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If anyone's giving away free crates, I'll take them. ;)

Also, a reminder: If there are no objections to stats reset by the end of Saturday, I'll be taking time on Sunday to reset them.

I'll make sure to copy our current per-server settings, since I've forgotten how to make it not show the score thingies otherwise.


Updates to Team Fortress 2, Counter-Strike: Source, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

Source Engine Changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2:DM)

Improved engine handling of server queries

This is a minor update, but servers have been restarted because it modified an engine file.


Just wanted to say I strongly support the Warioware mode being added to the old Highlander server.

It'd be awesome if you could have mod votes the same way you have map votes at the end of a round. Playing one mod and voting for the next one on an OCR Fun Time server would be amazing.


And while I'm thinking about it, I'd like to apologize for what I'm sure is intolerable bitching when I have a particularly shitty round as Spy.

It never bothers me, vent away. Sometimes a poor round as Spy has its source in a poor core team. A support class performs poorly when there is no team to support it. If other classes are not doing their job then this makes it harder to play proper Spy.

It never bothers me, vent away. Sometimes a poor round as Spy has its source in a poor core team. A support class performs poorly when there is no team to support it. If other classes are not doing their job then this makes it harder to play proper Spy.

Alternately, when the enemy team has no less than 3 Pyros, all bent on Spychecking each other, their teammates, and thin air. Also random hits from the Flare Gun while cloaked. And general bad luck. And then dying and seeing the enemy Spy backstab half the defense, or see an allied Spy get a chainstab in the kill icons and rage not-so-silently that it seems the universe has it in for a particular Spy today and guess what? It's me.

Alternately, when the enemy team has no less than 3 Pyros, all bent on Spychecking each other, their teammates, and thin air. Also random hits from the Flare Gun while cloaked. And general bad luck. And then dying and seeing the enemy Spy backstab half the defense, or see an allied Spy get a chainstab in the kill icons and rage not-so-silently that it seems the universe has it in for a particular Spy today and guess what? It's me.

Look at it this way: As the saying goes, the class is all about dick moves. So, naturally, karma dictates that some days, dick moves will happen to you.

And then you'll come back stronger. :nicework:


Dick the moves the moves dick you.

What bothers me is when I got laughed at for calling Heavy overpowered. Sorry guys, when a class can out damage most other classes while maintaining the most health (even more so with a Medic) and not going through any downtime in the process (Rockets/Pipes/shotguns all have to be reloaded) then the class is overpowered. When a Pyro has an 80% fail rate against a Heavy he snuck up on and got into close range with, its overpowered.

Having a weakness two things - sniper bullets and Demoman sticky bombs - does not make a class balanced. Frogg has proven time and time again that the class can be played with a lot of skill and mop the floor with everyone, but lately I stopped admiring his and any other Heavy players "skill" because thats not what it is anymore. It's playing a class with a blatant advantage over almost every other class in the game. The same could be said about Scout, my main, except that Scouts can die just like that.

Scouts have to be aware of their surroundings and the situation they are going into, which is also what Heavies -used- to have to do.

Maybe the weakness is that the class is easily overpowered by a dedicated, organized team, but I'm not sure as I have very little experience in that field of play.

Alternately, when the enemy team has no less than 3 Pyros, all bent on Spychecking each other, their teammates, and thin air. Also random hits from the Flare Gun while cloaked. And general bad luck. And then dying and seeing the enemy Spy backstab half the defense, or see an allied Spy get a chainstab in the kill icons and rage not-so-silently that it seems the universe has it in for a particular Spy today and guess what? It's me.

Sometimes it's just bad luck.

Sometimes it's because the other team only thinks there's one Spy on your team, and they stop Spy Checking once they know you're dead.

Sometimes it's because certain loadouts work better in certain situations. I don't know about you, but I'm constantly adjusting my loadout as Spy to take into account how the enemy is playing and what isn't working.

It never bothers me, vent away. Sometimes a poor round as Spy has its source in a poor core team. A support class performs poorly when there is no team to support it. If other classes are not doing their job then this makes it harder to play proper Spy.

Some of my best rounds have been when my team was overall doing poorly... mainly because the other team's not expecting it.

I'll point you to the round in pl_upwards the other day... the one where you were playing Medic and I got 13 backstabs (or was it 12...) in a single life. My team was losing badly on that one.

I seem to recall you using the phase "Carry your whole team why don't you?" or something to that effect.

the single most infuriating thing in TF2 (other than the Black Box) is getting killed while cloaked by a stray Huntsman arrow

(You misspelled Direct Hit.) But yeah, Huntsman arrows from nowhere suck.

Dick the moves the moves dick you.

What bothers me is when I got laughed at for calling Heavy overpowered. Sorry guys, when a class can out damage most other classes while maintaining the most health (even more so with a Medic) and not going through any downtime in the process (Rockets/Pipes/shotguns all have to be reloaded) then the class is overpowered. When a Pyro has an 80% fail rate against a Heavy he snuck up on and got into close range with, its overpowered.

Having a weakness two things - sniper bullets and Demoman sticky bombs - does not make a class balanced. Frogg has proven time and time again that the class can be played with a lot of skill and mop the floor with everyone, but lately I stopped admiring his and any other Heavy players "skill" because thats not what it is anymore. It's playing a class with a blatant advantage over almost every other class in the game. The same could be said about Scout, my main, except that Scouts can die just like that.

Scouts have to be aware of their surroundings and the situation they are going into, which is also what Heavies -used- to have to do.

Maybe the weakness is that the class is easily overpowered by a dedicated, organized team, but I'm not sure as I have very little experience in that field of play.

As a Pyro, I've found that the flamethrower + Axtiguisher works a LOT better than just a plain flamethrower against a Heavy. A Heavy with a Medic is a bit harder, but that's also 2 on 1.

On an un-overhealed Heavy, flame once, Axtinguish twice will kill them.

Heavies are also extremely vulnerable to Spies. While Frogg is usually good about Spy checking, I've seen him screw up quite a few times... and certain maps allow you to drop down from above to stab.


Heavies are also very vulnerable to really twitchy Scouts, as well as any Soldier who can actually aim rockets instead of walking into point blank range and firing at his feet.

I will agree that Heavies are overpowered on the offensive side of Payload maps, though.

Heavies are also very vulnerable to really twitchy Scouts, as well as any Soldier who can actually aim rockets instead of walking into point blank range and firing at his feet.

I will agree that Heavies are overpowered on the offensive side of Payload maps, though.

Whoops, I meant to mention Scouts in my last post... guess I forgot to go back and edit the Heavy part before posting.

Heavy raeg

I think you're severely underestimating the disadvantage of being immobile. Ever play heavy when there's a really good sniper on the other team?

(I will concede that Fists of Steel are pretty dumb for escaping with)

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