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To anyone who was on last night, I sincerely apologize for my behavior.:oops:

It was uncalled for and I really should just tell myself "it's just a game, I should really just relax".

All I can do is just try to be better about it in the future.:tomatoface:

On topic, I hope that new medi-gun in the beta gets in the main game. It sounds like something that could be very useful.


There's a lot to chew on in there, though I'm not sure I like the no-crit getting changed to -25% damage on those melee weapons. I've found it hard enough to get Left 4 Heads as-is. The new weapons sound juicy, and I like the Fists of Steel getting nerfed somewhat, because those are kind of ridiculous right now. The Mad Milk change seems like it's tuned more for players who are much better at Scout than I am, since I usually don't get close enough with it to have it deal any huge benefit. And the Backburner tweak actually makes me want to consider using it again. :P


Replaced the no-crit attribute with -25% damage on the following:

- The Powerjack (also added +20% melee vulnerability)

So The Attendant pyros become melee reliant but do -25% melee damage and take 10% more bullet damage which is something they were already incredibly weak against anyways. AND 20% more melee damage. Way to just nail the lid into the coffin.

Oh but they can get a pretty sweet flare gun that makes them take more explosion damage. That's cool, right?

POSITIVE: Backburner and Flaregun changes sound interesting. Maybe with those considered all that other stuff will make more sense.


Didn't the Powerjack have a +20% base to begin with?

Also, as I understand it, all flares, not necessarily the Detonator's, get fullcrits.

I hope the Quick Fix makes it past beta.

I sure hope the Powerjack nerf doesn't.

What role is the Quick-Fix meant to fill?

As strange as it sounds, one of the possible use-cases is to heal a Scout and use the Uber to destroy a sentry gun.

Sadly, that seems to be the main use case, thanks to its speed-up ability.

Although... in theory, that would also apply to a Charging Demoknight...

Most of the changes sound pretty neat, and the new weapons sound kinda cool, but someone at valve really loves demomen.

strange as it may sound coming from me I really do think that the Loch-n-Load needs a buff


Woo, finally got my Demopan. (Trading servers are strange places.) Also got a random Vintage item I didn't have for a few random other items, because hurrdurr Vintage e-peen.

I have to say, after playing for a bit earlier, I really hope that Fists of Steel nerf goes through to the actual game. A Heavy should not be able to take a fully-charged headshot, no matter what he's equipped with.


I'm told that due to how melee attacks are treated ingame, they also count towards the Attendant's bullet vulnerability. This stacks with the Powerjack's new melee vulnerability.

WTF Valve.

(Caber really needs nocrit, Southern Hospitality works either way I guess, Demoknight weapons shouldn't lose attack power for obvious reasons. The Powerjack's all over the place now.)


So I'm not really sure what to think about those new Pyro changes. I was saving up metal to finish out the Attendant set for myself, but now I'm not sure it's worth it. Doesn't look like the increased run speed will be worth the extra incoming damage at this point.

So I'm not really sure what to think about those new Pyro changes. I was saving up metal to finish out the Attendant set for myself, but now I'm not sure it's worth it. Doesn't look like the increased run speed will be worth the extra incoming damage at this point.

Don't forget that all those changes are for the TF2 Beta.


A demo and medic charge targing...that'll look interesting. In theory, a demo could "tow" a medic into the fight faster by charging. Scouts too.

The backburner has always been usable. Just a different play style with it is all it is.

Something tells me that burst flare is gonna get extremely abusable.

How much do you play TF2 though? In larger circles, its widely regarded as a blatant step down in almost every way.

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