill you get to the following bossfight against the chick in her magic ship.

So first I lose that battle, forcing me to re-do the Gigas thing as well. And then, after Mike knows how long, I manage to beat both bosses and the game freezes!!!

So now, everytime I play that game I hold my heart and save like I've OCD.

As for the real aww s#*! moment:

I finally have my own copy of Star Ocean III (PS2), discover that I can get tons of nice stuff by beating the game, I end up making it to the final boss with EVERYONE dead (save for one), no healing items, no revival items...NOTHING.

And the save point doesn't heal/revive my characters!!!

So I'm thinking "can I actually get out of this dungeon? Can I heal somewhere? Can I beat the boss with just my one dude?"

The answers to all of those questions are "NO! FOOL!" T__T And I ain't up for playing through the whole game again, just so I can finish it, do the things I wanted to do in the after game especially if some of those things require me to play AGAIN after that! ;_;


Here's another one.

I was a Star Fox FREAK when it came out, but I just could not do the hard path. Until one day. I finally got past Macbeth and was on my way to Andross after the final stage. With one life. And I was doing awesome, had nearly full health, double plasma ball thingies and a couple of nova bombs. Then, while going through the long-ass tunnel to Andross, I slip up and bang the side, stripping my right wing away.

Andross raped me.

I seriously tried to snap my controller in my hands, but I wasn't very strong at the time thankfully...


Many years ago as a kid, I had gone through my Silver Version of Pokemon. I played all day using a gameshark for infinite items and such and had made it all the way into the 1st gym in Kanto, that day. I accidently bumped my gameshark freezing my game.

I restarted my game only to find myself in front of Mr. Pokemon's house. Hilarity did not ensue.


Got up to Final Smithy battle in Super Mario And The Seven Stars RPG and did a save state right before I died. The save state is literally with a poisoned near dead Geno right before Smithy kills him. (hey I was like eight I wasn't very smart with my game playing)

Thing is, I never used the actual save blocks in that game.

And the last save state was right after I get Bowser.

Yeah, I wasn't happy. -_-


I was 20hrs into the Children of Mana game, when my nephews got hold of it and saved over every file with a lv1 char.

It's a funny habit they have (hell, they do this with their own files, losing everything they do every time), so I guess I should've saw it coming. Even still... I was a touch upset, with that one.

Oh, and Neblix, get an SNES and play the games on there. It's just wrong to beat games on emulators using all the states and such (I learned that the hard way when I tried to play games I stated through before - states totally change the experience, and not in a good way :banghead:).

Just do it - you won't regret it :)!!.

I was 20hrs into the Children of Mana game, when my nephews got hold of it and saved over every file with a lv1 char.

It's a funny habit they have (hell, they do this with their own files, losing everything they do every time), so I guess I should've saw it coming. Even still... I was a touch upset, with that one.

Oh, and Neblix, get an SNES and play the games on there. It's just wrong to beat games on emulators using all the states and such (I learned that the hard way when I tried to play games I stated through before - states totally change the experience, and not in a good way :banghead:).

Just do it - you won't regret it :)!!.

Bleh. SNES's I think are expensive, plus I'm too little to buy on the big bad internet. xD

Then I have to pay even more to find the game... it's too much work, lol.

I don't use Save States to cheat [if saving right before a boss is not cheating ;) ] I just use them to, well, put save points whenever I thought the creators didn't put enough to please me. xD


I lent a copy of Chrono Cross to a friend. Original release- not greatest hits, mind you...

Please tell me if you find it. FML

Edit: My all-time favorite game. liek EVAR

Bleh. SNES's I think are expensive, plus I'm too little to buy on the big bad internet. xD

SNES console: $26 right now, it'll probably go for $30ish (admittedly you'd have to get the power cable and controller to go with this one)


Super Mario All Stars: $8.50, no more than $10, I'd say. Not bad for three and a half classic Mario games


The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past: $10


Star Fox: $9.95 buy-it-now price


this stuff's not so incredibly expensive like you'd think

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